ill hook it up to a meter tomorow, i dont have one here with me. but im not sure if its a low ohm load....sometimes it will play for a while, sometimes it will turn off after playing for only a couple of mins, regradless of if im playing it loud or low. sometimes all i have to do is turn the radio off for a second, turn it back on and the amp works fine. sometimes it wont turn on at all. also i am diasy chaining ( i know, hopefully this week if im kepting the amp ill finish the second remote wire) the remote wire off from the eclispe amp to my zapco amp, when the eclipse amp shuts down the zapco still works fine. so i am thinking this eliminates the head unit being the problem, the power light goes off but the red protection light does not come on...i am thnking that this is not a simple problem and my $1000 amp is bad