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About disneymike

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  1. disneymike

    Alpine IVA-W205 IPOD problem

    Yes, it does suck. I decided to try the KCE-900E trick as was told and still no audio from the Ipod or the Blackbird. When I ran the RCA's from the HU to my amps everything worked like a charm
  2. disneymike

    Alpine IVA-W205 IPOD problem

    Basically that's what it is though the manager and the tech reps I talked to kept saying "the older processor" when talking about the PXA-W701 so maybe a newer processor is in the works? The manager stated that Alpine is aware of the incompatability and have their R&D guys looking into the problem. He also stated that the new IVA-W505 has the same issues which is not to cool.
  3. disneymike

    Alpine IVA-W205 IPOD problem

    It actually has to do with the IVA-W205 itself and if you are using the PXA-W701. I received a call from a manager at Alpine who said that to make the whole thing work I need to hook up a KCE-900E interface directly to the head units Nav socket and with an RCA cable coming out of the guide out on the 900E to the guide in on the PXA-W701. I am going to try this on Friday to see if it indeed works. Just seems like a lot un-necessary steps to get the unit working right.
  4. disneymike

    Alpine IVA-W205 IPOD problem

    Well, solved the problem and it is the PXA-H701 sound processor. Apparently, Alpine did not take into consideration that people might want 5.1 surround in their cars and vast tuning adjustments. And that BOTH the IVA-W205 and the new IVA-W505 is not compatible with the PXA-H701 if using the Blackbird 2. Poor thinking on Alpine's part and the fact that they say absolutely nothing of the incompatibilty with the processor is just bad. So, buyer beware.....
  5. disneymike

    Alpine IVA-W205 IPOD problem

    Yes, running AI-net to PXA-H701 with fiber optic cable for audio input.
  6. disneymike

    Alpine IVA-W205 IPOD problem

    E-mail sent!
  7. disneymike

    Alpine IVA-W205 IPOD problem

    Hello all, Set up: IVA-W205 with Blackbird 2 docked: Problem 1: Alpine unit sees Ipod and plays and displays info but absolutely no audio, can't hear a thing. Sirius, CD changer, DVD all work correctly. Problem 2: With Blackbird docked and using bluetooth, caller can hear me but I can't hear them. INT settings all correct per Alpine. I sent the unit into Alpine and was told there was nothing wrong and everything checked out. Am I missing something??? Thanks in advance!
  8. disneymike

    Howdy to all

    Hello to all!