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Everything posted by Bobaflob

  1. Bobaflob

    Fi Shipping

    Read this: How long will it take to get my sub?
  2. Bobaflob

    FI vs DD

    Id like you to buy the AQ2200 and do an actual comparison with the BXI 2607. Someone needs to do this atleast. What about a drop in comparison between 9500s and BTLs. I say that needs to be done before anything can be said. And which one of DD's fart cannons are you going to compare with the Fi Q since the thread is comparing the two companies? Has DD ever made a SQ orientated sub?
  3. Bobaflob

    FI vs DD

    Id like you to buy the AQ2200 and do an actual comparison with the BXI 2607. Someone needs to do this atleast. What about a drop in comparison between 9500s and BTLs. I say that needs to be done before anything can be said.
  4. Bobaflob

    12" Fi Q

    I agree, thought you meant it wouldn't be ok to power it with that amp.
  5. Bobaflob


    Who told you to use such a small port on your box?
  6. Bobaflob

    12" Fi Q

    Internet sarcasm is hard to get across sometimes.
  7. Bobaflob

    lv4xl10 vids

    Just gotta get my other 10. Trying to keep a good chunk of change around for whenever i got to court.
  8. Bobaflob

    lv4xl10 vids

    What truck do you have? A pair of 10s ported off some good power would be what I would put in a reg cab truck if I had the space. It isn't easy to fit 2.5-3cubes, two amps, and a spare battery in a reg cab truck though....unless you have a ram or something similar. Going for 2.4 cubes tuned 38-40hz with batts and amps in toolbox in a gmc sonoma(s10).
  9. Bobaflob

    Kicker CVX 15"s V.S.Fi Q 15"s

    Hmmm, what was the tuning on the l7s? i believe it was like 35hz a guy sold it to me for 50 bucks he had it in a Tahoe and he built and carpeted it himself! Can you give us a definition of the word "low" in your own words? Use songs with "lows" as examples.
  10. Bobaflob

    Kicker CVX 15"s V.S.Fi Q 15"s

    Hmmm, what was the tuning on the l7s?
  11. Bobaflob

    Kicker CVX 15"s V.S.Fi Q 15"s

    Why not try a single 15 ported or 2 12s ported?
  12. Bobaflob

    lv4xl10 vids

    It does get pretty loud for what it is but I know it can be even louder. What do you have in your truck? Sdc2.5 10. Adding another later. Nice sub in my opinion. Too bad i cant fit my 18 bl in there.
  13. Bobaflob

    Which subs will be better than my CVX'S?

    What about a single 15 xcon?
  14. Bobaflob

    Which subs will be better than my CVX'S?

    How is it comparable with the 9515g? Well I can put it this way, since the HDC3 release 9500 sales have dropped 26%. Id like for DJ to chime in and tell us how they are comparable, last i saw it was just the basket.
  15. Bobaflob

    Which subs will be better than my CVX'S?

    How is it comparable with the 9515g?
  16. Your already mixing you batcap with your starting battery, I don't think adding another would hurt anything (same voltage of course).
  17. Bobaflob

    Sub for my car?

    Ohm: Dual 2 P Chamfer: No Cooling: Yes Flatwind: Yes Daily or SPL: Daily Extreme Lead: No Universal: Yes Dustcap: Your Preference Thats fully loaded, and which can be wired down to one ohm. Id use a Saz 1500d for a fully loaded bl. Perfect match in my opinion.
  18. Bobaflob

    lv4xl10 vids

    Very nice. Im obsessed with getting loud in small spaces since i got my regular cab. Seems that sucker does the trick.
  19. The impendance is the load on the coils. On the specs you posted from the other listing means its a dual 4, which can be wired at 2 or 8 ohms.
  20. Bobaflob

    AQ SDC2.5, DCSL LVL3, AA

    The SDC is not an sq sub. They don't like sealed enlocures and like high tuning in ported.
  21. Bobaflob

    Adding another subwoofer..

    God im a tard, I read this wrong.
  22. Bobaflob

    Adding another subwoofer..

    No way you can wire 2 d1s to 1ohm. What amp do you have now? Also, you could recone the original to a dual 2 if its universal.
  23. Bobaflob

    breaking in subs

    Wanging it out of the box just breaks it in quicker. Playing them on low volume for a few hours wouldnt make a difference to the speakers life as a whole.
  24. Bobaflob

    SSA Icon 12" Common Chamber

    why would he do that? then he's be out of the job, come on man! lol Does look like he has magic powers. Doubt we could clone his style.
  25. Bobaflob

    eD19ov.2 vs. Fi Q and Bl 18s

    Well his current enclosure is for 4 of them, so he would have to build new ones to test. I say build one with swappable ports. BUT if you are tuning as high as 35 you dont ant the Qs