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Everything posted by tezin87

  1. tezin87

    Since Everyone Has Missed Me So

    Good stuff. Sounds like you're lovin the college life, I know I am. Sadly I only have 1 year left (if everything goes right).
  2. tezin87

    Box for a reg cab s10

    I have a Bl10 with p-chamfer on a JL 1000/1 in 1.1@33 with a 3'' aero and it gets pretty loud (nothing rediculous but pretty impressive for one 10). Just be careful where you put your port. Mine was upfiring and I was getting some port noise, which I couldn't stand. I just built a new enclosure this weekend for it and it is about the same size but the port is firing to the passenger side corner. The new port should be in tomorrow so I'll let you know how it sounds when I get it in.
  3. tezin87

    Box for a reg cab s10

    It isn't possible to do two ported. I have a reg cab ranger with similair space as you and two ported wasn't even an option. One 10 ported fits fairly easily and gets pretty loud though.
  4. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    Alright.....thanks M5.
  5. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    I was on ca.com and saw a set of these for sale and I want to get them. But one of the tweeters is blown. Can I order a new set of tweeters from madisound or somewhere and hook them up to the pioneers passive crossover? Or would it sound bad because the crossover isn't made for those tweeters? I can't go active with them because I only have a 2 channel Sundown but for the price the guys asking I wanted to give these a shot.
  6. tezin87

    3 rl-s 10s or 1 rl-p 15?

    I think the 3-10's would be a fun build and definitely sound good. Also, more cone area.
  7. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    The seller didn't suggest getting the neo's. Someone else did.
  8. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    I'm a broke college student right now and I've spent too much money already this summer. My student loans should be here around September so maybe I'll be able to sell the 100.2 and get a 100.4 and a 9887 by then.
  9. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    Well I just ordered the 1'' SEAS Prestige textile dome tweeters and the LPG flush mounts. Hopefully it will sound good together with the passive crossover, or else they'll be up for sale on here along with the component set.
  10. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    Well I don't know what to do then because I already paid the guy so I'm kind of stuck. Only one of the tweeters works and Pioneer doesn't have any in stock. Plus they're $100 bucks for one tweeter.
  11. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    Yeah that's what my instinct was. But do you think I'll get good results with this plan? Or should I scrap this idea and just hold on to the mids for an active install in the future (probably wont be for a long time)?
  12. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    Nevermind I found them. I prefer a laid back tweeter that isn't harsh sounding. Should I go with aluminum or textile dome?
  13. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    someone on caraudio.com said SEAS neos would work well. But I can't find them on madisound.
  14. tezin87

    Ported Box for my FiQ 18"

    sub up port back
  15. tezin87

    pioneer ts-c720prs

    I went on their website and they are $100 and aren't availabe for 60 days it says. So I dont want to do that.
  16. tezin87

    Fi Bl 10 in truck

    It is 36 x 12 x 6 x 9. Comes out to around 1.1@34hz after displacements. I was thinking about just going with the normal aerosol spray paint but I kind of want to do something different.
  17. tezin87

    Problem with getting my 15" Fi Q to sound right.

    First I would mess with your phase a little bit and see if you can get better reseluts that way. I would also go on ROE and download the 50hz test tone and burn it to a cd and then use your DMM from there. Or if you know a decent audio shop around your area you could go there and see if they have a o-scope.
  18. tezin87

    Fi Bl aeroport help

    I'm going to build a truck-style enclosure for a Fi Bl10 with a 3'' aero. Dimensions are w: 38 h: 12 d1: 6 d2:8 This is 1.217ft^3 internally. After the bl10 displacement it comes out to roughly 1.1ft^3. When determining the port length, online calculators asks for: Volume of Box in Cubic Feet Tuning frequency Port diameter Number of Ports I want to end up with a tuning of somewhere around 33-35hz, depending on how long of a port will fit in my box. So...... Do I put 1.1 in "Volume of Box" or do I have to figure out a proposed port length first, then find its displacement, then subtract its displacement from 1.1, and finally enter that value in "Volume of Box"? I know this is a confusing question but any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  19. tezin87

    Fi Bl aeroport help

    bump for the evening help
  20. tezin87

    Trep's 1999 F150 Ford Single Cab Truck

    Already registered there...just never posted. I like it over here more Thanks for all the tips/advice, its really appreciated.
  21. tezin87

    2.5 @ 33hz

    You do awesome work...just awesome.
  22. tezin87

    Trep's 1999 F150 Ford Single Cab Truck

    Ok, thanks. Where did you order those rainbows from? I'm going to start shopping around soon.
  23. tezin87

    Fi Q or BL?

    congrats...you'll be impressed.
  24. tezin87

    Fi Bl aeroport help

    Also, would there be much of a difference in sound between 1.1@33 vs. .85@35? The reason I'm building a new box is because the one I have now is too deep at the top. And the port is firing up and I'm hearing a lot of port noise. I want to try and fire the port into the passenger side corner.