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Everything posted by banginAltima

  1. banginAltima

    2 Cubes @ 30 hz Pair of 3" Aeros

    I know its a little late but, one four inch port would have been better. Box looks good, I really like the way you notched for the end pieces.
  2. banginAltima

    Sundown SAZ 1500D @ 1.34 ohms

    Probably around 1100 to 1300 maybe less due to impedance rise. You might start with 1.34 ohms but you may rise to almost 2 ohms. The 2 ohm rating of a Sundown 1500 is 800 watts. The only way to know for sure is to clamp it.
  3. banginAltima

    Choosing Between Subs

    Just a thought for you... you could get one really good 15.... Nightshade or Bl or whatever.... you will be down a little cone area, but you could save yourself some money possible.
  4. banginAltima

    who is that guy??

    honestly, it was more praise for scott and the guys at FI for the awesome service as for videos, i will dig one out for you can post some build pics if you guys want too Hey man, I was just picking on you
  5. banginAltima

    2010 Chevrolet Camaro

    I am not a Camaro guy but that car looks good.
  6. banginAltima

    who is that guy??

    Sounds like someone has a big head.... Good job and welcome.
  7. banginAltima

    SSA Icon 10" Test Enclosure (breaks 140db @ 24hz!!)

    Your boxes are like art work... Awesome.
  8. Should be a good show. Bring your bug spray...
  9. banginAltima

    I love pressure and PHOTOGRAPHY

    Awesome pictures.
  10. banginAltima

    Congrats Team Sundown

    Where are the pictures?
  11. banginAltima


    Sweet car, awesome install.
  12. banginAltima


    First hit... Second hit... Yes people sealed up on the dash.
  13. banginAltima


    Yes... equipment is in sig.
  14. banginAltima

    Dinner is Served

    It doesn't look done yet.... through it back in!!
  15. banginAltima

    2 15's Setup 2400watts. updated

    I would like to see what it meters.
  16. banginAltima

    Hello from South Carolina

    Just wanted to say hi, I haven't really posted much on here. Some of the local guys will know me from other forums and competing locally.
  17. banginAltima

    Hello from South Carolina

    Heres a little teaser video... [url="http://s278.photobucket.com/albums/kk91/banginAltima/?action=view
  18. banginAltima

    your results in bass race

    Can Bass race a 144.5. Equipment is in my sig. Thats playing Jezzy Air force
  19. banginAltima

    Hello from South Carolina

  20. banginAltima

    MDF dust how bad for your health?

    Truthfuly, any type of dust is bad for you
  21. banginAltima

    Death Penalty 21" Pics!

    the 21 inch cone makes the motor look small....
  22. banginAltima

    New best score

    I got a hint for you.... eat a can of beans before you compete....
  23. banginAltima

    Best sub for under 200?

    I was looking for some 15's. Looks like some Kicker CVX on ebay are about the best price. Anyone know of anything else?
  24. banginAltima

    RF recones??

    Does anyone know why Rf doesn't recone their subs? I am talking about the T series.
  25. banginAltima

    assassin recone

    Man I wish you could recone some RF subs.