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Everything posted by tezin87

  1. tezin87

    12" sub for ma audio hk802sx

    I think you should start reading all these threads on the "boutique" companies. Watch the videos and then decide if the price compliments the performance or not.
  2. tezin87

    12" sub for ma audio hk802sx

    What's your budget? You won't see many of the members here suggest any of the "mainstream" companies. But check out Fi, SSA, Sundown, Mach 5, Incriminator Audio, Ascendant Audio and Stereo Integrity. All of them make subs that will meet your goal, and many of the owners of those companies will be able to help you along the way with any questions that you have.
  3. tezin87

    1999 Ranger regular cab

    Thanks man. I would definitely bag it if I had the money. It's hard to get the things you want when you can only work for 3-4 months a summer and one month during the winter for the past 6 years. But hopefully I'll graduate this year and start making some real money (knock on wood). The truck is in great condition (only 74,000 miles) minus some hail damage and paint scratches and such. But I plan on keeping it around for a while to use as a project truck in the future, after I get a new vehicle. Kind of hard to work on a daily driver. I'd love to bag it, full blow through, and put some nice wheels on there. If only I could hit lotto!
  4. tezin87

    1999 Ranger regular cab

    I can't say enough about them. They sound incredible with all types of music and get plenty loud with only 500 watts each. I might have to make a video.....just because it could possibly help someone who is in the same position as I am (small truck with 0 space) with picking a substage that has the potential to get loud (and sound amazing!) without taking up a lot of room. Thanks J for the subs and Aaron for helping me out with my random questions.
  5. tezin87

    Porsche 944 hardwood box

    Those E8s look sick! Nice job by the way.
  6. tezin87

    Aero Ports

  7. tezin87

    SSA & CYV meet for Illinois

    I'll be at school in Charleston so Effingham would be perfect for me
  8. tezin87

    Havoc: sealed vrs ported

    That's awesome! I'm going to try and find a 12'' Havoc to play with I think.
  9. tezin87

    1999 Ranger regular cab

    Thanks bigbruno....The Pioneers sound great! They deserve to be run active though, I've read they really come to life then. You're right, I did have the RSD's....for about a week, then the passenger side crapped out on me. I like the Pioneers a lot more than the RSDs but the RSDs can be found new for under $100. I bought these Pioneer's used for $100, but one of the tweeters was blown. I'd take a used set of the Pioneers over a new set of the PGs any day though.
  10. tezin87

    SSA & CYV meet for Illinois

    I would love to come out. Just let me know the time and place.
  11. tezin87

    Two ICON 10s Found a new home today

    It looks real good....I wish I had the room for a low tuned ported box for my 10'' Icons, and more power. But they sound so good with only 500 each in a small sealed box as it is. Awesome subs!
  12. tezin87

    our followers lol

    I was reading that earlier. There's no way in hell I'd buy a sub created by them....but I do own 2 Icons!
  13. tezin87

    1999 Ranger regular cab

    Thanks buddy, I just wish I could give these guys the power and space they deserve. But they just sound good as it is.
  14. tezin87

    1999 Ranger regular cab

    Yeah I did a piss-poor sanding job. But the only part of the box thats visible is a little piece of the corner that sticks out past the passenger seat, so it really doesn't bother me that it doesn't look perfect. But boy does it sound good! How's your box coming along by the way?
  15. tezin87

    Powering two 15" Icons

    I have two 10's running off a JL 1000/1 and 500 each gets them moving plenty.....and that's in a smaller sealed box. You'll be more than happy with 750 to each I'd imagine. Just wait for these guys to get back in stock, it'll be well worth the wait
  16. tezin87

    Sonic 5.jpg

    I wish my tool bench had subs like those on it
  17. tezin87

    Subwoofer Choices

    Check out a Sundown Nightshade or Fi BTL
  18. tezin87

    1999 Ranger regular cab

    The truck: Final set-up....I need to clean up the wires still: They sound wonderful, I love them! They do just fine with 500 watts. There is no need to send 1000watts + to them, but I wish I could just for the heck of it.
  19. Whoever put it in for you did an excellent job. Great choice of equipment and design on the box. Enjoy man!
  20. tezin87

    10" soloX problems

    Like I said, the BL would be perfect. All you have to do is put some "slugs" in your enclosure to take up a little space and be carefull with your gains. It definitely wont take 2000-4000 but I think 1500 wouldn't be too far of a stretch. Or look into getting a 12'' fully loaded BL, the enclosure might be a little small but I'm sure it'll still sound good.
  21. tezin87

    1999 Ranger regular cab

    Haha yeah it's my parents house....my cousin just passed away and we got a bunch of his stuff (including my amp) and I'm in the process of moving into a different house at school so the garage is cluttered with random chit right now. I got the truck about 5 years ago from some guy. He had the front bumper valance, the windshield wiper arms, the antenna, and all the interior pieces painted, as well as reversing the tailgate handle to the inside of the bed (which broke off by the way).
  22. tezin87

    10" soloX problems

    I'm pretty sure that's just how the subwoofer moves to reproduce that part of the song. Maybe try adjusting the settings on your amp, tune the box higher, or check for air leaks???
  23. tezin87

    1999 Ranger regular cab

    Here's the room I'm working with.... The second Icon should be waiting for me when I get home from work today. But I have to hurry up and get it in and immediately leave to go move in to my new house at school. But...the 2.5hr drive each way will give me plenty of listening time
  24. tezin87

    1999 Ranger regular cab

    I did some sanding by hand but since it was just going behind the seats I didn't do it too much. I used primer as well but it was so humid out that there was no way I was going to get a decent paint job so I just rushed through it....oh well.
  25. tezin87

    10" soloX problems

    Sorry, but I don't have any use for more equipment at the moment. 2 cubes is just a tad small for most 12'' ported and a tad big for a 10'' ported.