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Everything posted by tezin87

  1. tezin87

    standard cab ranger

    Well right now I only have a memphis mcd500 so the two 12's are only getting around 250 per sub. I borrowed a friends cadence daytona 1000 and put that in my truck for a while but I still wasn't too impressed with the kappa perfects in about .75ft^3 per sub with polyfill. This is why I want to go with a single ported setup running off of the memphis amp until I can get a more powerful amp. The problem is I'm away at school now and won't be able to make good money until I come home for the summer. But I can buy the sub soon and wait until summer to make the box/buy the new amp.
  2. tezin87

    standard cab ranger

    No I wouldn't be opposed to sealed at all. I have gone through many different setups in this truck (all sealed) and I have not found anything that I have been overly impressed with. That is why I was thinking about doing a ported box but I remember reading somewhere on here that it is hard to port truck boxes.
  3. tezin87

    standard cab ranger

    I am planning on building a new box for the 10 inch bl and want to port it. Like I said before I can get a little over 1.5 ft^3 before sub or port. Does anyone have any reccomendations on what size port to use for this box? Or does anyone have any suggestions on a sub/box combo that can get louder in a smaller standard cab pickup like a s10 or ranger? I'm open to all suggestions and appreciate any help I can get.