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Everything posted by tahoeon24

  1. tahoeon24

    more subwoofer ??s

    Curious again about subwoofer recommendations. Looking for the loudest and clearest out of the three but mostly leaning towards output. i have the option of using either a MTX 1501d or a Hifonics BXI2008 and subs can be in basically any size box. 2 Re Audio SX 12 2 SSA ICON 12 1 Fi BTL 18 Thank you in advance
  2. I have been looking at the kicker L7's but have now seen the icons, wondering how the two would compare in a ported box, using 2 woofers
  3. tahoeon24

    ssa icon 12 vs kicker L7 12

    Ok, you guys have convinced me for sure, and just a little background. Right now i have 2 mtx 7500 12's in a spec ported box from mtx. Now im no expert but power handling alone tells me the ICONS should be much louder, or at least i hope so, assuming they have an accurate power rating. Thanks again, if it wasn't for this forum i would end up with something i want to replace again.
  4. tahoeon24

    ssa icon 12 vs kicker L7 12

    I have an addition question regarding the ICONS.... how is the durability on those speakers?
  5. tahoeon24

    ssa icon 12 vs kicker L7 12

    First off thanks for the insight. So from what you guys are saying the ICON is the obvious choice for sound quality and will still get loud, but i guess i am just hung up on the spl side of things. I don't compete or anything i just want some serious bass. Anyway, thanks again guys
  6. tahoeon24

    need some sub advice

    Looking for 2 12 inch subs that go loud and low for about $250-$300 a piece. I currently have 2 mtx 7500 12s and a mtx 1501d amp. The birthsheet that comes with the amp claims 1863 watts at 2 ohms. I have looked at kicker L7s but then i found this website. Any help would be great, thanks
  7. In the market for some new subwoofers. So far i have stuck with name brand only. I now have 2 mtx 7500s in an mtx spec ported box, 1 1501d sub amp, 2 mtx 6152 2 channels, and a kinetik cap killer. I just discovered the ssa subs today and I am interested but just looking for some advice. Obviously want something louder but want to keep the current amp that i have. Thanks
  8. tahoeon24

    subwoofer recommendations

    Sorry, forgot to mention the 7500s are 12 inch and i guess i have a price range of about 300- 500 for the subs, thanks again