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Everything posted by lithium

  1. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

  2. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    imbed workign?
  3. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    barnatt is sick
  4. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    could have seen the hobbit tonight.. stuck writing a paper..
  5. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    running out of fucks to give..
  6. lithium

    Ssa dcon 12 box help

    Considering the sub displacement is .14cuft the 1.25cuft enclosure would NET 1.11cuft once the sub was installed which is pretty much right on target. Besides I don't see 5 hundredths or even a full 1 tenth of a cuft making any noticeable difference. true op could play around with some polyfil as well.
  7. lithium

    Ssa dcon 12 box help

    i would always recommend you build your own. but a prefab on only a few hundred watts should be ok. (I would make sure all the seams and shit are glued or so forth) also, 1.25 is a bit too large for the 12" so you would want to reduce the volume to the recommended .9 cu ft. cut up some 2x4's or something to occupy space in the box.
  8. The mounting depth on the thunderform box is 7 3/4" so it will fit all of the subs mentioned so far. My goal is to get some clear, deep, hard hitting bass for listening to metal and electro. I am most concerned with sound quality over just making my windows rattle, which is why i decided to consider these subs instead of mainstream big brands. And it sounds ironic since im trying to do it with the tunderform box but thats just because I already have that box. I picked the 1500 amp because with the gcon (750w) i can run D4 so the amp puts out 1000 or with the DCON (300w) i could run the S4 so the amp puts out 500, and ive read 4ohm sounds best. I'm curious what makes the skar a bad choice in general? Is it better to use a bridged 2ch amp instead of a mono? or is it just easier to find a better quality amp for cheaper that way? because i was also looking into the AQ1200D I already have the tunderform box, and im trying to keep using it because i need the rest of the trunk space for the car's t-tops. the skar isn't good sealed. Gcon would be better (simply look at the TS parameters). Also consider build quality. mono vs 2 channel isn't an issue. the BA puts out plenty of power for what you need. the AQ would be a waste because the extra power wouldn't make an audible difference.
  9. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_23874_MB-Quart-ONX1.1000D.html The BA is definitively a better quality amp then my recommendation. Perhaps you'll notice a bit more output with MB quart amp, but that's the trade off.
  10. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

  11. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm a human heater too. During winter it's 55-58F in my room and I sleep in boxers and a t-shirt and only have one blanket. It's pretty fun to get into the office and my hands are burning. Granted I only pedal 10 minutes in the cold but last winter it was down to -5F in the morning In college I relied only on my bike as a form of transportation and pretty much wore a sweatshirt and a down vest even when it was down near -40C. I got funny looks. dam, i get funny looks for wearing shorts on campus when its only 32F. guess its relative to where you live.
  12. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    All science is either physics or stamp collecting. ~Ernest Rutherford
  13. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Pretty hard to see the GPS screen through that... oh gotcha will the micro usb stay in the phone securely while riding?
  14. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    BA in liberal arts? LOL....not that useless. Mine is a useful degree I just hate the field /> I sort of started myself down that path career wise and then didn't have the balls to change. I always take an interest in something, and learn everything I possibly can. Then get bored, and move on to something else, so I've been taking my time choosing a field for fear of doing the same. this was my major draw to physics as oppose to a the ME degree. also gives you time to figure out which field(s) your most interested in.
  15. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i got lucky with my degree. i almost went for architecture, would have a huge mistake. My only regret is not doing research earlier on. We're still planning to publish at least 1 paper on the results of the work I've been doing since spring. However, i wont be around to see how the rest goes. Edit: i shouldn't say that yet. haven't done anything with it lol
  16. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good choice. Didn't realize there was another Physicist on board. My undergrad was a BA though, rofl. thanks! I started out in a 3+2 program ME program (3yr at small state school and 2yr at Penn State) but i lost interest and switched to a straight physics degree. Penn State tuition would have easily double or tripled my loan debt anyways.
  17. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ha, I'd rather do QM than E&M but it is a close 2nd. i'm a bit biased as my E&M professor took it easy on us, perhaps too easy. though the page long derivations in QM were pretty insane.
  18. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    haha, thanks.
  19. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    haha as long as it isn't QM, fuck that stuff
  20. lithium

    subwoofer decisions !!!!!!

    what space do you have available, what music you listen, why 38-41 Hz, do you read forum rulez?
  21. lithium

    will these fit?

    try a baffle i got 8" in a factory 5.25" in my car w/o cutting, but that was lucky (really lucky since they're peerless sls 8s)
  22. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    thanks mang
  23. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    graduating with a BS in physics next week.
  24. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP
