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About Blitz

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  1. Blitz

    Recommendations for a good system

    IDQ12D2 v2 check that out, maybe matched with this USAMPS
  2. Blitz

    Speaker wiring

    yep those, but check here Ebay I just installed a set in my girls car, sound very good for the money.
  3. Blitz

    Speaker wiring

    you got it check on ebay for Infinity Kappas, you can find a great price on them and I believe they are much better than the PG's. the tweeters are a little sharp for my tastes but you might like them. Proper amplification and they would sound fine with your SPL 12's.
  4. Blitz

    Speaker wiring

    recommend for what?
  5. Blitz

    Speaker wiring

    the difference between the active and passive is where the drivers are crossed over in the signal path: passive crossovers are located between the amplifier and the speaker, active crossovers divide frequencies before the amplifier. Active setups consist of a good head unit, amplification for each channel (tweeters, midrange/midbass, subwoofer) processor, and individually purchased speakers like the mli-65's. passive setups are component sets, which I think you would be happy with.
  6. Blitz

    Speaker wiring

    ok, so its basically either/or. You would need to run active if you used the mli-65's.
  7. Blitz

    Speaker wiring

    nm I didn't catch the last line. so let me try to understand this: 4 mli-65's 4 tweeters plus a 2 way component set, all run passive, off a 4900ib? I don't think I'm getting this right, please explain in more detail.
  8. Blitz

    Speaker wiring

    I'm curious as to where you are going to find the passive crossovers for those drivers.
  9. Blitz


    I think you meant that you want to run passive. Active systems consist of individually bought drivers, not component sets, and have no crossovers included. Your speakers in an active setup would be crossed over with your head unit, amplifiers, and/or processor.
  10. Blitz

    Trying to replace speakers

    He's saying use 4 guage for power and ground to the amplifier, 12 guage wire from amplifier to speakers.
  11. I've used a stinger dd block in the past and it would turn off about 3-5 minutes after the car was off.
  12. For your subwoofers, you will also need to add 1 channel to what Jim recommended to run active. So 5 channels for 2-way, and 7 for 3-way.
  13. Picked up an ARC 2100XXK never used for 125$ I appreciate the suggestion Jim, thankyou. I probably won't use it on the ultimo due to the 55Hz x 10 crossover which is very convenient, i think it would be a waste to use it just for the low pass.
  14. US Amps Merlin MD1D- $259.00 Rated 400w rms at 4ohms, should be more than enough Also, there is a thread about the seller in the general car audio section.