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Everything posted by lithium

  1. lithium

    New system sounds like crap. help

    glad u got it working, congrats
  2. lithium

    Xcon vs Loaded BL

    icon = xcon's little brother....... basically
  3. lithium

    Look what arrived today

    cool box, hope theres no problem with any motor noise, i wanted to try something like that in my friends s-10
  4. lithium

    New system sounds like crap. help

    I would think with all the effort it would take to modify that box to make it better, he might as well build an ideal one from scratch true. i doubt theres a way to get them 15s in there without going back to the drawing board, in respect to the box.
  5. lithium

    New system sounds like crap. help

    u could try some tricks like inverting the subs and doin external ports... and see if u can squeeze some extra cubes outa your space.
  6. lithium

    BL vs SSD

    listen to this guy, i think he knows his own product
  7. lithium

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    just read thru the whole thread but couldnt see any pics.....
  8. your probably going to have to look at something like kicker, there mono's make power at 2 ohms, a 750.1 or 1000.1 can be found pretty cheap online. buying used might be a better option.
  9. lithium

    Finally got my system working!!

    Haha i hate those people! And there's a LOT of them in ABQ (and probably everywhere else lol). keeping the volume down tends to keep away the crooks aswell congrats on getting everything working PS: picture whores waiting!
  10. lithium

    FI or DC?

    that what i would think too.. but he said something about cancellation... i say this an installation issue not equipment (although the amp may still be a factor)
  11. lithium

    FI or DC?

    id give the 15's a try sealed first. you could just block the ports and add pieces of mdf to take up internal air space to get the box to the right cubic feet. no reason to give up on the 15s till you've tried everything to give them a chance. edit: try turning that box around once.... it might help, personally i've found subs back port back to be the loudest, i know its car dependent, however in my car its such a big difference in output from firing forward vs firing back that i would think something was wrong with my sub stage as well...
  12. lithium

    New system sounds like crap. help

    i think u used the wrong setting on the dmm to check voltage.
  13. lithium

    New system sounds like crap. help

    your right it should be at voltage ac. i didnt notice in the pic...
  14. lithium

    FI or DC?

    I beat a 4 12" sub setup and a 3 15" sub setup today at a local comp with only 2 12s so it's possible, gotta know your install and how to do it. your right, i was just making a general statement, that something is wrong with his current set-up. if he cant get what he has working well then why bother spending more money...
  15. lithium

    FI or DC?

    how is one 12 gona be louder then 2 15's ?? please try somethings to get those two 15's working right before u just throw some more money out the pucking window...
  16. lithium

    New system sounds like crap. help

    i saw u figured out that u had the lpf and ssf mixed up. figured id just post this to let ppl know what was wrong...
  17. doesnt look too impressive, whats your budget and what are u looking to achieve with your system?
  18. lithium

    New system sounds like crap. help

    i guess u could have the polarity switch on one of the subs and still read 1 ohm on the dmm... but thats actually not important, i still havent seen u post that the amp is putting out the power, using a dmm to measure voltage at the speaker terminals (no load) while playing a test tone (set gain with remote gain unhooked, plug the remote in if it makes the proper voltage, which should be about 35, to see if its clipping... good luck
  19. umm idk actually, id start by going over the install, checking wires for corrosion or if a wire came alittle loose, definitely check grounds. this is all i can think of... im sure someone else will chime in with better ideas... good luck
  20. could be speaker or a crossover goin bad, what are u running speaker wise?
  21. since your using the hu's xover u just have to keep the amp's filter above that setting, so id just turn it as far up as it goes or turn it off
  22. lithium

    New system sounds like crap. help

    since changing your setting around have put the dmm on amp to see whats the voltage is at now? im just making sure u have rolled out the amp before u start working on the box (not saying it isn't the box tho). also try firing he subs towards the trunk. edit: i keep looking back at those pictures of the amp settings...they still look wrong to me, i wish someone could look things over for u..
  23. lithium

    basic headunit

    for 250 you can find more a pretty decent hu, if your looking for a basic one dont pay more then 100....
  24. lithium

    We need reviews!!!

    great review!!! ROFL
  25. depends on options, box, etc