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Everything posted by lithium

  1. lithium

    2 12" Fi SSD's

    do an 18 if u wana be different..
  2. lithium

    speaker selection for 2way active

    i was planning on aiming new a-piller pods on axis for the 3". would that still work? i dont mind trying... since i have holes in my a-pillers already lol im trying to get some pictures uploaded from my phone but im having bluetooth problems... but here is what they kinda look like. link 8's are goin to be a tight fit, if i go in that direction im pretty sure i could force some sls 8s in there. i forget the distance from the door panel to window (when its down). id love to say screw door panels and completely cut them to hell and fiber glass them back to life... haha
  3. lithium

    2 12" Fi SSD's

    well thats alittle hit and miss from what some ppl experience... sometime ppl run into a situation where the sub enclosure is too big and effectively "chokes" the path that the sound would travel from the trunk of the car to cabin... (unless u do a wall haha) i cant say if this will happen to u or if u will even be able to get a box for 2 15's into your trunk... without actually building it in the trunk itself... keep doin research before u buy your system! its not so much the equipment thats the issue... install is everything!
  4. lithium

    2 12" Fi SSD's

    id budget kinda like this... (just an example) deadening-raammat-150* sub-single 15 fi bl w/ options-400* amp-sundown-sae 1200d- 350* total- $900 *estimated w/ shipping **the only product i have had personal experience with is the raammat, i picked the bl cause u wanted something Fi for subs... and i picked the sundown cause i want to buy it for myself haha
  5. lithium

    2 12" Fi SSD's

    have u left room in the budget for some frontstage or deadening or will those be added later?
  6. lithium

    Fritosaregood Build

    very nice install
  7. lithium

    2 12" Fi SSD's

    how about u start out with giving us a budget and some more info on what u are trying to get out of your system (not just substage)?
  8. lithium

    Amp Problem

    check all your RCA cables too, it may just not be getting a signal (hopefuly haha)
  9. lithium

    Amp Problem

    try the ipod thing to rule out a headunit failure
  10. lithium

    Amp Problem

    get a dmm, put it to ac voltage, unhook sub, put dmm on amp speaker terminals, tell us the number (if u dont get a reading then the amp is probably boned..)
  11. lithium

    My Dual IXL 12 Build

    op says tuned @ 33hz lovin the port insert thingy.. very nice
  12. lithium

    SQ Set up

    u just used "SQ" , "coaxils" , and "eargasms" in the same paragraph... lol u might want to do alittle more research before u drop 2 grand on this shit
  13. lithium

    today my crossover blew up???:0

    did u install these yourself? where are the crossovers located? what kind of power are they seeing?
  14. lithium

    Terminator Salvation review

    just got back from the theater aswell. deff a movie worth seeing
  15. lithium

    Need help choosing a 400-500 watt sub

    mach 5 ixl has great reviews with about that power aswell nothing wrong with under powering it
  16. lithium

    T/S Parameters for the 6.5" poly's

    The new carbons are different, I forget what the differences are tho.... If someone Has the ts for the carbons, I'd like to see them.
  17. lithium

    Deadner for doors

    from personal experience raammat > dynamat extreme. cost wise u get hellz more raammat then dynamat. performance wise id say raammat looked alittle thicker.
  18. Looks correct to me. should have been ~22.5 volts i believe
  19. wow... either it was clipped to hell or he had it wired to 1ohm and getting like 900 rms (if it makes rated power).... or both x2 power and clipping lol
  20. lithium

    Speaker suggestions for sax100.4

    might aswell give it some headroom since he wont be needing to run rear fill. maybe active down the road??
  21. lithium

    Speaker suggestions for sax100.4

    u dont have to give them the full 300rms but with your "icon pounding" you might need alittle more then 100 a side...
  22. lithium

    Speaker suggestions for sax100.4

    ya or even 250 on components and 150 in deadening for front doors. and yes, bridge the amp to the comps
  23. lithium

    THE BIG 3

    the factory wire from the battery to the terminals under the hood are probably pretty crappy, if your planning to do the big 3 you would have to upgrade those wire (or run new ones along side it) in addition to the rest of the steps