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Bill Metts

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Everything posted by Bill Metts

  1. Bill Metts

    Sundown Reviews [Send them In!]

    Sundown Audio is pimpin' pimpin'. I use two 100.4s for my mids and highs and 2 3000Ds for my 2 18" Nightshades. Anytime I have a problem or perceived problem I give Jacob a call and I get it handled. Customer service on that level is given to the Team guys and the non-teamers alike which is almost non-existent in an age of emails, voicemails, generic replies and tech support services. As long as Jacob is in business I will never even think of switching to another brand and as soon as component sets are on the product list I will be buying those as well. My loyalty started at SBN 08, when Jacob personally saw to my needs when he did not have to. It's a long funny story that involves my oversights and Jacob's hard work. Thank you again to the entire Sundown Audio partnership. Sundown Audio forever.
  2. Bill Metts

    Dails Tuning

    That's a terrible description of what you want. Daily -- could you be more subjective? What do you think an SQ head runs "daily". Ground Pounder -- are you trying to be a social menace? heard 35hz is better -- for what? better again is subjective. If you frickin' want output just say so and describe what the hell you listen to. All the responses so far really aren't answers to your question. 32Hz tuning isn't exactly optimized for output, lol. I thought his name was Hostility.
  3. Bill Metts

    Dails Tuning

    Yo, did not mean to give the comment a negative or what ever i was trying to read it all. My bad pimpin.
  4. Bill Metts

    Dails Tuning

    Personally I go with 30 hz (and I gets a lot of people that hate my setup because I dont use a huge port for practical purposes). you won't actually hear anything below that in a vehicle it will just be felt. With bigger speaks (15s and up) you will get big numbers do to surface area alone if your enclosure is decent at all. Now if you want 50s and up on the reg I would say use a drop in port system tuned lowlow for daily then at the resonant freq of the vehicle for comp. Good luck pimpin.
  5. Bill Metts

    The F-150 Redux

    here are a couple of shots with the wiring 95% cleaned up. I know it's not ideal and super awesome but it gets the job done.
  6. Bill Metts

    The F-150 Redux

    This is the latest (and hopefully last) redux of my F-150. The equipment going in this time from front to back are a Pioneer AVH-P4000 DVD, Audiocontrol Epicenter, DQXS and Matrixes (x2), 10 Oxygen Audio Component Speakers (Air 83 set with a 6.5 midrange replacing the 8" woofer in the front doors and just a tweet and the 6.5 midrange for the rear), 2 Sundown Audio 100.4s driving the Mids and Highs, 2 Sundown Audio Nightshade 18s and 2 Sundown Audio 3000Ds breathing life into the subs. 1 Iraggi 300 amp alternator, Powermaster batts (1 2700 and 2 3100s) all Knukonceptz wiring. I will apologize for the lack of pictures my camera was lost and it contained about 2/3 of my build log, but enough of the B.S. Front door test fit Front door 95% done. DONE!!! Lets move on to the rear doors. This took me all of 10 min. from start to finish. Next is the enclosure from concept to finish. I used a Kreg Jig on this one and it came out nicely. It is very solid. I used 3/4" birch for the baffle and 1/2" FRP for the rest of the enclosure. FRP is friggin awesome in my opinion. It has better uniform quality than just fiberglassing over birch on ones' own and costs about the same and in my case it was free:) All I had to do was sand it a little to rough it up and then use one coat of resin and cloth. After that I let it cure for about 2 days and then coated it with Herculiner so that it matched the bed of my truck and then let that cure for a day. In between the fiberglass and Herculiner I used 5/8" all-thread and create-a-bolt kits for bracing. The enclosure is bolted to the frame in four places. Two utilizing the all-thread create-a-bolt tactic and the other 2 with the bed bolts.
  7. Bill Metts

    The F-150 Redux

    No, but if there is an SQ type category I'm there. You will have to fill me in. Pm me and we will sort it out. A new venue sounds cool.
  8. Bill Metts

    The F-150 Redux

    Thanks for the props! No I actually did'em myself. Used some PVC I had layn around and flared them using my Ryobi rotary tool.
  9. Bill Metts

    The F-150 Redux

    Annnd this is my processing and distribution deck all finished up... mostly. The wiring is a little hectic right now b/c I thought i was going to the Big OKie today, but alas it was not to be. I will clean up a few things and get it ready for some comps. This is the deck just before intsall. The driver and passneger side views. And seats down.
  10. Bill Metts

    The F-150 Redux

    I totally agree... Note to self; if you want something to remain flat black, no clearcoat!!!
  11. Bill Metts

    The F-150 Redux

    I'm right outside the Boro (Murfreesboro) in Rockvale.
  12. Bill Metts

    The F-150 Redux

    This is a little side project I'm trying to perfect. I molded some 9" dust caps b/c I thought that the 5" ones that come standard on the Nightshades, although nice in their own right, were a little puny. I have not gotten the process perfect yet but it will happen it will just take some patience on my part. This is the underseat deck which will be done tomorrow and the build will be complete. It will be the platform for the processing and power distribution for the 100.4s. I am trying to get the money together to send the Epicenter and Matrixes back to Audiocontrol for screen printing but i will post more pics of the totally finished build tomorrow.
  13. Bill Metts

    Congrats Jake!

    154.1. Nice indeedy.
  14. Bill Metts

    Wonder what this is ?

    All I have to say is this. If it will be able to handle 3.5k I want 2 D1 18"s S.T.A.T.
  15. Bill Metts

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    All those in favor say aye!
  16. Bill Metts

    If we made an SAZ-4500D...

    You know Ray and myself would get at least one a piece. So I vote yes on Passing the 4500D bill.
  17. Bill Metts

    I'm done with Sundown..

    Whatever, this guy, girl, kid, retard, idiot; what have you, is just posting on the forum to try and stir up people. I have not heard anyone in person say that Sundown Audio's CS is anything other than stellar! This person is full of bunk and he needs to take that trash talk somewhere else.
  18. Bill Metts


    Hey guys and gals, whose headed down to SBN. If you're competing, what class and whatcha runnin? If you're just headed down for the festivities what are you looking forward to the most? the chix are a given soooo... I will be competing in Bass Race 139.9 Class and I will be running 2 18's (check the sig for the low down). Good luck to all!
  19. Bill Metts


    That's right sucka and don't you forget it... $700 worth of brakes are going into this season. That means you better come home with more than 2nd at Nationals... lol You know I love ya!
  20. Bill Metts

    SPL S3 Vs. Nightshade

    Ray, how come you never told me you got those Critical Mass UL 12s?... wait a minute. That stuff about the ProBox grilles is funny my stomach muscles hurt. If you guys actually do go at it on the mic or street beat... Kick his ass Sea Bass!!!
  21. Bill Metts

    Song for bass race?

    Well, the songs that I have personally found to work best for Bass Race are usually over looked. You need to search for the proper points to start the songs but all of these songs have worked for me in the 139 class; with or without my Epicenter. I also have a song for use with the Epicenter that is geared for a lower, more "impressive" display of enclosure tonal configuration. Young Jeezy-Trap or Die, 40-45hz/Paul Wall- Gimme That, 45-50hz/Young Jeezy-Go Getta Remix, 35-40hz/Hurricane Chris-Aye Bay Bay Remix, 55-60hz. All of these songs have "breaks' in the tone but as I said any "break" shorter than a full second should not effect your score since it is on a second by second average with the score updating in the lane every 3-4 seconds. On a side bar if you use the Audiocontrol Epicenter and you enclosure is tuned for response below 30hz try using Bush-Comedown with epicenter one third to half way of full engagement. For me at least it's kinda cool. Again, good luck.
  22. Bill Metts

    Song for bass race?

    On the original the "bass" lasts for 24 seconds, but on the REMIX (the song that was suggested) if you start at the given point, the "bass" does not break for over a minute. The way the average works with Bass Race sine wave type notes are not neccesary... as long as the break is for less than a second and the frequency is fairly homogenous it will not effect your score. I heard this song. but I think that down hard just under 30 seconds, and the last 3-4 seconds is not a bass continuous and the result is lost The Aye Bay Bay Remix is the song I use for Bass Race. I do not lose any results and hit 139s all day. You are either using the incorrect song or are not starting at the correct point in the track. If the start point is before the 2:31 mark then yes, the measurable note lasts for 24 seconds. However, if the start point is the 2:32 mark then the measurable note is actually over a minute length and it allows for spiking the meter, which in turn allows for a better hole shot. The note is also around the 54-57 hz point which is where you claim the resonant frequency of your vehicle is. I really did not understand the last mesage due to incorrect syntax so this is the only response that made sense. I hope you find the song you are looking for and get better results.
  23. Bill Metts

    Song for bass race?

    On the original the "bass" lasts for 24 seconds, but on the REMIX (the song that was suggested) if you start at the given point, the "bass" does not break for over a minute. The way the average works with Bass Race sine wave type notes are not neccesary... as long as the break is for less than a second and the frequency is fairly homogenous it will not effect your score.
  24. Bill Metts

    Song for bass race?

    Aye BayBay remix. start from 2:32 full 1:15 of beat with no breaks. gotta 147.1 on accident. nearly chit my pants b/c I was in the vehicle and was only trying for a good hole shot in the 139 class. Do not usually crank the vehicle like that... tryn to preserve some hearing lol My vehciles FB is 56 HZ
  25. Bill Metts

    What does your username stand for/mean?

    I used Fi BTLs for about 18 months (due to the customer service of Jacob at SBN I will be Sundown until he goes out of business... I hope he doth not). I also have an F-150. Do the Hokie Pokie and turn yourself around...