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Everything posted by banginAltima

  1. banginAltima

    lineups (subs and amps)

    I believe the NSX and Monster are on hold for a while. I think the Sae-1200 may become a Saz-1200.
  2. banginAltima

    look what i got today some saz 3500d !!

    Don't be so hard on Vega.... Heres 13 out of a 100... equals 13% of the order.... This is the guy(s) yall should be pissed at.... LMAO
  3. banginAltima

    Trade my 3000 for 2 1500?

    Why don't you try sending an email to Jacob about a trade?
  4. banginAltima

    Box Modification SPL Gains

    We got spare 6" aeros you could use.
  5. banginAltima

    watts up from south carolina

    Sumter SC here... whats up guys?
  6. banginAltima

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    All the Saz amps have the same height (2.25) and the same width (10)
  7. banginAltima

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    Customs must need the money...
  8. banginAltima

    Z Series 15

    I love my Z's. They are better in pairs lol!
  9. banginAltima

    Strapping 2 1500's wiring problems

  10. banginAltima

    box size question??

    Ah... sorry.. I would say 3 cubes for the pair.
  11. banginAltima

    box size question??

    That tuning is a little low. I wouldn't go lower then 32 hz. As far as box size 4 cubes for a pair of 10's seems kinda big.
  12. banginAltima

    battery terminals

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=260361121006 http://cgi.ebay.com/Stinger-Dual-0-Gauge-P...34.c0.m14.l1262 plus http://cgi.ebay.com/Sound-Quest-Dual-8-Gau...34.c0.m14.l1262
  13. banginAltima

    Sundown Z15 Special ?

    Okay cool....end of the month.
  14. banginAltima

    Sundown Z15 Special ?

    Awesome deal!
  15. banginAltima

    Jacob I am calling you OUT.............

    Its all in the set up.... I was able to Bass Race a 142.x with as little as a 1000 watts in a trunk car. Edit: I am sure you were but I'll ask anyway.... were you using a song that is close to the vehicles peak freq.
  16. If it's stable at 2ohm, I would be very hesitant to run it lower. It's rated for a reason. If you do take that chance and fry it, you have voided the warranty. EDIT: Your amp went into protect for a reason. It's not worth the risk, is it? Run it at 4ohm, or sell the amp and buy new. Sundown has an awesome trade in program.... Hint Hint.... Edit: And don't be afraid to get an amp that is bigger then what you need..... cause you can always do the unthinkable...... you can turn it down!!
  17. banginAltima

    SAZ-3000d sucks....

    I think you have it bass ackards.... Jeep sucks..... get it straight.
  18. banginAltima

    Testing Sundown z15"s

    Thats "some what" close to the power that the Saz-2000 would be putting out on 14.x volts.
  19. banginAltima

    Testing Sundown z15"s

    Well....aren't we just showing off.....
  20. banginAltima

    dissapointed in my score..

    Four 4 inch ports is not enough for two NS 15's. Derrick824 had three 4 inch ports on one 15's NS doing a 148.x on a Saz-1500..... Edit: I recommend running 5 to 6 four inch ports for a burp then pluging two for daily.
  21. banginAltima

    dissapointed in my score..

    You could use one to two more aero ports also...
  22. banginAltima

    dissapointed in my score..

    How much port area do you have?
  23. banginAltima

    How to wire your Sundown amp.

    This is for the Saz-1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 3500 and up as well as the Sae-1200. Lets start out by saying that these amps are mono block amps. This means they are internally bridged (paralleled). First lets take a look at the sub. Unless you trim the wire down two 8 gauge are not going to fit in one terminal (if you want to parallel the coils at the sub). So, what I do is parallel the coils at the box. This is a picture of the speaker wires inside the box. This is what it looks like on the outside. Since the coils are paralleled on the inside of the box with the bolts, all you have to do is send two positives and two negatives to the amp. You can even put a set of bolts per voice coil if you wanted too. If you need to series your subs you can do it like this, then send only one set of speaker wires to the amp. Now for the connections at the amp. Using all the amp connections here. This could be for multiple subs with the connections being made somewhere else or this is for using one sub with one coil going to one side and the other coil going to the other side. Now these pictures are used for a single connection to the amp. You can use either side. This is if you want some space between the positive and negative wires. Hope this helps some people.
  24. banginAltima

    How to wire your Sundown amp.

    Two dual 2 ohm subs would equal either 5. ohms or 2 ohms. Add another set of dual 2 ohm subs would equal 1 ohm or 4 ohms.
  25. banginAltima

    How to wire your Sundown amp.

    How to strap your Sundown amps. For Saz-1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 3500 and up. Again only Saz amps. Starting with the RCA's. This is the master amp. Hook the input RCA's as normal and hook the strapping RCA to the BR OUT. Then hook the other end of the strapping RCA into the slave amp where it says BR IN. This is the end result. Now for speaker wires. Hook BOTH sets of negatives together. Keep your wires as short as possible and use good quality wire. You spend a lot for these amps, the least you can do is use some good 8 gauge wire. Next thing is to hook up the positive speaker wires on the master amp (the one with the BR OUT). Like so... The last part is hooking up the negative speaker wires on the slave amp. Please note that when strapping amps the slave amps positive speaker wires are going to be used as negative speaker wires. The amp gain, bass boost, etc. is controlled by the master amp so there is no need to gain match or anything like that. It's as simple as that. DISCLAIMER: I USED A SAZ-1500 AND SAZ-2000 AS AN EXAMPLE ONLY. DO NOT TRY TO STRAP AMPS TOGETHER THAT ARE NOT THE SAME POWER. IF YOU DO A BLACK HOLE WITH OPEN UP AND SWALLOW ALL OF YOUR DB'S. Edit: Recap: The master amp(BR OUT) is used for the positve speaker wires. The slave amp's (BR IN) positive speaker wires are used as the negative speaker wire. Hook both negative speaker wire to the other amp's negative speaker wires. Sidenote: When you strap amps, you cut the ohm load in half. A 2 ohm load would equal 1 ohm on each amp.