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Gary F.

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3 Positive addition


About Gary F.

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/14/1976

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  • Location
    Nashville TN,
  1. Gary F.

    2 fault messages

    So the "P" and "L" terminal needs to be connected to a switched 12v source?
  2. 2X dB Drag/Bass Race, 2x Meca and Ground Pounders Challenge. April 28 2012 is the date, Lebanon TN at the James E. Ward Ag Center - I-40, exit 239B - 945 Baddour Parkway, 37087. Brought to you by db Revolution and WSF. This will be a show you don't want to miss!!!
  3. You'll get it Danny! I'm trying to break a 150 with a single 15 and 2 1500's in a Mazda Tribute. I'm at a 148 sealed on the dash right now.
  4. Congrats Danny!!! I like being an e-knowitall cuz I can hit the lows fo sho!!! hahahahahahaha
  5. Gary F.

    Sundown Mini-Neo

    So.... your gonna build these into 18's d1's and send them to me right. =P
  6. Gary F.

    SAZ-1500D v.2 Photos

    So when do I get to test a few? ;p
  7. Gary F.

    Nightshade v.2 Production Motor

    Its a 3" coil.
  8. Gary F.

    XS Power $25,000 Pay Out!!!!!

    Link doesn't work for me.
  9. Gary F.

    XS Power $25,000 Pay Out!!!!!

    What... no love for NSPL? I just set a new record for NSPL this past weekend.
  10. Gary F.

    2 gain remotes, and I just want to use ONE !

    Oh one more thing, only one cable will run to the remote.
  11. Gary F.

    2 gain remotes, and I just want to use ONE !

    Jacob I need to make up something for you on this. Since I am a certified AT&T phone tech. Then you can offer them as accessories, 2-48 amps controlled from one remote.
  12. Gary F.

    Drive By Testing!

  13. Gary F.

    Drive By Testing!

    I can compete in Drive By. The rule they were talking about was for true Extreme vehicles. Mine is just as much a daily driver as any one with a wall. I have driven it to a show before, it is street legal. The reason I compete in Rad. X is because of the sensor placement being similar to db Drag.
  14. Gary F.

    I'm bein told i can't beat Bola... in MECA

    And to add, I have been told that my van can't do Drive By cause its just a burp vehicle.
  15. Gary F.

    I'm bein told i can't beat Bola... in MECA

    Sean, Bola is loud! But I don't think he competes in your class. Yes he is only running 2 15's but he is putting 25k or more to them. I'm not saying you won't beat him, I have faith in you. I think you should set your goals and shoot for them.