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Everything posted by lithium

  1. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    better pic
  2. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Actually I am covering some big ass holes. more like this http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h75/soesnake/Car%20Audio/Doorsdrilled1.jpg not the best pic but the idea is to drill a ton of holes so that the fg "sows" together the panel.
  3. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    them poor door hinges.,,
  4. lithium

    understanding components

    start with establishing your goals. blindly picking random speakers is pointless.
  5. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    wow, not even 3k post yet.
  6. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    clicky top!
  7. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Only kind I use. Can't stand mushy, gushy POS keyboards. brown's seem to be recommended for a mix of gaming and typing. not sure how much i want to invest in a keyboard right now.
  8. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    anyone have a mechanical keyboard. i'm thinking about getting one.. moreee clicky click
  9. lithium

    sundown e series

    buy used!
  10. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Right, will do
  11. lithium

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    Wrong person, I never owned a VVX-10 and Kevin never designed any box for me. sorry, a 12. yes, you told me you using the same specs as Kevin, I asked you for it inch for inch as well as port area (diameter) and length. Remember we was discussing how the vent hole on the back plate was small on your sub compared to mine and you inboxed me the info that it has a unique cooling design that Jacob had a part to play in? Have you forgotten the night you went all Sherlock Holmes on me and went so far as to dig for my subwoofer's invoice to see what I got? Sometimes I seriously don't question that you have a mental disability, you are quite a special one. First you said a vvx-10 now it turns into a 12? Can you make up your mind if it's some really kool story you're gonna come with? Anywho, I never owned a vvx-12 either, but I did build a box for it following the specs posted on skar's site and by using suggestion by other members of the forum. Nowhere did I ever say or hint that Kevin designed the box and sent me a response curve. Please child, if you want to start rumors/slander please come with a better thought-of story. Jacob did in fact have a lot to do with the design of the VVX line, problem? I don't think anyone here is gonna deny that, so what's your point really? LOL@sherlock holmes - dude get a life, no one cares what your broke ass does lol To the people that can't find specs/parameters for their skar products visit - www.sundownaudio.com lol Are you implying that these parameters and dimensions magically appeared on my pc then? My gosh, talk about gremlins and evil spirits in the electronics. I just called a catholic priest, all should be well before sunrise. I am a bit confused about the part in bold though, can you elaborate? reverse trolling his ridiculous demand for more evidence against skar.. essentially, the evidence required to prove he's from Trinidad is exactly the level of evidence needed to demonstrate the unethical practices of kevin/skar audio (which has already been established).
  12. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    not to be confused with this
  13. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    big ass crack top!
  14. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  15. lithium

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    You've been asked to search and look around yourself multiple times. Had you, you'd already have found that and more. Why should I have to search? I'm not the one making allegations am I? I gots nothing to prove, I asked you all to help me believe these fairytales and there hasn't been much besides some random box pics that prove nothing, and some copypasta emails which also...could have been edited. The only thing I can prove is that we have a bunch of kids hating on a guy much younger than them making tons of money while some of you flip burgers lol. He's making money by scamming people. Ethics mother pucker, do you understand? Aware, but it brings us back to countless pages ago - where is the solid evidence? Also, you all don't live in some third world poverty island like ours, you all live in a developed society where any type of fraud or misrepresentation is shunned upon and so legal action can be taken. Have any of you initiated any legal recourse against Skar/Kevin? I don't see the need for swearing though, you need to calm down brah. Remember it's not what you know but what you can prove. memes dude. though I miss quoted, http://cdn.memegener...0x/30064420.jpg i doubt your really from Trinidad. love to see how you'd prove it (i'll give you a hint, probably the same way everyone has shown that Kevin is ripping people off).
  16. lithium

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    You've been asked to search and look around yourself multiple times. Had you, you'd already have found that and more. Why should I have to search? I'm not the one making allegations am I? I gots nothing to prove, I asked you all to help me believe these fairytales and there hasn't been much besides some random box pics that prove nothing, and some copypasta emails which also...could have been edited. The only thing I can prove is that we have a bunch of kids hating on a guy much younger than them making tons of money while some of you flip burgers lol. He's making money by scamming people. Ethics mother pucker, do you understand? Aware, but it brings us back to countless pages ago - where is the solid evidence? Also, you all don't live in some third world poverty island like ours, you all live in a developed society where any type of fraud or misrepresentation is shunned upon and so legal action can be taken. Have any of you initiated any legal recourse against Skar/Kevin? I don't see the need for swearing though, you need to calm down brah. Remember it's not what you know but what you can prove. memes dude. though I miss quoted, http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/30064420.jpg i doubt your really from Trinidad. love to see how you'd prove it (i'll give you a hint, probably the same way everyone has shown that Kevin is ripping people off).
  17. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I have full coverage so hopefully its included. i'll give them a call tomorrow.
  18. lithium

    Beware! Skar Audio poor customer service

    You've been asked to search and look around yourself multiple times. Had you, you'd already have found that and more. Why should I have to search? I'm not the one making allegations am I? I gots nothing to prove, I asked you all to help me believe these fairytales and there hasn't been much besides some random box pics that prove nothing, and some copypasta emails which also...could have been edited. The only thing I can prove is that we have a bunch of kids hating on a guy much younger than them making tons of money while some of you flip burgers lol. He's making money by scamming people. Ethics mother fucker, do you understand?
  19. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    fuck me... found a foot and half long crack in my windshield. idk how it happen. i was parked under some tree's so maybe some ice fell on the car??
  20. lithium

    Dead set on purchasing Fi Q12 but question...

    the pioneer is a great deck so if you have the cash then get it but dont skimp out on the install (sound deadening being one of the most important parts)
  21. cheap amp idea. i got a couple of these amps for my bro's install and one for my own. http://www.ebay.com/itm/US-Acoustics-USX-2080-/170984128192?pt=Car_Amplifiers&hash=item27cf72bec0
  22. lithium

    Dead set on purchasing Fi Q12 but question...

    what kind of space do you have? ported boxes sound great when designed correctly. t-line is a joke, don't bother. figure out your max dimensions you can see what size sub/ box combo will fit.
  23. lithium

    Dead set on purchasing Fi Q12 but question...

    the Pioneer DEH-80PRS is an active capable headunit so do you plan to use those features in the future? if not then i dont really see a reason for buying the unit. could save some cash you haven't mentioned sound deadening yet, check out sounddeadenershowdown.com
  24. lithium

    (4) 12" Ported Enclosure

    sweet! I had a similar idea for laminating/reinforcing my door trim panels. have you tried something like that before?
  25. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    missed that one