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Everything posted by Bobaflob

  1. no need for another topic. Hook it up and see if it works, then use it.
  2. Bobaflob

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Im almost up to a post a day.
  3. Bobaflob

    Bad weekend for the Fi Q

    There was a btl in which the whole motor collapsed and it was warrantied.
  4. Bobaflob

    power wire heatshield

    ahhh, 100ft on pvc. I bought triple wall
  5. Bobaflob

    power wire heatshield

    its a min of 100ft? When i orderd i bought like 10ft
  6. Bobaflob

    Older Sundown 3000D?

    Exactly, the meter would be the only thing that could tell.
  7. Bobaflob

    Older Sundown 3000D?

    While reducing the amps life. Even if you have badass electrical it will hurt it more than a 1ohm load.
  8. Bobaflob

    Bad weekend for the Fi Q

    my mag was cracked and it was warrantied.
  9. Bobaflob

    US AMP for 10" SSDs

    Great! But i read they do 1800 at 1 ohm... Do you believe it? Could be true, whats the fuse rating on them?
  10. Bobaflob

    US AMP for 10" SSDs

    Pretty sure the merlins do rated
  11. Bobaflob

    anyone dealt with chevy std. cabs?

    If your going for straight loud, Audioque sdc 10s
  12. Bobaflob

    Older Sundown 3000D?

    Jacob himself said the gain wasn't worth it running at .5 ohm load. Efficiency goes down the drain.
  13. This gave me an erection.
  14. Bobaflob

    15" bl box size??

    Or bad ground. Could be a number of things, go through your install and double check everything.
  15. Bobaflob

    15" bl box size??

    Could be crappy recordings of the songs.
  16. Bobaflob

    1500D Powering options

    It is totally necessary, if the wire gets cut id would just continually short. Fuses in the amp dont stop that. anytime I have had/seen a main fuse pop, all the fuses on the amp does as well. I don't feel like explaining, go cut your amp power wire and touch it to metal and see what happens. I'd rather not...... I understand what your saying...... But if you do everything right...... or rightish..... you should have to worry about that kind of stuff. Would suck to get in a car wreck and be burned alive because you didn't fuse your amp power wire.
  17. Bobaflob

    1500D Powering options

    It is totally necessary, if the wire gets cut id would just continually short. Fuses in the amp dont stop that. anytime I have had/seen a main fuse pop, all the fuses on the amp does as well. I don't feel like explaining, go cut your amp power wire and touch it to metal and see what happens.
  18. Bobaflob

    Hairline crack?

    Was pulling my bl to get pics of it and noticed a hairline crack in the top slug that goes about halfway around, il get pics in about 30 mins. How could this have happened? It was fine when i put it in the enclosure.
  19. Bobaflob

    1500D Powering options

    It is totally necessary, if the wire gets cut it would just continually short. Fuses in the amp dont stop that.
  20. Bobaflob

    Monday Blue's

    ya its the top of the coil but its above the cone so i hope it will be ok. any idea how much for a new dustcap? Just cover it with duct tape and call it a day.
  21. Bobaflob

    Hairline crack?

    Correct sir, thanks for the update, it made my day.
  22. Bobaflob

    1500D Powering options

    I fuse for wire when running to batts, and fuse for amp rating on amp power wire. guess whatever floats your boat, When it shorts its going to blow either way
  23. Bobaflob

    1500D Powering options

    200 amp then
  24. Bobaflob

    1500D Powering options

    What is the fuse rating of the amp? P.S. Knu kits are teh 1337 H4x
  25. Bobaflob

    Hairline crack?

    Ya, I have a feeling its going to be a whole rebuild.