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Everything posted by Nikuk

  1. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hee hee, see the short rucous it started at CA.com ROFL
  2. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    awesome news on the hook-up! Sorry bud, I didnt realize that they walked You out the same day..
  3. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think that I got my point across. LOL.
  4. Nikuk

    Linear Motor Technology - A Reference

    *whistles innocently*
  5. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    tee hee... *snap*
  6. Nikuk

    Great Site for XP users

    Nice... I'll be hitting that Up tonight. Thanks
  7. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

  8. Nikuk

    Linear Motor Technology - A Reference

    I'm confused... are you talking about trying to increase power from the amplifers per stroke or per frequency? Voltage increse per frequency happens normally... I dont think that You could vary the power quickly enough to effect the motor per coil stroke...? But I could be
  9. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ahhh, gotcha. cool, odd, but cool. -Nick
  10. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Garth Brooks... amongst many others. Thanks though!
  11. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    finally ordeer by drag membership for the year.
  12. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Denim - why is Your type always in bold? just curious.
  13. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

  14. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

  15. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    holy chit... i assume they let Justin go immediatly? or he's trolling monster.com.... or something?
  16. Nikuk

    Ported Ecnlosures & You

    Yes it is... in theory. I've never seen anyone try it realistically. I'd love to If I could think of a decent way to implement it... But that would bring on all new issues of linearity, tuning, backwave control & cone control...
  17. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    good luck scott
  18. Nikuk

    Shane is an oldie

    yea... but still sexah. in his own awkward way...
  19. Nikuk

    Ported Ecnlosures & You

    fiberglass, turtle wax, duct tape, 45* boards, cust & glassed cardboard tubes... these have all made differences for me in the past. Some more then others, but as always - it varied by box & car.
  20. Nikuk

    Ported Ecnlosures & You

    What You're describing isnt standing wave, but I cant recall wht the ef it is... Vortex...? chit. Anyhow, You are right on with the problem though. More bends OR surface area are bad. But when you're talking about a vortex (?), this is where the famous 45* corner boards come into play. Standing wave is when the internal wall layout causes waves to cancel eachother out in direct fashion. -or- the perfectly cubic box (12x12x12)... a single wave will reflect and destroy itself. iirc. You absolutly struck the nail on the head though.... The key is to try to get the box as efficient as possible. Though... I'm still newbish.
  21. Nikuk

    '02 Trailblazer

    Tell you the truth, i was worried about that as well, hell - i'm still worried about as I havent fired them up yet. LoL. In my experiance with these amps, they wont get hot until they run at or close to full tilt into < 1ohm actual for a few minutes or more. Thats with the heatsink flush against a carpeted seatback and only "open" to the environment at the ends... So, I'm thinking that with a 1.5" gap between them as well as the open top & end caps... the heat can escape convection style. I'm also counting on the woofer's vent air & the air in the truck in general to pass through that 'canyon' like a tube (for lack of a better word).
  22. Nikuk

    Ported Ecnlosures & You

    standing wave or cancellation..? two similar animals with very different resolutions. in theory at least -Nick
  23. Nikuk

    New SI 12" parameters!

    hahha, this is great. LoL I'm incredibly patient regarding the D2's, but I still have to agree on the cruelty of this. -Nick
  24. Nikuk

    Welcome to the IHoP

    morning all. kent - Puppy xover's pwn j00. ryan - nice pic.... dick. tom - 81 TA suffering from a stupid driver. Jack - do you lube to pole piece?
  25. Nikuk


    welcome... ...try not to pet Kent.