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Everything posted by zachbrown09

  1. zachbrown09

    whats best??

    ok guys i have a RF BD1500, birthsheet 1740 @1ohm, would 2 12" Q's or 1 15" BL be louder?? or is it possible for that to move a BTL a sufficient amount?? and also could you tell me what options to go with please and finally if i get a duel 1 ohm, does that mean the amp sees it at .5 or 1 ohm? and the duel 2 at 1 or 2?
  2. zachbrown09

    whats best??

    alright thanks a lot Brian. the 1 15 BTL would be louder SPL wise right? thats what i'm going for. and ok, if i get the BTL duel 1 ohm, and i just run the wires to one channel, positive to positive, negative to negative, is the amp playing at 1 ohm??
  3. Ok guys i drive an 02 chevy cavalier and i had a weak xplod amp with 2 old RF H 12's or whatever and i sold them and bought a RF BD1500. I'm about to buy a Fi BL 12 and i have a pro working on my box but what should i do electrical wise?? i've been told like a 40 farad cap on the stock system would be good and ive also been told i need a second battery and better wiring. Which do i need? Can someone please help me??
  4. zachbrown09

    help me please

    ok what do you guys think about this: keep the stock alternator, put a Kinetik HC 800 in the back, 1/0 wiring all the way including to the amp, a Digital ANL Fuse Holder with One 0-2 Gauge Input & One 0-2 Gauge Output which shows the voltage, a 200 Amp ANL Fuse?? do i need to run power and ground to that rear battery??
  5. zachbrown09

    help me please

    ok thanks. would a 80A AGU fuse be big enough??
  6. zachbrown09

    help me please

    what can happen with the voltage and how do i watch it? and can i install the alternator myself?
  7. zachbrown09

    help me please

    oh sorry i didnt know this was the wrong place. so i could just leave everything stock, get a HO alternator, and a 2 gauge wiring kit and its good to go? i appreciate the help