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Everything posted by tezin87

  1. tezin87

    Truly Epic

    Haha great story
  2. tezin87

    Nightshade 12 box design question

    Ok, that's more like it. I enjoy building boxes because I'm still new at it (truck style boxes are a pain in my ass though), so I'll probably build a new one for the Nightshade when I get one. I don't want to ruin the box for my Bl in case I can't fit the Nightshade in my truck the way I want it to.
  3. tezin87

    Nightshade 12 box design question

    I would have to do some fab work to make that happen. The Nightshade would be too deep to fit in that box. I would have to cut the existing mounting hole to be the same as the 2nd baffles cut, and then add a 1 or 2 spacer rings with the Nightshades cut ID to allow it to fit. I'm up for the task but I saw that you said the displacement was .5 cubes. That would bring my enclosure down to 1.1cubes .
  4. tezin87

    Nightshade 12 box design question

    I think I'll just make the passenger eat the dash again. If I get a nightshade I'll just make the new box taller and make a few mounting rings to allow for more mounting depth. Here's a link to some pics.....ported box is 1.6 for a 10'' Bl and the sealed is 1.4 for some iCONS. Sorry for thread jacking by the way http://www.****/forum/s...read.php?t=2870
  5. tezin87

    Nightshade 12 box design question

    Yeah it would be for daily but tuned to 36-38hz because the pair of 3'' aeros I have are only about 15''-16'' or so. It's going to be a struggle trying to get it in a reg cab ranger but I think I'm going to give it a try one of these days.
  6. tezin87

    12" fi q in reg cab s10 with leg room!

    Looks awesome!
  7. tezin87

    Nightshade 12 box design question

    Have any of you guys with the 12'' sent as little as 1000w to it in one of the smaller enclosures (1.5-1.8)? I'm thinking about trying to squeeze one in my truck and I only have a JL 1000/1 to power it.
  8. That setup impresses me everytime I see it.....truly amazing.
  9. tezin87

    btl or bl

    Although I really enjoy how the Bl sounds, it isn't a sq woofer by any means. I don't think you are really looking for a sq setup though.
  10. tezin87

    Beefy 10"

    I have a 10'' Bl with p chamfer and universal and it takes 1000w in 1.6cubes easily. If it's going to be in 1.25 or under I bet it could take 1300+ daily.
  11. tezin87

    AA Havoc 12" vs FI Q 12 "

    read this http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...mp;#entry448085
  12. tezin87

    Beefy 10"

    I have a 10'' Fi BL and I love it. It takes 1000w no problem, I know it can take a lot more. I'm also selling a pair of d2 10'' Icons if you're interested.
  13. tezin87

    New Mag box recommendation?

    1 cube sealed. Not really a ported enclosure type of woofer. If he's concerned on output he probably could have chosen a woofer better suited for that goal.
  14. tezin87

    jl w6 or bl

    They're completely different woofers
  15. tezin87

    aa havoc 12 + ???

    Didnt you have a AA 10''? Nope...The most recent 10'' subs I've used are the SSA Icon 10'' and Fi BL 10''.
  16. tezin87

    aa havoc 12 + ???

    Awesome! I really want to try an AA Havoc 12'' sealed in my truck.
  17. tezin87

    Mayhem or BTL 12"

    Do you have a budget or space constraints? I think (4) 10's with 1000+ would be awesome. Or maybe (3) 12's but then the final load would be weird.
  18. tezin87

    Mayhem or BTL 12"

    So you're looking to send each 12'' 5000 watts?
  19. tezin87

    aa havoc 12 + ???

    Tough call. I really loved my memphis mc500d, it took a beating for 3+ years before I replaced it. I don't think the havoc really needs 1500+ watts but it's always nice to have a little headroom for the future. I would go with whatever you can get a good deal on.
  20. tezin87

    Fi bl sub enclosure for single cab s10

    I have a reg cab ranger which has less room than a s10 and I have a 10'' Bl in mine. It takes up a lot of room behind the passenger seat because I have my amps mounted behind the drivers seat. Here's a few pics:
  21. tezin87

    Mag V4 finally shipping

    Glad to hear you like it. So if someone is looking for good output with a sealed application would you recommend it? Or would you only recommend a mag to someone who is strictly looking for sq?
  22. tezin87

    Choosing Between Subs

    I also like the idea of getting one 15''. It will save you some money and allow you to get a better quality amp. As said above look into a 15'' Sundown Audio Nightshade or 15'' Fi BL or 15'' SSA ICON. The BL and Nightshade would pair up great with a Sundown 1500d and the ICON would be great with the 1000d from Sundown. But if you are set on a pair of 12's the SSD are the superior choice over the Type R's in my opinion.
  23. tezin87

    Upper Body Work outs

    Dips, low row, shoulder press, overhead extensions, seated curls, pull ups, bench presses with legs crossed as said above....those are some of the exercises I was limited to when I had my knee surgery a few years back. They didn't really bother my knee at all.