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About Sniperofgods

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  1. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    Going to do some more sanding and more painting, going to fill the screw holes sand and then paint and it should be ready to go in the jeep hopefully by tomorrow. I have been swamped with work and helping my mom move so i haven't even been staying up to work on it lol.
  2. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    I should have pictures up once I get home from work. but the box is pretty much done now. just a little more painting left to do. I messed up and cut out the outside diameter on my double baffle so I ended up getting another piece and glueing it on top. So now its pretty much a triple baffle and kind of makes it look funny. but my cut outs this time are dead on.
  3. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    Yeah, I normally dry fit them before I start glueing and screwing. Because I've screwed up and had to go at weird angles because I just started throwing boxes together haha.
  4. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    Looks good man, I should be able to get to work on it sometime this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes and possibly post some build pics if im not in too much of a hurry lol. As thanks again man.
  5. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    I normally don't paint my boxes, but I was thinking about carpeting this one.
  6. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    K take your time, im in no hurry.
  7. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    Sounds good to me
  8. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    17h X 6.5w X 23.25 L are the port dimensions.
  9. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    When I get off work I can give you the.measurements if you'd like. I was super drunk when I built and cut it and didn't realize what I cut until I was.almost done with it.and sober haha.
  10. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    I pretty much used the port size from the dual 15 sketchup for the zcons. I messed up and.had to change the box midway thru building it. because I didn't realize that I had cut the pieces for it to be port back/ sub back. So if you open up the zcon dual 15 sketchup that is on ssa's site those are my port dimensions although I think I adjusted the hieght for my box which is 18 inches tall I believe.
  11. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    That is why I was thinking that sub up/port up would be the way to go I figured it might save some room. I just worry about not having enough room from the port to the hatch as well. I've heard port out the side is good for spl in jeeps as well but also don't think I'd have the clearance :s.
  12. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    with 29 deep it puts an inch away from hatch, maybe even closer going up 20 high. my current box is only 24 or25 inches deep to give it enough distance from the.back hatch.
  13. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    Sorry to hear that man, hope she gets to feeling better and it's no biggie take your time and get all you need to get done first. As well thanks again for helping me out .
  14. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    Doesn't matter to me how the 45's are, and yeah the zcons deff do slam some lows lol.
  15. Sniperofgods

    Design Help For Dual Zcons 15's

    That would be awesome if you could