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Everything posted by lithium

  1. lithium

    lithium's build part III

    heres my vision... if my brain was a terrible mac paint program.... lol sub on a baffle at an angle that extends from the top of the rear deck, at the begining of the ski pass, down to the hinge of my amp rack. sub firing into trunk. motor hangs in toward cabin. on the cabin side you see a clam shell looking thing where the floor will meet the baffle at an angle. carpet will cover everything. please foward any ideas to secure the wires.
  2. lithium


  3. lithium

    lithium's build part III

    pics! ....from a cell phone... i need wire management help, ideas for securing them??
  4. lithium


  5. lithium


  6. lithium


  7. lithium


  8. lithium


  9. lithium

    need some idea's for components

    that makes sence to me jay, i apprecheate it! i am pretty much useing my build for DAILY use, so would a 3 way active upfront be good and just keep the rear stock for just rear fillers or completly turn the rear off? my main goal is to just have a very good sounding car all together. i just wanna do it right and have it sound good for daily with mostly rap music playing. 3way is a bad idea for u, i wouldn't recommend it for a first time active install. do a 2way with a mid and a tweeter for example. there are other things you can do like a mid bass and a fullrange or horns, etc. u got the sundown 100.4 allready right? that can take care of all the processing. although an in dash unit is hellz easier. other advantages of indash are ussually Time allignment and eq. yes i have the 100.4 already. I am gonna go 2way active for my first time that seems like the best way for me. so whats a good mid and tweet for me to get? my goal with going active is to just beable to have good sound along with the bass i am going to have. i am open to any idea's... also when i do get my mid and my tweet do i just run them to there own channel on the amp? simple "+ to - " for all 4. i was thinking for mids i would do MLI-65. My link thoes look amazing plus i trust all the companys on this site so i would like to keep my money as much as possible to all the companys with are with this fourm and suggestions from you guys Thanks for all the time and teaching and help guys! alot of guys love those mids, and yes you would run each speaker off a channel, so tweets on the front 2 and mids on the back 2. do a search or ask mark, owner of mach 5, what they like to run with the mli's. i think most ppl use a seas tweeter. (i think denim might run them too) also you are gona want to deaden and seal your doors!! this is very important!!! (do you need this explained more?)
  10. lithium

    need some idea's for components

    that makes sence to me jay, i apprecheate it! i am pretty much useing my build for DAILY use, so would a 3 way active upfront be good and just keep the rear stock for just rear fillers or completly turn the rear off? my main goal is to just have a very good sounding car all together. i just wanna do it right and have it sound good for daily with mostly rap music playing. 3way is a bad idea for u, i wouldn't recommend it for a first time active install. do a 2way with a mid and a tweeter for example. there are other things you can do like a mid bass and a fullrange or horns, etc. u got the sundown 100.4 allready right? that can take care of all the processing. although an in dash unit is hellz easier. other advantages of indash are ussually Time allignment and eq.
  11. lithium

    lithium's build part III

    im looking for some way to secure wires on my amp rack, the rack is upside down in a false floor. so far i found these at radio shack... http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2102877 is there something better??
  12. lithium

    lithium's build part III

    id actually love to replace it, if i like how the ib comes out i want to try to sell it and pick up a 4 channel that does, at least, 150x4, which i would run 2 channels to the sls 8s and bridge the other 2 for 150x1 @ 8 ohms (more power the better). optimally, id like to get like 300 rms @ 8ohm to the mj18 but i wont know if i need that much till its all powered up.
  13. the clarion has good ipod control, and you can run active 2way plus sub (also has TA and seperate rt / lt gain and seperate eq). downside is the screen is hard to see w/ a glare
  14. lithium

    need some idea's for components

    x2 skip the rear door and run active upfront with the 100.4
  15. lithium


    your going to have to look into wether or not they make rated power via someone testing that amp... i also hope your friend has cash to back up 4k rms electrically.. usuallly if you see someone talking about that kind of power they dont cut corners on the amp (assuming the amp is overrated...) its going to be his winter project....he has 3 HC2400s in the trunk + a 220amp alternator.... I've been digging up on this amp and cant seem to find many people talking about it i know nothing of these crazy huge power amps myself, someone else will have to help you haha. i'll be running an 18" ib in my car with maybe 150rms haha
  16. lithium


    edit: powerbass products seem to be "OK" id look into that specific amp first tho. just make sure your friend understands what its gona take to run 4k rms. if your asking on how an amp performs id assume u may not be ready for the install required to run such gear. just a warning, sorry if it sounds dickish, but id hate for his build to suffer do to lack of know-how in regards to this type of install...
  17. that would result in a very peaky box. you would be more satisfied with sealed imo.
  18. lithium

    187 series 15"

    100 watts wont really be noticeable and defiantly not worth the price to upgrade. if you looking to increase output maybe invest in deadening. wait for it to break in. you will surely gain output, especially in the low end!
  19. lithium


    ib FTW haha. i got a mj18 going in my car ib soon. i guess you would only have to cut the hole in the back of the cab.. but keeping rain off the sub will be tricky.. ive seen a product people you to protect speakers mounted in doors. its a open celled foam product i believe... you will want to check if the sub has any motor noise aswell since it will be in the cab with u haha
  20. lithium


    it sounds like your looking to do a blow thru. give that a search online. my friend was thinking bout doin one in an s10. this is a GOOD example on how to cut the hole but the guy DID NOT construct the box correctly.... id recommend u do some research before you start cutting. edit: you didn't mention it so, will the sub be in a box or ib???
  21. lithium


    pics or your lying!!!
  22. lithium


    if it sounds better then u then its a good idea. we can speculate as to what will be better for you but u have to experiment with your install to find out if your seeing a benefit. as far as eq, describe your install and goals first!
  23. just wana to throw an option out there. 18" ssd w/ a better amp like sundown or even a kicker. cone area of an 18 is more then 2 12s. power handling would be lower but would allow you to buy a more reliable amp. install dependent of course... edit: it looks like u may have made the order but u could change it i may have changed your mind. but the 2 12s would be great aswell. i just cringe when ppl buy hifonic.. good luck with your build, anything will be better then mtx ROFL