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Everything posted by Nikuk

  1. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

  2. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    higher education :yummy:
  3. Nikuk

    First Looks: RL-s12 & RL-s15 LMT's

    yea.... forget the boots then.
  4. Nikuk

    CDT centerstage

    yea... cause any company would rather do that. go ahead pucker, name me one. Sheilded twisted pair Patch cables arent necessary either....
  5. Nikuk

    CDT centerstage

    oh, i agree that alot of stuff is not needed. I'm not a big fan of them, but in having guy's like Don around (it's similar with Shane and Orion) the stuff is decent for the prices that we pay. But, saying that Is like saying that You don't need an 18" driver and 12kw to win dBDrag when You could use a 10" driver and put up high 170's. NO chit. Munson did it. But is the average noob automatically assumed to have that much knowledge? I think not. CDT is a good starting point based on performance for the prices that we pay. Just like ALL companies, they put out chit that isn't needed. The problem, IMO, is that no one educates the noobs regarding the usefullness. I'm bored now.... [/soapbox]
  6. Nikuk

    CDT centerstage

    that was SUCH A NOOBish BANDWAGONish response... tsk tsk
  7. Nikuk

    First Looks: RL-s12 & RL-s15 LMT's

    eh, no boots IMO. show off the structure. I never liked boots though.
  8. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    TOP & Good Morning
  9. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    annnnnd I'm out. for a bit.
  10. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    which, is obvious, but I thought that I could live with it.
  11. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    dedicated mids & comp set >>>>>>>>>>> $18 speakers.
  12. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and HOLY chit do i miss my 3 way setup & amp
  13. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    last week i ripped everything out but the HU. threw in some $18 door speakers.
  14. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that means that i;ll have to reinstall my equipment in the trailblazer
  15. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    was happy to see an email from Mike today
  16. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    annnd caught up.
  17. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hope You get mail soonn.....
  18. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    glad that chit comes in handy
  19. Nikuk

    First Looks: RL-s12 & RL-s15 LMT's

    I'm very excited that this has become reality - not that I doubted mike I can't wait to get hands on with this woofer / tech. I've had The Adire XBL, The Orion Dual Gap, and the JL technology at one time or another over the past couple of years. I can't wait to compare this. oh, and it look's pretty good Mike. I'd been thinking about the power question for a while as well, I've decided on Two strapped smaller amps. Two 1200@1ohm mono s strapped to a 3.5 load. Or something similar. About the most efficient way I could think of for 1500ish @ 3.5dcr. Not accounting a few old AB two channels. -Nick
  20. i'll have to look mine up tonight for You, I avg 30ish processes as well. the thing is, from what I've read, no matter what You do, XP handicap's Your ram usage.
  21. Nikuk

    In Motion: RL-s 15" LMT

    nice -Nick
  22. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol, good ole statistics. well, i opted for the 4-6 day delivery over the 3-5 week one... so i was hoping that he;d have them this week. obviously not, and Canada post doesnt work weekends, so I'm guessing mid-next week...?
  23. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Canada Post delivers ~2.3 million packages per dayPopulation of Canada = 32,805,041 Totally random odds of receiving your package today = 1 in 14.3 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> nice work
  24. Nikuk

    Free VIN check

    :werd: good point