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Everything posted by tezin87

  1. tezin87

    Is anyone from Wisconsin???

    what does FIB mean
  2. tezin87

    Is anyone from Wisconsin???

    haha x2. Especially the Packers.
  3. tezin87

    Regular cab ranger build

    thanks man...that's kind of what I was thinking. Or that triangular piece up by where the a-pillar is kind of. Did you have trouble fitting 6.5's in the stock location or whatever size mid you went with?
  4. tezin87

    Regular cab ranger build

    update: sax 100.2, knu ss karma rca's and speaker wire, Fi bl 10, and raam mat all should be arriving on Monday. Now I just need to get damn audiosavings.com to send me my P.G. rsd 6.5'' that I ordered on the 4th. They said they were celebrating their holdiday of Savuot? and were out of the office for a few days. Hopefully I will get them sometime next week and I can't start installing everything on the 21st.
  5. tezin87

    Welcome to Kansas!

    here's a picture my buddy's girlfriend took from her window last saturday of the tornado that hit just south and east of chicago. Missed my house by a few miles, thank god!
  6. tezin87

    JL Audio 12w3v3

    I hate to get off topic but I see that you're from St. Louis. I lived in Alton, IL for two years and played baseball at a JC there. Is that close to you at all?
  7. tezin87

    JL Audio 12w3v3

    haha I know, I hate to keep bringing them up but I've spent all the money I've made so far this summer on a 10''bl, 100.2, raam, pg rsd 6.5'', knu wires, kicker hyperflex, and I'm broke as hell now. I need to get my 1500d soon so I could use the $150 bad.
  8. tezin87

    JL Audio 12w3v3

    I had the older 8 inch version and they sounded good sealed. I've only heard the 12's in a demo room in an audio shop so I couldn't really get a good evaluation. You should buy my Kappa Perfects that I'm selling instead though, haha.
  9. tezin87


    that is awesome work....it looks factory, besides the two beasts that are in there.
  10. tezin87

    raamat help

    I'm ordering a roll of raamat to do the doors, back wall, and floor of my truck if there is any left. Is ensolite necessary or will I still get good results if I only use the mat?
  11. tezin87

    Trep's 1999 F150 Ford Single Cab Truck

    Where do you get those baffles? are they made of abs? i'm trying to fit 6.5's in a ford door as well and I don't want to use the extra 3/4'' mdf I have left over, too thick.
  12. tezin87

    Just for FI....

    Orange '70's vinyl deserves a avacodo color refridgerator to make the perfect retro match..... Haha we have one in our garage that we use as a beer fridge!
  13. tezin87

    loud subs?

    yeah he probably quit coming around a few days ago
  14. tezin87

    looking for help, please

    What is your budget? I have (2) 12'' Infinity Kappa Perfects for sale for $150. You could wire them for 2 ohms off a 1500 with the gains set responsibly.
  15. tezin87

    raamat help

    Nevermind, I answered my own question. Might as well get the floor first since I'm going to have the seats and carpet out anyways for when I run the new wire. It'll be easier to get at the back wall later on than it would be to get at the floor.
  16. tezin87

    raamat help

    bump, i'm getting ready to run some wires right now and I don't want to have to re-run them when the raam gets here. should I focus on deadening the door/back of cab the most or doors/floor the most?
  17. tezin87

    raamat help

    This is great to hear. But being a poor college student on a budget, I'm hoping one roll will be enough. I know this question is vehicle dependent but is skipping on deadening the floor going to be a huge deal? Or should I make the floor/doors my first priority, and whatever I have left go to the back of the cab? I think the back of the cab will take up less than one door would, so roughly 10-15 sq. ft.
  18. tezin87

    raamat help

    I only ordered the roll of BXT, oh well. If I feel I need more I can order the ensolite later down the road. I accidently ordered the adhesive too and Rick sent me an email saying I don't need the spray for the mat, what a good guy! So hopefully he doesn't still charge me, hahaha. I think one roll should be enough for the doors which aren't very big, and the back of the cab.
  19. tezin87

    Trep's 1999 F150 Ford Single Cab Truck

    go to imageshack.us and host it through there. you upload the pics as an image and then click "host it". it will then take you to a different screen and copy and paste the "forum" line into a reply.
  20. tezin87

    Regular cab ranger build

    I didn't do a wedge because this was my first attempt at building a box and I wanted to stay simple. If you go to my "for sale" thread you can see the box that was in there before, which was made by a shop and it is 10.5''bd and 4.5''td @ 15'' high. Also, I only had room to put the port at the top which meant the top had to be at least 6.25'' for a 3'' aero. So I just made it 8'' deep at top and bottom but it is only 12'' high so it can fit under the lip on the back wall.
  21. tezin87

    15" BL or 15" BTL

    Saz-1500d for sure. They are on sale the entire month of June.
  22. tezin87

    Regular cab ranger build

    Haha yeah it's huuuuge. It is a 1972 Grand Prix with only 53,000 original miles and all original. One of those sweet little old lady gorciery getter car stories.
  23. tezin87

    15" BL or 15" BTL

    BTL will need more power which means more electrical upgrades which means its way more than 200 extra dollars. I'd stick with the Bl unless you have the money to do all that.
  24. tezin87

    Regular cab ranger build

    Yeah it's a monster, barely fits in the garage. Big change of pace from the '66 427 vette he had for the last few years.
  25. tezin87

    Regular cab ranger build

    Painted black, looks pretty weak but it will be behind the seats anyways. I've also ordered Sundown 100.2, PG RSD 6.5'' components, Kicker PKD1 kit, (2) Knuconceptz Klarity RCAs and Karma SS speaker wire. Next paycheck will be the battery and Sundown 1500.