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Everything posted by lithium

  1. sould i sell the cap and do big three. the cap stopped some dimming i was getin before. if i can get 60 for the cap. then do the big three for say 30-40 with 4 gauge..... higher gauge? maybe?
  2. is it correct to assume that the 6.5 in midrange will provide better midbass then a 5.25 of the same quality or model. sonicelectronix.com is the only website ive really started to look at for comps. how do mb quart compare to brands like kicker, alpine, infinity, polk, etc. its probly more along the lines of what one's taste in sound is but what are some quality brands to look out for. im pretty set on a small kicker 2 channel. but ill take alook at some other options if anyone would like to mention them.
  3. what are we talking about again..... hyjackers lol anyways looking for a 2 channel and a par of comps. $200 budget
  4. there are alot of kicker amps on ubid.com they look pretty decent. looks like miss read some of the info. it seem most of the 2 channels have a lpf or hpf at 80hz. which isnt to terrible for a cheap amp. the component set seem to be in the 100rms range so i was think any of the 150.2's and up
  5. the links to sonic didnt work like i wanted but if you would please go to sonicelectronix.com and look at some of there 100 dollar range components and give me an opion that would be apprieciated.
  6. thank you all for the posts. i think i can some ppl to buy my 6x9s and 5.25s. maybe the tweeters too. so that like 30$ a pair. if i can find a component set for like 100$ and a 2 channel for 100$ so thats a 200$ buget. more for speakers less for amp or however u wana look at it. im not including wiring. would u recomment me selling the cap and doin a big three??? i did have dimming before the cap and now i dont or very very little on the dome lights. i currently fade everything to the front anyways so no need for fill.... could throw the tweeters back there for fill if i dont sell em.. lol. if u turn it up loud enough the ppl in the back dont need speakers. these link will hopefully work. they are just some options that ive pulled up from sonicelectronix.com. there are some others but im not sure on there quality but are in the price range. this are 6.5 and 5.25 component sets. i could do a custom mount baffle or something for the 6.5 or put the 5.25s in stock location. car is 00 olds intrigue by the way. some 6.5 comp set options 5.25 comp set options so thats a start on the speakers... now for an amp. im thinking a decent 2 channel more links have to leave but here is a kicker. its a 4 channel because kicker for some reason make all there lower power 2 channels with just a lpf... kx100.4
  7. i think i can get the kicker real cheap off ebay or ubid. if i can find people to buy my polks maybe ill run just a 2 channel to a component set what component set is good for a buget.... i dont know how much ill spend but deff under 100
  8. i knew i would get this kinda response.... this is my first system so i was alittle hesistant to make big purchases. i avoided the big three because i didnt want to mess around under the hood at the time. i had alot more typed up for this post but my school's computer killed it so ill just paraphase some things. its hard to find some one to buy my speaker but ill try. i was thinking about using some diy speakers like dayton or what ever. using ether the polk tweets or not. but it would be passive so im guessing thats a bad idea or just not worth it. however it be fun to try ill post more later...
  9. any input??? just tell me to go for it.... or kenwood sucks.... i dont care lol
  10. lithium

    arsenal 12 d4 ported box

    wait so now i need between 24-32 sq in not 12-16 sq in????
  11. lithium

    help with subwoofers for a reg cab s-10

    just put a 15inch rf punch stage 1 behind the passenger seat of my friends s-10 regualar cab. it was and angled box starting at 7.5" at the bottem goin up to about 6.5" at the top and was 24 inches long.. sealed. it sounds pretty good. i would have ran a better sub but he got the rockford cheap.
  12. lithium

    1st active system

    i believe i get the basic idea. ill start lookin at some prices. i think ill get a good 4 channel awhile.
  13. lithium

    1st active system

    im getin ready to buy an amp for my front stage but i figured i do some research on an active system. first off what i have now is a sony cdx gt310 with the ipod control. (im thinking only having 1 preamp output is a problem) polk db1000 tweeter, db525 5-1/4" coaxils, db690 in the rear deck, kenwood excelon x10d runing a 12" aa arsenal. i was thinking a 2way front stage would be best. i could fab a 6"~ woofer in the door and use the polk tweeters. what are some good products and what will i need to pull this off? i dont want to spend alot on this upgrade, it more of about learning how it works then buying 500$ worth of equipment to show up my friends.
  14. lithium

    1st active system

    what features am i looking for in a h/u? what are some brands and models i sould look at? are there sites that sell refurbed h/u? or sould i trust ebay? i wouldnt mind losing the ipod control. i perfer mp3 cds. ipod controls thu h/u in the sony are just plain retarded. how many amps do i need?
  15. lithium

    AA Assassin 12

    accidently got the assassin. ran it in a 1.1 cubic foot box with way tomuch power.... (i didnt notice it wasnt the arsenal right away) hit pretty hard and accurate. i cant compare it to much but it was an awsome sub.
  16. lithium

    active vs passive

    found a kicker 200.4 on ubid.com for about 100$. its a refurb but kicker has pretty solid amps. i need some 8 gauge wire, gound distro, and power distro. is 4$ tomuch for 20feet of kicker 8 gauge and the distro's from sonicelectronix.com. i dont know many other brands of wire with the same quality as kicker for the price. i already have a kicker 4gauge amp kit installed.
  17. lithium

    active vs passive

    what the main diffences and how do u go about both an active and passive system. which is more effective? which is more expensive? im runing polk db 5.25s in the door and db1000 tweets in the sails. i was thinking about amping them and runing new mids because with the tweeters on the coaxils and the extra tweets in the sails it gets alittle to bright. also i have a lack of midrange to mid bass. sould i just amp them and see how it sounds or replace them with a new pair.... i heard aa is putin out some new mids but what would u all suggest.
  18. lithium

    arsenal 12 d4 ported box

    ya ya ill get them picks up im just having to much fun listening to ir right now ill be have my wisdom teeth out friday so ill do it then
  19. lithium

    holy chit

    i didnt really look at the sub i just took it out of the package and put it in the box i had done already. didnt notice till i pulled it out that it was only a double stacked magnet but the cones are basicly the same. the arsenal is alittle deeper and the dust cap is alittle bigger... i just wanted to hear some bass lol
  20. lithium

    arsenal 12 d4 ported box

    thanks i just havent messed with a ported box before. the port seem extremely small but i wasnt sure how to check for air velocity. ill use them exact spec but will it be ok if i use an L shaped port or would a staight one work better. any tips on ported box constrution would be appriecated.
  21. lithium

    active vs passive

    my head unit is a sony cdx gt310.... i bought it over a year ago when i knew nothing of car audio. i wanted, i forget if it was ether an alpine or pioneer, but the circuitcity didnt have the ipod adapter for it in stock so i got the sony... (bad idea) ill look into some amps over coming weeks and save afew pay checks up... cant make tomuch money while still in highschool and trying to save up for college this fall so im really scraping up the nickles and dimes.... ill probly just go passive for now...
  22. lithium

    active vs passive

    so what are some good proccessors. ive read about ppl using the rf 360.2 any suggestions on 4 channel amps for around 100$
  23. lithium

    Assassin Power Handling

    had a 600rms kenwood excelon runing a single 12 assassin (didnt know it wasnt the arsenal due to a shipping mistake) it took as much as i gave it and put out nothing but clean bass.... but idk how long it would have lasted
  24. lithium

    active vs passive

    damn straight think ill start by amping my front speakers with a 4channel and get some dynamat on the doors. maybe aa will have out them mids by then
  25. lithium

    holy chit

    id believe that. i wish aa would have sent me some sort of manual or something so i would have notice i had the wrong sub sooner. ohwell my dad's b-day is tomarrow so he might be getin a nice gift i need help with the ported box but ill make a new post