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Everything posted by lithium

  1. lithium

    understanding components

    4 years of physics helped in my case haha
  2. lithium

    first jeep...need some speaker advice

    the comps are probably an ok deal but the IA amp would be a waste of money, imo. just too expensive compared to cheaper offerings and used items. same for the jbl and alpine op was looking at if he's buying new. the earthquake amp looks like shit, and its probably too big OP to use anyways.
  3. lithium

    first jeep...need some speaker advice

    could run the rear channels of 900.4 to a sub in the future. if that's not going to happen then go with something smaller and save some cash. i'm surprised you think its too large when its smaller or roughly the same size as the amps you mentioned earlier. i'm only pointing this out because the first time i saw the amp and read the power spec's i assumed it would be muuchhh larger i would definitely deadening the pods with cld tiles or even reinforce them with fiberglass if they are only made from some thin plastic. should only take a few tiles tops. i'm not sure on how they're constructed but some ccf between any panels that touch would prevent them from vibrating together and rattling. send an email to don at sds, he'll have better advice than anyone on the interwebs.
  4. lithium

    subwoofer wiring

    0 because you'll probably smoke the amp, learn how to set things up properly before pushing the limits of your gear.
  5. lithium

    subwoofer wiring

    probably best to wire the subs to 2ohm final load at the amp. if you're confused on how subs are hooked up then i doubt you'll safely run things at 0.5ohm.
  6. lithium

    first jeep...need some speaker advice

    are the pods sealed or vented outside? i would get a little sound deadening to tame an resonances in the pod/panels. Talk to don at sounddeadenershowdown.com he'll take care of you. a few cld tiles and maybe some ccf to prevent panel rattle should be all you really need. plenty of cheaper amps out there, but i agree with getting a 4 channel if you interested in active later you can probably tuck something small like this rf under a seat if you limited on space. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_34761_Rockford-Fosgate-R400-4D.html#tabs alittle bigger but a ton more power, really popular amp design right now. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_38338_Precision-Power-PPI-P900.4.html
  7. lithium

    Leviathan III VDRV Light? (And first impression)

    maybe these could help, http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/eeb6/
  8. if your limited on power there are several alternatives to increase output. like reducing noise floor and rattles. also, you could run less power to larger subs or simply add more subs.
  9. lithium

    first jeep...need some speaker advice

    i wouldn't spend 200 on speaker without deadening the doors, is that in the budget? already have an amp as well? what are some speakers you've heard and enjoyed in other rides? if you havent listen to anything than head to a local shop or even BB and figure out what kind of sound you after, if they are mounted on a display board make sure to stand off axis. also pay attention to the characteristics of the tweeter, bright vs soft/laid back. they're a pretty nice sale on bravox stuff at partsexpress right now, http://www.parts-express.com/cat/component-speaker-systems/394 unfortunately no 6.5s left, though if you could fit 5x7s that would be good. the 5.25 might still be a good buy but will lack midbass, especially without a sub to help fill in the lows. then again a jeep with no top wont have the same benefit of cabin gain with the top removed so you cant expect much midbass/bass from any setup. the question is whether they'll get loud enough for you. i'm willing to guess they will if you do some deadening on the doors and power them appropriately.
  10. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    bacon of the month club.. wow... "The Bacon of the Month Club is the gourmet gift that's impossible to resist! Each month we'll deliver two generous, one-pound selections of gourmet bacons made with only the finest, all-natural ingredients and delivered perfectly fresh in refrigerated packaging. These are low-production, artisan bacons from specialty producers nationwide and if you've only had bacon from the supermarket, you won't believe the difference! Our gourmet bacons are thick-cut and hand-rubbed and bacon-lovers will be in hog heaven with delicious flavors like honey BBQ, sun dried tomato, fresh cracked pepper and many more. We offer 3, 6, and 12-month clubs and a Bacon of the Season Club with new selections each spring, summer, fall and winter." http://www.amazon.com/Gourmet-Bacon-Month-Club-Months/dp/B00823RSQQ
  11. unless that first amp was really cheap i would have gone with this, http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_17785_Boston-Acoustics-GT-2125.html
  12. lithium

    enclosure question for Q18

    a sub that would actually fit in the trunk would be a great place to start.. i would recommend IB but it sounds like your going for output.. which is strange since your getting a Q of all subs
  13. enclosure is shit and the amp was a waste considering its rated over 3x what a single gcon is rated to handle. ya your can wire it to 4ohm if you got a d2 ohm sub, but a 100-150$ amp could have done the job just fine.
  14. this isn't rocket science. get a roll of 0 gauge and run your power to the trunk. use extra 0 gauge to do big 3. get a distroblock and split the 0 gauge down to 4/8 gauge for any amps and ground to match ya maybe 0 gauge is over kill but if you decide to add more power later your already good to go. cadence wire is fine, i've used it. there's plenty of reasons why your friend's having dimming issues after switch subs. check out bcae1.com and educated yourself a bit.
  15. easy to understand tutorial here, see the "Loss of Power Output"
  16. lithium

    Advice on going active

    another idea, check if that stock grill can pop off easy. might be able to modify them to reduce diffraction
  17. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

  18. lithium

    Advice on going active

    did you check the mounting depth with the stock baffle while the windows are completely down?
  19. lithium

    Advice on going active

    It wouldn't be particularly hard to mount the tweeter in the A pillar if you are interested in learning how to fiberglass a bit. of course you would want to try out multiple locations, heights, and angles then compare to the stock location before mounting.
  20. lithium

    Advice on going active

    you look limited in height by the speaker grill area, what are the dimensions here? or does the speaker sit significantly behind this area?
  21. lithium

    Advice on going active

    i use photobucket. imgur might work too
  22. lithium

    Advice on going active

    I'm guessing you cant get the woofer completely on axis? especially the driver side. but assuming you can mount the woofers at a significant angle you'll be able to have it play higher. iirc smaller tweeters are "better" off axis but typically cannot play as low as a larger tweeter (take a look at the frequency response at off-axis angles). this might mean that your locations will work out ok, but there will be plenty of aiming to do before permanently mounting anything. when you take pics, maybe hold up circular piece of cardboard so we can see how much you can angle the woofer.
  23. lithium

    Cheap bookshelf M5, Impious, Tirefryer, little help?

    i'm using these guys, http://zaphaudio.com/audio-speaker18.html powered by this, http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?partnumber=310-300 sounds great imo. i need to mount them up off my desk yet.
  24. lithium

    Advice on going active

    idk what your budget is but something like the exodus anarchy would be a good mid if you can make it work. tweeter would have to be a small format.