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Everything posted by acschank

  1. acschank

    Pass Door Spacer

    From the album: SVX Install

  2. acschank

    Pass Door CLD

    From the album: SVX Install

  3. In the middle of a project

  4. In the middle of a project

  5. In the middle of a project

  6. acschank

    IXL 12 Box Question

    The site lists 1.8 cu.ft. for the IXL 12 SL. I am assuming this is for either home or car use, so would a box approximately 1.52 ft3 with pollyfill be adequate? More specifically my dimensions are: 17"x15.5" top/bottom 15.5"x11.5" r-side/l-side/inner baffle 17"x13" front/back internal: 15.5"x14.75"x11.5" This is attempt number 2 for a box. I needed some mdf for door speaker baffles and had to buy a whole sheet so I figured out all the numbers for a 1.35 cu.ft. box because thats what i remebered and had it cut at lowes today (actually I have enough for 2 boxes that size). I got home to make sure i remembered right, and of course 1.35 is for the icon, the other sub I was thinking about. At least I didn't get charged any cut fee, and the guy working the saw was real good. I hope the guy tomorrow is that good.
  7. acschank

    unlimited usb recignition

    I am in the process of gathering pieces to form a more SQ based setup, and would like to eliminate having to flip through cd's all the time. With high capacity portable hard drives out there running off just usb power (wd my passport, for example) and lossless .WAV files it would seem like an ideal solution is available. However, I cannot seem to find a head unit geared towards SQ that has unlimited usb recognition. My google searches come up with useless info. I wonder if anyone here knows of or has experience with such a beast. I was leaning towards the deh-p800prs (man is it sexy) until I read elsewhere that it only has like 4gb recognition(with a separate adapter, nonetheless). Any ideas?
  8. acschank

    unlimited usb recignition

  9. acschank

    unlimited usb recignition

    Thanks for the input everyone. It looks like the 800 with the ub100 should work after all. Found a pretty in depth discussion of it here: http://www. mp3car.com/vbulletin/car-audio/93542-pioneer-cd-ub100-usb-adapter.html Seems to only problem that there may or may not be is poor information display. Also a little delay due to indexing when the unit is turned on (no mention of anything as bad as the 25 minutes I feared). Seems like a reasonable trade-off for such a massive music library with no fumbling with CDs while at a light. Sweet.
  10. acschank

    unlimited usb recignition

    That would be an excellent solution, however more time, money, and space than I am willing to devote to it. Maybe just have to go with a few flash drives, I just read that it takes about 5 seconds (or more) per GB to index for a pioneer (not sure about others). For 320GB that would be over 25 minutes (is my math right, jeesh) before you could start listening.
  11. I am curious how much of a difference there is between a 2ft^3 and a 2.5ft^3 box tuned to 32hz for a 12" Q. I've read that bigger is better for ported boxes, but 2ft^3 boxes tuned to 32hz are readily available on e-bay. Would I be giving up a lot of output or response for the convenience of an easily available box, or would this be a good buy? If it matters the Q will be powered by a 1000 watt MB Quart raa1000, and going in a 93 Saturn coupe.