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Everything posted by lithium

  1. would you guys recommend- 1. running power from battery to the cdplayer instead of using the factory harness? 2. grounding to the fire wall or use the factory harness? deck is the clarion mentioned in my build log (the cheap one that can do active)
  2. one is memory back up lead and the other is bus power lead... ill use the harness and run my own ground to the kick as suggested. thanks for the input.
  3. lithium

    Clarion DXZ785USB

    mine siting under the tree. cant wait to get this baby in!
  4. my hu has 2 power wires aswell. one a 3 amp fuse and the other a 15 amp. bumb for help!
  5. lithium

    question on porting

    thanks ill see what we end up doin. thanks for the advice
  6. lithium

    question on porting

    my friend is getting a 10" type R (powering it with a kicker 400.1). he's trying to keep the box as small as he can so i was thinking about using a flare tube port for the box. what diameter should we be looking at? any suggestion? (sub isnt purchased yet. but i havent seen anything better for 100 bucks shipped) edit: damn i think i put this is wrong section... please move if it is
  7. lithium

    question on porting

    by spl i just ment if there would be any NOTICEABLE gain in loudness with a larger port area vs the recommended? also, would a flared port have any advantage over a regular round pvc port w/o flare?
  8. lithium

    SSA dcon specs are a go!

    im going to try as hard as i can to get my friend to go with the dcon over the type R he's got on his mind.
  9. lithium

    question on porting

    would you notice a increase in spl if he went with a 4 inch port or bigger (tuned to the same fs). the manual for the type r states a 3.75 inch port is recommend. is the idea behind the flare port that you can go smaller on the diameter and keep port noise down?
  10. lithium

    16 year old budget build

    i like to make a ghetto compass out of a piece of wood and a screw. screw the stick in the middle of box(dont screw it to tight or you wont be able to spin the stick around to make the circle). then drill a hole on the stick at the radius of the circle. stick a pencil in the hole and spin it.
  11. lithium

    first 2way active/ first real build

    ill get some pics up of the equipment i also have afew questions -- would you guys recommend running power from battery to the cdplayer instead of using the factory harness? should i do a ground to the fire wall or use the factory harness?
  12. lithium

    alarm draining battery???

    im glad i didnt give up and take it to a garage
  13. lithium

    alarm draining battery???

    turned out the battery i bought had a dead cell. explains why it didnt hold a charge at all.
  14. lithium

    first 2way active/ first real build

    haha it was free so i think it will stay. i havent tried setting the alarm over night yet but i do believe i was originally sold a defective battery and the replacement is holding a charge just fine. my raammat and cd player should be here today but i wont be home for afew hours. this weekend i think ill make some new baffles for the doors. the ones i have now are alittle too ghetto...
  15. lithium

    first 2way active/ first real build

    apparently the battery walmart sold me had a dead cell. not sure if that was before or after it being installed in the car. got another under warranty and it seem to be holding a charge. i hope that was the problem i was having.
  16. lithium

    first 2way active/ first real build

    whatever problem with the new head unit during shipping seems to have been taken care of. do to arrive monday along with my roll or raammat. ill post more pics to hold you guys over till i start the build. lol
  17. lithium

    first 2way active/ first real build

    you guys are all a bunch a picture whores... lol i kid. but i will get some more up. my car is having some charging system problems so ill be alittle busy with that for the next few days.
  18. Any amp can do active. The SAX-100.4D simply has crossovers on board making it so you don't have to run an external unit. ya thats what i ment. my bad
  19. lithium

    16 year old budget build

    im trying some raammat out in my doors and some other spots depending how much i have left. ill start installing just after xmas. it was about 140 shipped to central PA. i have dynamat extreme in the trunk but that cost me the same amount for half the square feet... always hear good things about second skin audio as well.
  20. lithium

    first 2way active/ first real build

    random pics of things not installed yet
  21. lithium

    Help with LOW BUDGET build

    good luck with your bids.
  22. lithium

    Help with LOW BUDGET build

    haha sorry to hear that. i get alittle annoyed with the ppl who buy like 8 of the 10 amps they have in a bid. im still alittle pissed that i didnt try to get one of the 31 zx350.4s they had for sale at once... they sold for under 40... i think one dude baught like 20 of them and probably made some big cash on ebay the next week.
  23. lithium

    Help with LOW BUDGET build

    ubid.com has some kicker stuff. i dont think you can beat that rf amp... but you can walk away with a 750.1 or 1000.1 for pretty cheap. damn that rf amp is nuts!
  24. lithium

    Need guidance

    from what ive read on the bl and btl. go with the bl with your power at around 1500rms its a pretty good match. id wait for someone with more experience to chime in as i have never used or heard fi subs. and they could also suggest the options you would need as im sure you may have questions on them.