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Everything posted by Trixter

  1. Trixter

    Its not official yet, but look what I found

    Or even photoshop....kinda like this...:
  2. Trixter

    Wire Dilemna

    I may have missed this answer because I just skimmed through this thread so don't grill me if I did. They make solid connectors to reduce power / groung wire to size. Goes onto the wire and clamps down with a set screw (like a traditional fuse holder) and the other end is the diameter of the amp's input. I'll see if I can search one down.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> .....like so....: http://www.cardomain.com/item/STIS04ADAPT
  3. Trixter

    Wire Dilemna

    I may have missed this answer because I just skimmed through this thread so don't grill me if I did. They make solid connectors to reduce power / groung wire to size. Goes onto the wire and clamps down with a set screw (like a traditional fuse holder) and the other end is the diameter of the amp's input. I'll see if I can search one down....
  4. Trixter

    Loyal SoundSplinter customer needs help with box!

    OK, hold up...that was a mistake on my part. It is cu" not sq". The JL equation is in cu'....mine is cu" because, like I said before, it's breaks it into simpler terms. I think when you seen the Vb in sq", is was simply a misprint, like I did. If it was in sq" it would make no sence and not even come close to working out.
  5. Trixter

    Loyal SoundSplinter customer needs help with box!

    Maybe I got lost somewhere on the way, but didn't you say that your going to use a RL-p 15"? How is the box going to 15.5" tall externally and 13" internally? Another side note, you should place the hole for the sub as far away from the port as you can. (Port on right side and sub to the most left you can.) I haven't crunched the numbers for the port, but I trust you guys got it by by now...with all the back and forth you've been doing. FYI: use this in the future for port length: Fb= tuning freq. Lv= vent length R= inside radius of vent (for slot/square vent use: sq. rt. of A/Pi to find R. A= vent area.) Vb= box volume in sq. inches Lv = [(1.463 x 10^7 x R^2) / (Fb^2 x Vb)] - 1.463 x R I have used this formula a lot and it's correct. It's actually the same as the one on the JL web site but is broken down into simpler terms, and I find it a little more user friendly. I have not seen the formula you used. It kinda looks like the JL one but it has a few different numbers and is switch around a little....maybe why you got a funky number.
  6. Trixter

    SSA's Chat Room

    Every time I go there nobody is there. Is there a certain time people go there or do just not a lot of people use it?
  7. Trixter

    SSA's Chat Room

    It's a nice feature and all, but I think it's kinda hard to plan a time thing for everyone. Didn't some of us from CA.c try that on Sunday nights using AIM? I think you all should just hang out there all the time a wait for me. I'll be in between 10 - 11am.
  8. Trixter

    - Welcome to SoundSplinter's Online Forum -

    Yes, frequent it more frequently.
  9. Trixter

    Newbie to the forum not to the lifestyle

    Yep...it's me. And now I know it's you by the pic of the truck....lol Yeah, I'd be totally down with a midwest team, meet, comp....whichever. It would be pretty cool.
  10. I am thinking about getting a Sound Stream Xstream 480.2 and 360.2. I know that some of the older Sound Stream amps were really good. But is this like other "ghood back in the day" companies or do they still make strong products?
  11. Trixter

    Newbie to the forum not to the lifestyle

    But thats's only like 15min. from me.
  12. Trixter

    Newbie to the forum not to the lifestyle

    don't worry, it is welcome to the forum!! B)
  13. Trixter

    the soundsplinter family photo(s)

    Actually it's going in my wife's car, so technically....well....I gotta try it! I plan on running 2 12" PB LSQ's in the not so distant future. Nope, still waiting...I imagine it should be any day now.
  14. Trixter

    the soundsplinter family photo(s)

    You never know! There will certainly come some times when I offer discounts to the members here at SSAudio, but when those times may come about, I cannot yet say <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He's a poet...
  15. Trixter

    Power Bass / Memphis???

    Ah...I see. Did not know that PB made for other companies.
  16. Trixter

    Power Bass / Memphis???

    Not sure how true it is, or how reliable the source is, but I heard that Power Bass and Memphis are made by the same company. Anyone know if there is any truth to this? Looking at them there are a lot of similarities...but somtimes that doesn't really mean anything.
  17. Trixter

    port questions

    Just remember you will need more room for round ports than you will for a slot port. Also, you'll want to keep the end of the port as far away from the back of the box as the port is wide or is in diameter.
  18. Trixter

    - Welcome to SoundSplinter's Online Forum -

    Awsome! Glad to see you here! This place just keeps getting better and better.....
  19. Trixter

    the soundsplinter family photo(s)

    Waiting for my 12 RL-p....any day now...can't wait!!!
  20. Well, I "found" my "hidden" folders. We'll see how this works out. thanks guys.
  21. I use the Norton AntiVirus 2004 I got off the net with a subscribtion with my computer. When I scan my system, it shows all the questionable files and gives you the choice to delete them. When I choose to delete them, a few actually do, but the rest say "delete failed". When I click on the file to find it's location it show where it's at; C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp\(file name). The thing is, when I go to my C drive and then to Documents and Settings and then Owner, I have no Temp file there. So how can I find the file to manually delete them and why can't I find it?? Also, why doesn't these spy ware threats auto delete?
  22. I also notice this with a couple other locations...there is simply no file where it says that there should be one. Also, when I search for the file, it's doesn't find any matches.
  23. I wouldn't mind putting one of those 3000.1's to my 15. B)
  24. So is it safe to say that sites such as this: http://www.caraudiocenter.net/ really don't have them for sale or did a few actually get realesed?
  25. Trixter

    Hey all

    Wow...there's two of you guys...cool. I talked to someone at Power Bass awhile back to get them to come here and they seemed a little hesitent...I think because you were busy moving or something.. Anywho...welcome to the board!!