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About dsgfierce1

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  1. I haven't set up the subs yet I should have them in this friday. I'll let you how they pound

  2. dsgfierce1

    5 cubes @ 30 hz 18" Fi BL

    i would not mind getting something like this for my 2 18" BTLs same design just much bigger haha
  3. dsgfierce1

    Custom built 18" Beast

    i'm rofling yea your also
  4. dsgfierce1

    Custom built 18" Beast

    That would just take all the fun out of it. Everyone has fully loaded btls, he has his own custom made sub THAT NO ONE ELSE HAS. not every one has btls not event every one on this forum that wants one has one and most people still dont have a clue about Fi i was not tryin to be an ass the sub that he has is nice i was just saying that to put it out there
  5. dsgfierce1

    Custom built 18" Beast

    thats what you need to do
  6. dsgfierce1

    Custom built 18" Beast

    why not just buy a BTL fullyloaded that would be easy.
  7. dsgfierce1

    sundown nightshade vs ia dp vs fi btl

    this is how i would pick in order from first to last BTL,Nightshade,Dp but like they said i think you would be pretty happy with any of those subs off of 4kw
  8. dsgfierce1

    Need help identifying a JL...

    i would use the cerwin vega and the jl looks like one of the lower end models like the w1 not quite sure but its def one of the lower ends w0 w1 w2 one of them
  9. dsgfierce1

    Here are the pics of my new system nice and clean.

    nice! fi is the chit!
  10. dsgfierce1

    Pics of Ascendant/Sundown System

    yeah that would be insain not that 24 15"s is not insain from your videos that chit looks vicious, i would love to hear that inperson if your ever in new orleans hit me up i want a demo! and in like 10 years when i have enuff money to buy 24 BTLs and the sundown amps to power them il give you a demo haha no time in the very very far away future but one day, you have insipired me
  11. dsgfierce1

    Pics of Ascendant/Sundown System

    nice, nice indeed. makes me want to save up for a setup like that with 24 18" BTLs. one day no time soon but one day.
  12. dsgfierce1

    question on New 08' Btls?

    thats funny will a 15" btl get loud and low here take a look they can def do that
  13. dsgfierce1

    time for some new boxes

  14. dsgfierce1

    Fi Q General Newb Questions.

    the Q would sound better sealed