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Everything posted by lithium

  1. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

  2. lithium

    Keep the W6v2's or...

    when sliding the box through the opening, as long as, you keep the height close to 13.5" and the width close to 32" (to fit the lower part of the opening) you can fit a box in that is almost as deep as the entire trunk (front to back). my bro's sentra had a center seatbelt thing hanging from the rear deck which, along with the wierd ass floor towards the front of the trunk, limited height to about 14.5".
  3. lithium

    04 Sentra Spec-V Build Log

    i didnt see any picks of deadening the rear deck? any plans to? i used sound deadener showdown for the deadening in my bro's sentra, only took afew tiles to hit the flat portions of the deck, top and bottem. i think i also used about 8 tiles on the roof which really stiffened it up.
  4. lithium

    04 Sentra Spec-V Build Log

    thanks. i know what you mean about sloped trunk floor. the false floor fixes that but you run into height issues with the shit hanging from the rear deck (the white box covering the center seat belt thing). also, i have some fans to add yet, but im not sure how ill aim them and where to vent them. im sure you could improve on my idea if you find it necessary to put the spare back in. could do something crazy like suspend the amps from rear deck lol
  5. lithium

    04 Sentra Spec-V Build Log

    nice build dude, im getting close to finishing a build in the same car for my brother. i managed to retain the spare with a false floor. ill post a pic later. edit: false floor pics, major pain in the ass. if it was my car i would have done what you did lol. his car is the base model 1.8l so maybe the spare is smaller? ignore the changing shade of the carpet, camera on my phone must be fucked or something. i put the factory floor carpet on top of the false floor to hide any trace of whats underneath. this is the false floor the tray the holds the amps, this whole piece lifts up to give you access to the spare. after mounting the amps the section covering the amps is a 2 part piece, so you can still access the sub amp with the subwoofer enclosure still in. sorry for all the pics, cant really see whats going on without them.
  6. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

  7. check out db-r.com for refurb sundown amps. or there is a guy in the FS section selling sundown saz3000d's for 450-500
  8. theoretically yes, double power = 3db increase on the same sub. in reality it probably wont be a full 3 db.. as far as it being a noticeable difference, the smallest change in amplitude most people can hear is 1db. from what i understand of the SSD and the BTL, all things the same (sub size, amp, box, etc) the btl will be louder on the same power do to its design. so going from an 18 ssd to an 18 btl will give you more output (i dont know how much..) and the ability to run more power down the road.
  9. lithium

    Lack of midbass

    something like a used/refurb kicker 350.4 can be had under 150. i dont have an opinion of the speakers, maybe a better idea would be to rewrite your entire thread so we can address your main problem, "lack of midbass", so we can talk about how you plan to install them, deadening, etc.
  10. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Better question is what is an acceptable lower voltage What drop do you have and what are you using to measure it? (curious on the frequency response of the device and how fast it changes/drops) i shouldn't post at 4 am. your right, that is what i ment to ask. monitoring the voltage with a stinger voltmeter. however, i just assumed it's response is fast enough for an accurate reading . the voltage drop im getting varies by song, etc. this car's (04 sentra) idle must be pretty terrible, for example the AC powering ON drops the voltage to about 12.8v (according to the voltmeter). turning the head lights on causes a similar drop.. As long as you are within the safe operating specification of your amplifier and it doesn't affect the output such that it clips and causes you to exceed the average power the drivers can take you are fine. The second is pretty unlikely with the rail sliding down with the supply, but staying in the operation levels of the amp is necessary. thanks, for now i have things set up to prevent my bro from breaking anything. later i might see how far i can push it..
  11. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Better question is what is an acceptable lower voltage What drop do you have and what are you using to measure it? (curious on the frequency response of the device and how fast it changes/drops) i shouldn't post at 4 am. your right, that is what i ment to ask. monitoring the voltage with a stinger voltmeter. however, i just assumed it's response is fast enough for an accurate reading . the voltage drop im getting varies by song, etc. this car's (04 sentra) idle must be pretty terrible, for example the AC powering ON drops the voltage to about 12.8v (according to the voltmeter). turning the head lights on causes a similar drop..
  12. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what is an acceptable amount of voltage drop? stock alt and battery, 0 gauge to amp, and big 3 done (grounds are 2 awg, and alt to battery is a double run of 2 awg).
  13. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    built the box for my bro's ICON. hell of a sub denim, pounds fucking hard.
  14. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    dam, was behind a bit on the hop...
  15. lithium

    2 SA8s or 2 SA10s?

    if you currently have a dual 2 ohm sa-8 wired to 4ohm you cant just add a 2nd sa-8 to that amp (well you could but it would require you to either run it at 8ohm bridge, take over the front two channels and add a new amp for the front speakers, or buy a new sub amp). how about you give us your budget? (2) sa-10 would cost about 400 bucks right? with that you could pick up a decent 15" sub (sundown, fi, ssa, etc), upgrade the power wire if need be, and get a subwoofer amp.
  16. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    note to self, never buy an amp with 30 day warranty and wait more then 30 days to install it.. one of the usx 2080's i got from audioclinic goes into protection. solid red LED w/ flashing green LED. after learning this is due to a bad ground i tried grounding it individually (not through a distro) to two different spots and it remained in protection. edit: i know the distro isn't the problem but mike at audioclinic sent this response to my initial email, "I apologize for any inconvenience for problems with your amp. I would first like to mention that you should never ground an amp through a distribution box, power is OK nut never the ground. The ground should be connected to the chassis of the vehicle as close to the amp as possible. Please be certain that all connections are correct as a flashing green LED is a sign of bad grounding. If the amp goes into protection, the RED LED shound come on and the green LED not light up at all. Please disconnect all from the amp except for the +12V,power ground and remote. If the amp still goes into protection, the amp is defective. If after re-checking your installation you still have a problem, send the amp back to me for repair."
  17. lithium

    SEALED enclosures subs?

    whats your low pass crossover set at? have you turned it up more? imo i would raise the tuning some by cutting some length off the ports.
  18. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh great.. finally get the amp rack in my bro's car wired up and one of the usx 2080's isn't working.. solid red protection LED w/ the green LED slowing flashing..? tried unplugging the rca and speaker wires.. its 4 am, fuck i gotta get to bed... the other 2080 and the sub amp are fine...
  19. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    KCA-121B Just picked one up for my bro's 9855
  20. lithium

    zaph Hi-Vi B3S crossover

    thanks for the help, ill read back through his build to see what exactly he specifies.
  21. lithium

    zaph Hi-Vi B3S crossover

    already picked up the mids a while back and now i'm finally getting around to putting this all together. my question is, which brand or type of components should i order to build the crossovers. here is the parts list. however, following the recommendation when used as desktop/near field R2 = 4ohm. here is the list i put together, just want to make sure im not spending too much, or not enough.. i have to place an order for speakers (bro's build), so shipping will be free from parts express. (could place the order through another site) 30 ohm 4ohm .4 mh board 4.3 uf cap .8 mh =30 bones
  22. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    started a new thread.. trying to take back the home audio section from kryptonitewhite.... :facepalm:
  23. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    check out tomshardware.com, i really like the posting format they use . essentially use their "form" and someone will help you pick the best parts to fit your needs. plent of how-to guides, aswell.
  24. lithium

    Welcome to the IHoP

    got my order in for deadening from don (for the bro's car). looks like im pulling the headliner, never done it before so it should be... interesting..