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Everything posted by bertholomey

  1. bertholomey

    Auditioning Fi Q's

    I would like to listen to a couple of these subwoofers before buying (Q10 and Q12). Is there a dealer locator I can reference, or is there an opportunity to listen at the HQ in Vegas (going there in a few weeks for business)?
  2. bertholomey

    Auditioning Fi Q's

    I will traveling the last 3 weeks in March for work, but I might be able to squeeze up to Roanoke that Saturday. I'll probably be in Pulaski the weekend of March 7-9 if anyone would be available to meet.
  3. bertholomey


    I am in Greensboro, NC. BTW - noob mistake - I posted this question here in the main SSA Forum and again in the Fi car audio section - apologies
  4. bertholomey


    I have recently become aware of Fi subwoofers through various forum sites. I would like to know where to audition them. I am traveling to Las Vegas next month and wanted to know if there was an opportunity to listen to them at the Ficaraudio HQ, or are these displayed at local dealers?
  5. bertholomey

    Auditioning Fi Q's

    I am in Greensboro. I see Radford VA - I'm originally from Pulaski.