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Everything posted by mclarengts

  1. mclarengts

    Top 5 SQ Subs

    how are MB Quart as far as SQ goes, compared to these other subs?
  2. mclarengts

    Top 5 SQ Subs

    how are MB Quart as far as SQ goes, compared to these other subs?
  3. mclarengts

    RF-p3 or RE-se

    so the SE is that much better than the P3
  4. mclarengts

    RF-p3 or RE-se

    so my girl is about to get her first system, and the shop here has the Rockford Fosgate P3 and the RE SE equally priced. She wants the 12s but neither she nor I know which one is the better sub I think the RE SE's but the installer seems to think the Rockfords are better, I told her to get 2 FI BLs but hey whatever, what do you guys think would be the better subs to get, and just because, how would the FI BLs fit in al of this???? Thanks
  5. mclarengts

    Top 5 SQ Subs

    Ive heard of rainbow componants.. are they really that good of a speaker?
  6. mclarengts

    RF-p3 or RE-se

    any other takers ... the P3 or SE?
  7. Thanks for the input I didnt buy it, it was sold anyway
  8. Does anyone have any pics of their (big3) installation
  9. mclarengts

    RF-p3 or RE-se

    Sorry Can't... Naw well I got a friend who can run wires, but i want it to be clean and sure it right !
  10. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    Really!?! cool thanks
  11. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    I guess my original post got lost, but was looking for some help with my choice of amps. I have a 2000 Nissan Maxima, and I have one BL 15 now and I want to get another one. So for 2 BLs I know I will have to upgrade my amp. I dont have a HO Alt, so the SAZ 3000 would be out of the picture (right now anyway) how would a SAZ1500D push 2 BL 15s? what other amps do you recommend? All name brands are welcome. Also how much do HO Alts usually run? Thanks
  12. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    cool i might do that this weekend
  13. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    Cool thanks thats what i was looking for
  14. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    Can any one tell me exactly where the 3 wires are ran for the big 3 cause i been searching and i dont see it
  15. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    cool yeah ill probably get the wire from the welding site or knuks (or whatever it is)
  16. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    sorry to say this but i dont think so bro....to power those BL's your gonna need true watts and rms...not some dirty distorted amp that might damage your woofas... true true.. Guess ill start making phone calls tomorrow to get that Alt and start from there
  17. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    yeah thats true.. are there any powerful amps that dont draw a lot of power?
  18. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    or i could go with 2 SAZ1500d I saw 2 on ebay today
  19. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    I seen, but hopefully i could get a Alt for a good price
  20. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    wow i didnt know that, how do i find out what they reccomend ?
  21. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    wow do i really need that big of a battery?
  22. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    I got the battery coming, so i guess imma have to look in to the Alts what other electrical stuff should I look in to?
  23. mclarengts

    Amp for 2 BLs

    Oh I forgot this would be for Daily Bumpin, but I still want to be able to blow the trunk off if nessesary and I might get the HO Alt at the same time depending on the cost..