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Bill Metts

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Everything posted by Bill Metts

  1. Bill Metts


    If cheesemind replies the debate is over. I will not reply this is a waste of what could have been a good debate. I use logic and common sense, and if you are on a forum posting you are tooting your own horn. That would be the point of a forum.
  2. Bill Metts


    And if you think sooooooo clearly and orinally why are you using my catch phrases... awwww you left, did I make you think and hurt that big old brain of yours?
  3. Bill Metts


    You're wrong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendm...es_Constitution The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the pre-existing individual right to possess and carry weapons (i.e., "keep and bear arms") in case of confrontation.[1] Codification of the right to keep and bear arms into the Bill of Rights was influenced by a fear that the federal government would disarm the people in order to impose rule through a standing army or select militia,[2] since history had shown taking away the people's arms and making it an offense for people to keep them was the way tyrants eliminated resistance to suppression of political opponents.[3] In District of Columbia v. Heller (June 26, 2008), the Supreme Court ruled that self-defense is a central component of the right.[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. ___ (2008) is a legal case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual's right to possess a firearm for private use. It was the first Supreme Court case in United States history to directly address whether the right to keep and bear arms is a right of individuals or a collective right that applies only to state-regulated militias. On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Parker v. District of Columbia, 478 F.3d 370 (D.C. Cir. 2007).[1] The Court of Appeals had struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 as unconstitutional, and determined that handguns are "Arms" that may not be banned by the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.), also striking down the portion of the law that requires all firearms including rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock." No, I am not and you must be below 90 IQ points. I actually studied the constitution with REAL PHD holding professors of LAW and all of them had actually practiced law. 4 out of 6 of them agree with me, the 2 that did not said that I was the first person to actually make them consider changing their views on the subject and still use my model to help their students to this day. The court cases you site do not address the portion of my arguement that deals with the CONTEXT of the amendment in the time with which it was written. During the American Revolution, MOST men considered it their duty to serve. Only the very wealthy could even afford to own a firearm because of a lack of mass production. So only people of wealth or those who served in a state militia are those who would ever even touch a firearm. The "right to self defense" that the Heller case uses comes from a prepostorous notion that most are going to be the victim of a home invasion. That is why it does not cover a conceal and carry element, which in most states you need a LICENSE to perform legally. READ the case law before you go citing "facts" that is called research. Although the men that came together to write the Constitution were forward thinkers and some of the most intelligent of their day, even they could never have forseen the day when a home invasion crime would have been viewed as a common happening, even though it is not actually very common at all even today. Also since MOST men served in a state militia as volunteers they were not about to try to over run that state by means of force or martial law because it would jeopardize that which they about to fight for... a new FORM of government not just a new nation. Hence the CONTEXT portion of my arguement. In no court case you can sight will you find an opinion handed down by a ruling magistrate or body of magistrates that addresses the CONTEXT in which the law WAS written. You will only find opinions that address a modern interpretation of the literal writing. A magistrate is better known as a judge. The magistrate hands down rulings that are also referred to as opinions. The law that was drafted as in response to this ruling is a terrible piece of legislation that states the person must feel as if their life is in imminent and immediate danger (added to circumvent the ruling overturning the unloaded disassembled portion that was struck down) to even have the weapon in a functioning capacity. That you even cite the ruling or the law is laughable. Wikipedia to back your arguement is even more preposterous. I also own many weapons including handguns and rifles (two of which I doubt you will ever even see in person) so I can appreciate the percieved "right to bear arms" style of logic. However I am trained (I have spent literally years of my life firing weapons of every type) and hold a license. To issue a firearm to someone without such training is an egregious oversite and misinterpretation of the amendment. Nowhere in the second amendment does it even imply to the "right" of self defense. Try again. So you're saying the Supreme Court is wrong? Because they say the right isn't just involving militias, and includes the right to self defense. You say wikipedia is laughable, but anyone can verify the case outside of wikipedia to find it accurate. To me, you saying 4 out of 6 professors agree with you on this topic, is laughable. Did you just recently go back to your professors to ask them? Or are you full of chit? BTW, your professors might hold PHD's but they're not on the supreme court. Nor the Circuit Court of Appeals who also agreed that the 2nd amendment didn't just include trained personnel. I think you just want to toot your own horn. Because you're trained at using the weapon, only people of your elect should be able to own them. HAH. Don't hate all gun owners because alot of people are ignorant. Some of us merely own them to defend against home invasions. I would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. I was waiting for this. This is where you say there is no conspiracy theory and that I am a conspiracy theorist. As soon as someone pokes holes in your supposed logic you go crying that your view is not some conspiracy theory but all others are. Yes, I am telling you that the Supreme court does make incorrect rulings and bills that violate the Constitution are passed then repealed. That is the beauty of the Constitution. That mistakes can happen and be corrected BY THE PEOPLE is central to it's design; you know, checks and balances. There are still laws on the books that make it illegal to curse in public places (Michigan had one until recently) that clearly violates the freedom of speech because unless you curse at someone then it is not covered in the "fighting words" style of logic that has been handed down and now used. Due process violations were common practice until some of the later amendments. There are way to many examples to list. Yes, I do think that you need to training on any type of weapon should you choose to own one. I also think that those classes should be included in the price and purchase of the weapon. I do not hate gun owners, not even the ignorant ones, yourself excluded of course you could not ever be percieved as ignorant(sarcasm... you probably see it ). I just feel bad because they would rather own handguns than some type of education. Check and mate.
  4. Bill Metts


    This brief you speak also does not have a LISCENSURE clause. Which is why Obama did not sign it. It is also not relevant and arbitrary.
  5. Bill Metts


    You're wrong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendm...es_Constitution The Second Amendment (Amendment II) to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that protects the pre-existing individual right to possess and carry weapons (i.e., "keep and bear arms") in case of confrontation.[1] Codification of the right to keep and bear arms into the Bill of Rights was influenced by a fear that the federal government would disarm the people in order to impose rule through a standing army or select militia,[2] since history had shown taking away the people's arms and making it an offense for people to keep them was the way tyrants eliminated resistance to suppression of political opponents.[3] In District of Columbia v. Heller (June 26, 2008), the Supreme Court ruled that self-defense is a central component of the right.[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. ___ (2008) is a legal case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual's right to possess a firearm for private use. It was the first Supreme Court case in United States history to directly address whether the right to keep and bear arms is a right of individuals or a collective right that applies only to state-regulated militias. On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Parker v. District of Columbia, 478 F.3d 370 (D.C. Cir. 2007).[1] The Court of Appeals had struck down provisions of the Firearms Control Regulations Act of 1975 as unconstitutional, and determined that handguns are "Arms" that may not be banned by the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.), also striking down the portion of the law that requires all firearms including rifles and shotguns be kept "unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock." No, I am not and you must be below 90 IQ points. I actually studied the constitution with REAL PHD holding professors of LAW and all of them had actually practiced law. 4 out of 6 of them agree with me, the 2 that did not said that I was the first person to actually make them consider changing their views on the subject and still use my model to help their students to this day. The court cases you site do not address the portion of my arguement that deals with the CONTEXT of the amendment in the time with which it was written. During the American Revolution, MOST men considered it their duty to serve. Only the very wealthy could even afford to own a firearm because of a lack of mass production. So only people of wealth or those who served in a state militia are those who would ever even touch a firearm. The "right to self defense" that the Heller case uses comes from a prepostorous notion that most are going to be the victim of a home invasion. That is why it does not cover a conceal and carry element, which in most states you need a LICENSE to perform legally. READ the case law before you go citing "facts" that is called research. Although the men that came together to write the Constitution were forward thinkers and some of the most intelligent of their day, even they could never have forseen the day when a home invasion crime would have been viewed as a common happening, even though it is not actually very common at all even today. Also since MOST men served in a state militia as volunteers they were not about to try to over run that state by means of force or martial law because it would jeopardize that which they about to fight for... a new FORM of government not just a new nation. Hence the CONTEXT portion of my arguement. In no court case you can sight will you find an opinion handed down by a ruling magistrate or body of magistrates that addresses the CONTEXT in which the law WAS written. You will only find opinions that address a modern interpretation of the literal writing. A magistrate is better known as a judge. The magistrate hands down rulings that are also referred to as opinions. The law that was drafted as in response to this ruling is a terrible piece of legislation that states the person must feel as if their life is in imminent and immediate danger (added to circumvent the ruling overturning the unloaded disassembled portion that was struck down) to even have the weapon in a functioning capacity. That you even cite the ruling or the law is laughable. Wikipedia to back your arguement is even more preposterous. I also own many weapons including handguns and rifles (two of which I doubt you will ever even see in person) so I can appreciate the percieved "right to bear arms" style of logic. However I am trained (I have spent literally years of my life firing weapons of every type) and hold a license. To issue a firearm to someone without such training is an egregious oversite and misinterpretation of the amendment. Nowhere in the second amendment does it even imply to the "right" of self defense. Try again.
  6. Bill Metts


    End diatribe.
  7. Bill Metts


    I have only been reading this topic for about 10 minutes or so, but if you are looking at gun policies for any reason need to actually read the second amendment and take it into the context in which it was wrtten. Number one, it is the only amendment that actually limits the right of the people an not the government. The only other amendment that took that kind of approach was reappealed after 13 years of activity, that was prohibition. It does NOT give everyone the right to own a firearm, it only gives those who have a reason or the proper training a right to own a firearm; i.e. the freestanding militia that has evolved into today's military, police, LICENSED firearms carriers etc... Number two it has been grossly manipulated and distorted over the years so that all any one remembers about it is the "The right of the people to keep and bear arms part." Everyone forgets the part that states " A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state". Making it unconstitional to have a regular army of people who do not volunteer. Which is why an involuntary mandatory service obligation in the military can not take place in this country with out the congress passing a current draft bill. And yes I would know something about the subject I have a Bachelor's Degree emphasizing in Constitutional Interpretation. I did want to go to law school AND was actually accepted to Vanderbilt University but I am also lazy and want to fly helicopters for Task Force 160th.
  8. Bill Metts


    Jacob, thank you so much for all of the support and finally here it is... the F150 is done mostly. Most of these photos are on my build log posted on the SSA forum. Here is the finished (mostly) product. A few more tweaks are coming a Kenwood head unit, leather interior, some fiber glass work (probably going to put some E8s in for mid-bass), wheels and new paint. Oh did I mention that it's a sleeper?
  9. Bill Metts

    Sundown Shallow Mid Prototype

    Well you know Jacob, I already want some and you know that I will pony up the cash as soon as they are in production. I will probably want 6 and maybe 8 of the mids and if when the tweets are done I will get at least 4 and maybe 6 of those as well. Just keep the updates coming man.
  10. Bill Metts


    Okay folks, no power testing for now... but soon... hopefully. Here is the raw SPL data though. This series of tests was done on Ray Farmer's meter and the ambient air temperature was 62 F., the EQ is adjusted to flat from 800hz down unless otherwise specified. The head unit goes to click 50 and I usually compete at click 25 to make sure I get the cleanest sound possible for the voltage out of the head unit. Volume levels are indicated at the beginning of each section. Gains and bass boost are set to minimum settings. The head unit's EQ is set to flat, volume adjust is +12 and the sub level is 0. I also have a chart, that I took some queues from Steve Meade to build, to help visualize the curve for the results in the various sections which I will include in this post. The chart is a scan if anyone likes the chart let me know and I will forward it to you. Overall 20-80 hz SPL [Click 18] 20hz---110.0 25hz---117.2 30hz---129.2 35hz---134.3 40hz---136.6 45hz---137.9 50hz---138.9 55hz---139.2 60hz---139.0 65hz---137.8 70hz---134.8 75hz---130.0 80hz---126.2 Music Average (Song/Artist followed by Click #) Sittin on Candy/db Jams Volume 11 18 = 129.9 20 = 133.0 Trap or Die/Young Jeezy 18 = 129.4 20 = 133.4 22 = 135.4 Go Getta Remix/Young Jeezy feat. R. Kelly and Bun B. 18 = 128.0 20 = 131.8 Aye BayBay Remix/Hurricane Chris feat. The Game, Lil Boosie, E-40, Jadakiss and others 18 = 132.1 20 = 135.9 22 = 137.8 Comedown/Bush 18* 127.1 18** 135.0 EQ Setting: Street Beat/Bass Race+ [Click 22] Aye BayBay 145.4 Music Peak EQ Setting: Street Beat/Bass Race+ [Click 18] Aye BayBay 142.7 SPL (Burp) Peak: In testing order EQ Setting: Street Beat/Bace Race+ [Click 15] 54hz--- 143.5 55hz--- 143.1 52hz--- 143.7 49hz--- 144.3 47hz--- 144.3 48hz--- 144.3 46hz--- 144.3 50hz--- 144.3 * = Epicenter at roughly 1/3 full assist ** = Epicenter at roughly 1/2 full assist + = EQ set at +6 for every frequency 800hz-25hz Here is the chart
  11. Bill Metts


    I will be on the East Coast until the March-April time frame. Let me know and I am there.
  12. Bill Metts


    As far as my particular setup I will probably use Comedown by Bush for my Bassrace song. While at Finals I had an opportunity to show off the Epicenter to some of the guys that used their daily drivers as burp cars. All of them now say they need an Epicenter because any, and I mean any, song can WANG. Alot of people think that the DQXS can't really keep up in a three way setup, but it's not what you use but how you use it. It is so veristile it isn't funny and the guys down at Audiocontrol will literally walk you through the particulars of setting it up. Before this, I had never really used a parametric EQ. Just imagine having 8 outputs (4 pairs) and having a fully adjustable graphic AND parametic per output... I am not exaggerating, a total of 192 bands. Twelve clicks both up and down (a total of 24). The parametic is variable from 1/2 to 1/12. As far as SQ is concerned the only slight disadvantage for the DQXS is its lack of time alignment, but you can make up for that with the right head unit. The DDC makes it really user friendly. Since you can store up to 8 presets I first setup what sounded (because I don't have a spectrum analizer... YET) like an optimal all around curve (it took about 2 hours) and then stepped up and stepped down the bass curve according the different modes I use; ie flat for the Epicenter, + 3 for daily, + 6 for street beat and - 3 and -6 for dvd. If you have any questions lemme know.
  13. Bill Metts


    You really can't beat it for the price. I think it's CCA and not pure copper I am going to do some power and heat tests to see where it really stands as compared to some of the other cable brands.
  14. Bill Metts


    To me it sounds amazing. The DQXS takes it to another level. At Finals alot of people were amazed that it sounded like it did. I think it lacks a little in the mid-bass range but alot of people say it just needs a little tweaking. I will make sure that I get out to some comps in the Carolinas this season so you can hear it bro. Thanks again for everythin man.
  15. Bill Metts


    I have not actually had the time as of yet. Most of the build has been in since mid September, the subs have only been in about an hour at the time of this post. I will probably meter it tomorrow. I am going to take one of Steve Meade's ideas... I am going to get a peak test tone, but I am also going to get a music peak, a music average and a five hertz incriment peak (20-80hz). I put together a score sheet which I will up load along with voltage and amperage readings. This probably was way longer than the response you wanted, but I am over the top excited about the build finally coming together.
  16. Bill Metts

    F-150 Evolution

    This is a compilation of the evolution of designs I put my poor truck through including the latest incarnation of my 04 F-150 extended cab. Basically it is three build logs sandwiched into one. The first one was just an asinine monstrosity. 25 cubes, took out the back seat it was awful, in fact the only decent thing about the enclosure is the drop in port design. The second was my first attempt at a cut through design. I actually got the major points right on the first try. The cut through came out well, as did the box and it did not leak. The amp racks were awful and I ended up blowing two 3000Ds because the amps were mounted directly to the enclosure, but that is what experience will teach you. The last evolution is the current and hopefully final build. This is my first foray into using resin to coat the inside of the box, or with fiberglass at all for that matter so I know its kind of sloppy, but the end product came out rather nicely. This takes care of the majority of the build save a few tweaks like new paint due to hail damage, a leather conversion, wheels and tires, a new head unit and replacing the BTLs with Nightshades (UPS actually broke the six spoke basket on one of the Nightshades the only thing holding it together was the glue Jacob used to bind the surround... that speaks to the level quality Jacob holds himself to but that also takes a level of carelessness that is usually seen in those citizens with less than 80 IQ points... If you are reading this and you handled my subs on the way to MD you friggin suck ass... but anyway). Feedback and pointers are welcome.
  17. Bill Metts

    F-150 Evolution

    I personally think that the mids and highs I have are the best bang for your buck. They cost me $150 total, they are crystal clear and scream. Don't get me wrong I really lack in the mid bass area, but anything I want to play sounds pretty good... bagpipes, jazz, rock, classical... movies sound better than any home theater. The Golden Ratio is a set of plug ins for HxWxD. It is based on the ratios that the human body forms with, ie if you take your fingers the bone up to the first joint is approx. .6 of the second joint and the third joint is 1.6 of the second joint. Your arms and legs form in a similar fashoin for the most part. Oddly enough I did an experiment in high school (a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away) before I knew it could be applied in an acoustic apllication that showed it applies to leaves, tree limbs, even the legs and bodies of bugs. They are .6 to 1.0 to 1.6... in most of the enclosure design literature I read it was said to be the most efficient way to design a cubicle enclosure... to help prevent standing waves, help with port velocity that kind of stuff. It is kind of impractical for vehicle use, but use it for yourself if you can and you be the judge. Hope that wasn't too wordy.
  18. Bill Metts

    F-150 Evolution

    The first box was 25 cubes tuned to 51 hz port out and 30 hz port in. The second box was a proto for the last box, it was 15 cubes tuned to 35 hz. The newest box is exactly 15 cubes before displacement... built on the Golden Ratio down to the millimeter after glassing. The tune is 30 hz.
  19. Bill Metts

    F-150 Evolution

    I know it's hard to tell, but believe me it is there... in spades. No air or water leaks. If it wasn't, the way the back of the cab is stamped, it would be very apparent. The cab tapers in about 2" at a very severe angle. I am trying to build a piece to go behind the seat to clean up the look though.
  20. Bill Metts

    From: F-150 Evolution

    Awful thats what that is... just awful.
  21. Bill Metts

    F-150 Evolution

    Yeah... I reapplied deadener to those areas later without the plastic. Like I said, it was a really shady build in the begining. Not that it is superb now, but it is definitely an improvement.
  22. Bill Metts

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Blow Me Away - Breaking Benjamin Iron Man - Ozzy Ozbourne Helikopter - Plastikman Konfusion - Blade Sountrack It's Like That - Jason Nevins vs Run DMC Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 4000 Double Live (Entire Album) - Garth Brooks Stranded on Death Row - Dr. Dre Richard Cheese - All 6 Albums Make The Music 2000 (Entire Album) - Rahzel Guns and Roses - Jay-Z ft Lenny Kravitz Black Velveteen - Lenny Kravitz Cannon in D Minor - Pachabel - London Symphony Orchestra Promontory - Last of The Mohicans Sound Track Scotland The Brave - The Gordon Highlanders The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and The Crazy - Supercat, Junior Cat, Nicodemus and Junior Demus Deportees (Things Changes) - Buju Banton After Hours - Dizzy Gilespie No Woman No Cry (Live) - Bob Marley Closing Time - Semisonic The Space Between - Dave Mathews Band Any Movie in 5.1 ...and yes I really do own, listen to and use all of these selections. Try them if you think I do not speak the truth when it comes to SQ.
  23. Bill Metts

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Trap or Die - Young Jeezy ft. Bun B Gimme That - Paul Wall 30 Rocks - Eight Ball & MJG (The three hittinest songs ever, PERIOD.) Blow me away - Breaking Benjamin Iron Man - Ozzy Ozbourne ( These allow me to show off the Epicenter.)
  24. Bill Metts

    knukonceptz wires

    Amen to that brother... or sister... uh sibling, yeah sibling is unisex. Amen to that sibling
  25. Bill Metts

    knukonceptz wires

    yeeeah so i'm really new to this deal and can not get the scanned pages to post. can someone take the time to walk me through the steps of attaching a photo to a post. Yeah I'm at least half retarded. Just keep the newbie insults to above the belt.