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Everything posted by lithium

  1. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    so i got my tax return check... im thinking used droid + pandora + car = win?
  2. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I was wondering who did that can you guys tell me what his past issues where? i saw it brought up that he had some past problems.. changed the name of his company, etc?
  3. I think that's what I'll end up doing. It just seems like it's going to be a pain in the ass to wait for one to pop up on ebay. dont be in too much a rush my friend. there are some draw backs to the clarion unit (the screen for example). i would look around as much as possible for the pioneer. btw the clarion is also discontinued as well.
  4. im rocking this clarion unit 785 usb these were going for as little as 150 bucks at one point. but for your budget i'd chase down the better quality Pioneer unit
  5. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    last I heard it was 821 mrem/hr at the site boundary; considering that anything about background levels at the site boundary is usually a cause for alarm, its quite troubling. Even my father, with 20+ in the industry, said "holy shit!" when he heard the radiation levels http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_equivalent_dose Wow, twice that of Brazil nuts. Whoop de fucking do. Nice job with the media there. lol found this quote online afew days ago. ‎"Bananas are slightly radioactive and eating a banana exposes a person to radiation. Recent post-earthquake radiation spikes in Japan measured in bananas have seen levels up to 30 bananas but have dropped down to 1-2 bananas per day"
  7. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    do you use a separate mic for gaming?
  8. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh man it just restarted.. maybe ill get to use the dam thing soon
  9. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    configuring service pack...
  10. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    im sure we'll pick a winner next time as well haha Donald Trump? oh god..
  11. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sure its not 3? who was the last decent one?
  12. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    im sure we'll pick a winner next time as well haha
  13. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Where in Lewistown did you get on the train? the amtrak station, actually i just wiki'd it and im surprised by some of the info. apparently the oldest station in PA that is still operating. wiki - lewistown amtrak station
  14. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    rode the train for the first time saturday, lewistown to pittsburgh, to visit my girlfriend. ill probably do it again. its an hours longer then driving but a hell of alot more enjoyable. cost wise its about 25 bucks one way in gas or 32 by train. funniest part was there was some guy helping load luggage on the train for his family and didn't tell the conductor... the train left the station before he could get off haha. he apparently left his keys in his truck as well. never found out what happen to the guy but the next stop was about 40 miles from where we got on.
  15. lithium

    Happy Berfday ///M5!

    happy birthday
  16. lithium

    Port type/direction

    in terms of physics, port shape doesn't matter. your best bet, if your serious about this, is to build a test box or two and test them in different locations in the vehicle (various distances from the hatch) and in different orientations. general rule-of-thumb practices dont really exist in car audio although if someone has done significant testing in the same model vehicle as yours it may give you a place to start. however, your results may or may not be the same and you wont know without testing things out.
  17. lithium

    SA-8 v.2 Prototype Video

    i think they might be banana plugs?
  18. lithium

    First System NEED help

    you could save up a bit more and get the 2 x dcon's (10 or 12 inch) and sax125.2 package deal.
  19. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    im trying to convince my parents to get on my verizon plan with me and my bro so my bill will go down.. i showed my dad what pandora is/does tonight and he really interested now
  20. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    im negative for the entire semester usually. i commute as well so these gas prices are really a pain in the ass. i believe its up to about 3.39 around here.
  21. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i definitely agree with you but personally, due to my dad's health and dangerous work environment, im glad he's getting out. i was trying to find some more info on how government employment has changed historically, etc... but its 5:00 am so i think ill try getting some sleep lol
  22. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i've spent the last 5 years working with mostly women... :facepalm: <<<whats the emoticon for face palm... ohhh its doh
  23. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my only experience with unions has been what i've heard from my dad. he's kind of an interesting guy in terms of politics, he would probably agree with alot of the opinions made by M5 (socially liberal,fiscal conservative) but less educated haha... besides being an active union member. i cant put a number on it but i would have to say his experience with the union has been a bit more positive then yours. i wont go into details and shit but it seems personal opinions/observations are sometime a bit more subjective. The liberal media has a way of helping young undecideds lean the wrong way. i think the problem is that the media is complete shit and most young people dont educate themselves. but like i said my view of unions has mostly been in favor of them due to my dad's relatively positive experience. i think alot of support is based on the past success of unions. they now tend to assume that they need to exist in order keep a balance. so i guess the debate is whether or not cooperations would/do take advantage of non-union workers? I would question your dad's positive experience, not to him per se, but in reality if it is a positive experience it is because he was getting paid above his level. That NEVER makes sense. You think the UAW workers that are getting nearly 6 digits for barely lifting a finger have ANYTHING bad to say about the unions? Then realize that those unions exclusively have destroyed the American automobile manufacturers. Without them we would not see so many imports, not even close. Government subsidies are also whacked and similar. Look at how many dairy farms there are in CA where it is extremely inefficient to grow dairy cows. Thank price fixing for that. ill get back to guys if i talk to him about it sometime. i certainly dont want to speak for him. but for a federal employee i dont think his salary is outrageous (definitely not 6 figures haha) given the work environment. federal employment probably has too many perks and it seems cuts are being made, pay freeze and employment freeze. the extent of his education is a high school degree and some military time however the job he does now would require a college degree. he in his mid 50's and can retire next year, and probably will do so but plans to get a part time job to keep busy. his career certainly wasn't stagnant but maybe he's just an anomaly, although to really move up would require moving our family around all over the country multiple times like his father did (btw, im pretty sure my grandfather wasn't a union guy, my understanding was that he was the guy they would bring in to fire a bunch of fuckers and get shit running right haha). my grandfather who wasn't even a high school grad was making 6 figures when he retired. my grandparents spent the last 20 years living either here in Pa or in Tx, traveling in around in their sick ass motor home, and vacationing in mexico (they would stay in there motor home right on the beach for weeks at a time). definitely a perfect example of someone who really worked his ass off.
  24. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my only experience with unions has been what i've heard from my dad. he's kind of an interesting guy in terms of politics, he would probably agree with alot of the opinions made by M5 (socially liberal,fiscal conservative) but less educated haha... besides being an active union member. i cant put a number on it but i would have to say his experience with the union has been a bit more positive then yours. i wont go into details and shit but it seems personal opinions/observations are sometime a bit more subjective. The liberal media has a way of helping young undecideds lean the wrong way. i think the problem is that the media is complete shit and most young people dont educate themselves. but like i said my view of unions has mostly been in favor of them due to my dad's relatively positive experience. i think alot of support is based on the past success of unions. they now tend to assume that they need to exist in order keep a balance. so i guess the debate is whether or not cooperations would/do take advantage of non-union workers?
  25. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i enjoy your stories, you've had a very interesting life, so far haha. you make a good point. i wonder if the "carrot" has to be or ought to be money by itself? i dont find myself very motivated to chase after money. should we consider creating other "carrots" to motivate people? im not too sure what they would be... I used carrot and not money as an example. Even in my case it isn't really just money, in fact, that is just a subset. gotcha