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About pKelly

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  1. pKelly

    E8 Intro Sale

    You've got PM, Jacob
  2. pKelly

    E8 Pre-Order / Intro Sale

    How much volume will each subwoofer displace? Gracias!
  3. pKelly

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Broken chit sucks; it manages to fuck up several facets of one's life all at once.
  4. pKelly

    2-ways and 3-ways in same vehicle.

    Have you ever seen stock car speakers facing outwards from under the seat? Although stock speakers in cars are no engineering marvels, they aren't engineering failures. Or, think about it this way: If you were at a concert, you wouldn't have your back to the stage, correct? Thats what your doing by putting speakers (not subwoofers) behind you. If you have a proper front stage (the speakers in the front of your car), ie. a component set (a midbass speaker, usually ranging in size from 5.25" to 6.5", in normal applications, and a tweeter, both of which use a passive crossover that is provided with the component set), that is powered by an amplifier, with, at a minimum, your door sound-deadened, your front stage will be plenty loud enough to keep up with most any subwoofer application. Rear fill (the speakers in the backseat of your vehicle) are usually unnecessary, but alot of people like to throw them back there anyways.
  5. pKelly

    2-ways and 3-ways in same vehicle.

    I agree, really bad. Particularily bad if you're going to have them underneath the rear seat; that will destroy your imagining and sound awful. If you want more speakers, I'd just replace your rear speakers with the same model (they are probably a different size) speakers that are in your front doors.
  6. pKelly

    Pics of new Mag and BM

    Ooooh la la la! Very nice!