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Everything posted by tezin87

  1. tezin87

    Getting spl numbers up

    I have a regular cab ranger and I know how hard it is to get loud in a truck. I'm thinking about doing a similar setup this summer but with a 10'' bl because I have nowhere near enough room for a 12''. The only thing I can think of for you to do would be to do a blowthrough, or add more power because bl's can take alot more than 750 watts. But considering the space you have I'd say you have an excellent score and I can't wait to make some money so I can start my build. How do you like the bl for daily music?
  2. tezin87

    Getting spl numbers up

    what vehicle is it in?
  3. tezin87

    Need help with sub choice.

    i think getting the sundown would be a no-brainer. great customer service and they are solid amps.
  4. tezin87

    Need help with sub choice.

    sundown 1000d or 1500d kicker zx1000 or zx1500 fosgate 1000 or 1500 Honestly, I don't think you'll be able to hear too much of a difference going with 1500 vs. 1000. I can tell you from my own personal experience, though it is much less wattage, that when I had 750 watts powering two kappa perfects I couldn't hear a difference from what I usually run on them, which is 500 watts.
  5. glad you found the problem
  6. tezin87

    Need help with sub choice.

    better choice for what?
  7. tezin87

    Need help with sub choice.

    you can't go wrong with any of those. but since sq isn't a huge priority why not go with a bl?
  8. tezin87

    Need help with sub choice.

    im not positive but i think the sx and bl would be comparable and the icon and q would be comparable. meaning the sx and bl are meant to get loud first while the icon and q are meant to sound good first. someone else can correct me if im wrong as i've never used any of the above......yet.
  9. tezin87

    SSA 18" Prototypes.....vids

    he wanted to go sealed and just realized they are to be used ported
  10. tezin87

    need help deciding

    If you liked how the L7's sounded then go with the L7's. Personally I would get a BTL because it would be something different than what you've already had.
  11. tezin87


    im dying to see a vid of this
  12. tezin87

    NEW SSA ICON build log

    found a link for the rsd's for ya http://www.mobilesoundworks.com/ProductDet...uctCode=rsd65cs
  13. then do you just use caulk to seal around the wires?
  14. I've had this head unit for nearly three years now and it still works great. I am now looking into putting together a 2-way active setup in a regular cab ford ranger and was wondering if this will be able to run active. I'm new to active setups and I am not sure what to look for in a headunit and would like to keep my 9830 if possible because I am low on cash. Here is a list of the specs: http://www.crutchfield.com/S-9eC4Vpu3XuP/A...px?i=500CDA9830
  15. ok so what features should i look for in a headunit if i plan to run active?
  16. tezin87

    new to me car - system ideas

    sorry man not trying to take over this thread but i just have one quick question relating to this. do the headunits you suggested (Alpine 9813, 9835, 9855 Eclipse 8053, 8443, 8454, 8455 Pioneer 880prs, 9800) all do active? i'm looking into doing a two way active front stage as well and needed to know which headunit to get, i currently have the alpine 9830.
  17. tezin87

    Pioneer W2502SPL common chamber (VW Rabbit)

    wow thats impressive work
  18. tezin87

    Would a USA 50 do any good for a 10inch sub?

    which sub are you going to use?
  19. tezin87

    OK time for a redo of the whole system

    how about the 15'' icon/sae-1000d for $520. that is what i would do if i had the space. throw it in a 4.0ft^3 @32hz and call it a day. or i could sell you two barely used 12'' infinity kappa perfects, your choice....haha.
  20. tezin87


    you sir have made me extremely jealous
  21. tezin87

    OK time for a redo of the whole system

    well the first thing i would do is invest in a decent alarm. my truck was broken into about three years ago. picked up an alarm and the installers put a flashing led light in the pillar that is visible through the windshiled and i haven't had any attempted break-ins since.
  22. tezin87

    What has the greatest effect on.....

    thanks alot guys.....i learn something new everyday from this forum.
  23. tezin87

    What has the greatest effect on.....

    the reason i'm asking this is because i have around 1.8ft^3 of internal space to work with. I could fit two tens in somewhere around .75ft^ft3 each or one in 1.25ft^3. would going with .75ft^3 affect the subs ability to handle the lows, reduce output, or affect sound quality? edit: forgot to add each scenario would be using a 3'' aeroport tuned to 32hz in a regular cab ranger.
  24. tezin87

    What has the greatest effect on.....

    i'm curious on this subject as well. what would be the difference in putting a 10 inch sub such as an icon or a bl in the smallest recommended size ported box versus the largest recommended size box?