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Bill Metts

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Everything posted by Bill Metts

  1. Bill Metts

    knukonceptz wires

    I actually tried them just to use something I had not used before. Their stuff is comparable to ED and the customer service is dope... at least in my experience. All of the wiring in my truck is now Knukonceptz stuff. Not to mention they make some really great looking functional stuff, check out the Konfused terminal, I have four of them. They are very limited in terms of color schemes for the most part, but thats only if you care about matching you wire to you underoos. As far a this or that at the same price? For me it would come down to is Kicker CCA or full copper versus the same question for the Knu kits. If all the params are the same then it's just a matter of personal prefference. I would pay more for which ever is fully copper or if both are CCA which one has a biggger actual wire diameter. There was an article in a Car Audio & Electronics recently about wire that was super informative. I'll post the article if any one is interested.
  2. Bill Metts

    what dimensions should i use ?

    It would proly sound good. I tend to stay away from more sqaure chambers due to their tendency to create a standing wave. The chambers after the port would measure something like 20.5x25x25 also make sure that the port does not go closer to the wall than its width i.e. if the port is 6" wide then it needs to have 6" of clearance from the rear wall of the enclosure. This will alow for easier calibration when tuning the box. Hope it helps. Good luck on the build.
  3. Bill Metts

    what dimensions should i use ?

    Yes I have the perfect setup for two 18" BTLs. Internal dimensions are 18 x 30 x 48 port size 6 x 18 x 22. Comes out to 15 cubes before the port. I hit a 147.1 at 42hz with 1500 watts a sub. If you look at my setup in my signature The test was done with 2 of the 4 3000Ds strapped at four ohms. I'm a Bass Racer and tend to baby my equipment. For pics go to myspace.com/demonaudio and look in the Fi-150 v 2 album. Good luck with your build! Oh yeah my port is to one side just move it to the middle.
  4. Bill Metts

    Impossible for a 10 to hit the lows

    Yeah I know I'm really late on this topic, but it is interesting. Not to be a buzz kill, but the audio guy originally mentioned was partially right although he probably doesn't know it or why. No sub, no matter what size or make (not even the rotary sub) can porduce audible tones below 20hz. Now, I love feeling and seeing a sub hit the low lows but for the most part' that is all it is; seeing it and not hearing it. I know, I know everyone knows a guy or saw a guy hit like 160db on termlab at 20hz but you did not "hear" the tone. What you actually "heard" would have been a combination the vehicle shaking and the voicecoil sliding along the former. Not to mention that the sensor used with termpro does not register acoustic energy (actual sound waves), it registers turbulance or pressure created by acoustic energy. The best analog for this would be a tsunami. You may not feel the event (the earthquake or landslide) that created the wave, but the wave can still be registered. I will agree that most shops employ dregs that have no idea what a quality product is or why it is better than another. Nowadays with all of the subsonic filters to keep 10hz and below tones out of the reach of the masses, who will push a speaker to its' wattage limits in order to see the excursion of a sub bass tone while heating the voil coils to melting point and eventually killing the sub, it is difficult at best get accurate tonal reproductions below 20hz not due to the subs but due to the audio processors built into most of the other equipment. With that said let the hate mail begin... be gentle.
  5. Bill Metts

    Customer Service at Sundown

    Hey I have to throw Jacob Fuller a huge thankyou for helping to save my arse at SBN. One of the 3000s i have had a leak in the operating smoke pod (and as we all know if the the smoke is allowed to escape from the amp it stops working... if you don't know, that smoke needs to stay on the inside, once it escapes yor amp will no longer work properly) and Jacob found a way to get me another one. This thread is really bringing to light all of those behind the scenes... not just Jacob or the owners but anyone who has gone out of their way to make their customers' experience a good one. Thanx to all those behind the scenes. If you have had an experience THAT IS POSITIVE please share... hey everyone deserves a pat on the back.