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Everything posted by dsgfierce1

  1. dsgfierce1

    5 cubes @ 30 hz 18" Fi BL

    i would not mind getting something like this for my 2 18" BTLs same design just much bigger haha
  2. dsgfierce1

    Custom built 18" Beast

    i'm rofling yea your also
  3. dsgfierce1

    Custom built 18" Beast

    That would just take all the fun out of it. Everyone has fully loaded btls, he has his own custom made sub THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS. not every one has btls not event every one on this forum that wants one has one and most people still dont have a clue about Fi i was not tryin to be an ass the sub that he has is nice i was just saying that to put it out there
  4. dsgfierce1

    Custom built 18" Beast

    thats what you need to do
  5. dsgfierce1

    Custom built 18" Beast

    why not just buy a BTL fullyloaded that would be easy.
  6. dsgfierce1

    sundown nightshade vs ia dp vs fi btl

    this is how i would pick in order from first to last BTL,Nightshade,Dp but like they said i think you would be pretty happy with any of those subs off of 4kw
  7. dsgfierce1

    Need help identifying a JL...

    i would use the cerwin vega and the jl looks like one of the lower end models like the w1 not quite sure but its def one of the lower ends w0 w1 w2 one of them
  8. dsgfierce1

    Here are the pics of my new system nice and clean.

    nice! fi is the chit!
  9. dsgfierce1

    Pics of Ascendant/Sundown System

    yeah that would be insain not that 24 15"s is not insain from your videos that chit looks vicious, i would love to hear that inperson if your ever in new orleans hit me up i want a demo! and in like 10 years when i have enuff money to buy 24 BTLs and the sundown amps to power them il give you a demo haha no time in the very very far away future but one day, you have insipired me
  10. dsgfierce1

    Pics of Ascendant/Sundown System

    nice, nice indeed. makes me want to save up for a setup like that with 24 18" BTLs. one day no time soon but one day.
  11. dsgfierce1

    question on New 08' Btls?

    thats funny will a 15" btl get loud and low here take a look they can def do that
  12. dsgfierce1

    time for some new boxes

  13. dsgfierce1

    time for some new boxes

    so i think i wanna make some new boxes for my 18" BTL's they sound great in the boxes there in right now but i think i can gain a little more output with some new better made boxes. right now there in a 2000 dodge caravan. the boxes are 8.756 cubes tuned around 32-33hz sub up port up. i have been told by a friend that also runs 2 15" btls in a caravan that sub up port up does not really gain the maximum potential out of the cabin. so i was thinking about making the new boxes sub up port back. what do you guys think about differant setups like sub up port back sub up port side sub back port up which one do yall think would be the best? and can any one explain what port off axis means? not quite sure he said something like that but i was never able to get back intouch with him to get him to describe what exactly that ment he said for a caravan that would be the best setup.
  14. dsgfierce1

    Fi Q General Newb Questions.

    the Q would sound better sealed
  15. dsgfierce1

    time for some new boxes

    thanks for clearing that up
  16. dsgfierce1

    time for some new boxes

    jeez no one has any opinions. well that just sucks.
  17. dsgfierce1

    buggsson says hello to all of you

    welcome to ssa
  18. dsgfierce1

    fi Q vs JL w6 in terms of sq.

    7 votes for the Q 1 for the JL fi WINS woot! but thats not a supprise.
  19. dsgfierce1

    Port up subs up question in mini suv

    sub up port up is fine thats how i have mine setup and it does wonderful.
  20. dsgfierce1

    need a btl in canada

    I have a friend that lives in canada, and he wants to buy some BTL's. He said he is having trouble geting them shiped there. Is there any dealer that ships to canada or nick do you guys ship directly there. any help would be awsome thank's!
  21. dsgfierce1

    fi Q vs JL w6 in terms of sq.

    Fi Q allday long great company, great coustomer support, great subs, Fi wins hands down
  22. dsgfierce1

    My New System Vids

    nice i see that you finnaly got that btl in there you sure went a long way since you commented and watched my vids thats whats good man, and like i said it looks nice hope your enjoying it. so does it own your old kickers and all of your friends systems like i told ya it would or what?
  23. dsgfierce1

    JL prowedge 12w7 vs fi bl 12"

  24. dsgfierce1

    2012 AD Are you ready?

    lol if the world ends it will be us (humans) that ends it with all the conflicts we have today and all the new countrys getting nuclear capibilitys these days. thats about the only way i see it ending not from some power beond us or other crazy