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Everything posted by RustyWCA

  1. RustyWCA

    Lvl 3 Burping questions

    for burps they should be fine but 3 secont runs i dont think there going to be really happy if your going full tilt on em, i know you dont want to step up to a bigger level but they would be louder and have the capability to do more with that amount of power, they shouldent bottom out or have tensil slap/snap. you wont have any problems reaching xmax!! hahahhaaa
  2. RustyWCA

    1990 crx i need help

    keep the ports rear firing, the subs firing up, to the side or forward are all within tenths of each other. genrally forward is the loudest,
  3. RustyWCA

    Patience is not a virtue i'm blessed with

  4. RustyWCA

    6th order bandpass for 2 lvl5 15s

    burps ya, but for daily 7K per sub??
  5. RustyWCA

    SBN Video

  6. ive seen that a couple times with RCA's
  7. RustyWCA

    SAZ-3000d sucks....

    NICE!!! Had me at first, i dont think ive ever seen anyone not like the sundown 3K
  8. RustyWCA

    lvl4 vs lvl4xl power wise

    I would do the XL then =]
  9. RustyWCA

    lvl4 vs lvl4xl power wise

    you doing burps or music format?
  10. RustyWCA

    DC Audio lvl4xl and sundown saz3000

    I love those ports you guys build
  11. RustyWCA

    dc audio hyundai santa fe

    Very Nice :bigclap:
  12. So we currently have a less than 1% failure rate on our subs BUT people have asked for it so here it is. The old way The NEW way. Were sewing these on ourselves so they are kinda time consuming, this is why they are only going to be on the LV4's, XL's and LV5's. Singles on the 4's and XL's and the 5's will get doubles and for the 5's
  13. So we had a special request from a customer for his girls car, 2 LV410s with LV5 coils and a House of Kolors paint job, its got a white lace for the DC with some ICE =]
  14. IF you are a current DB Drag memeber make sure you update your stats page to show DC Audio in the Team and Subwoofer sections of your page.
  15. YouTube - DC LVL 5 10 Some flex YouTube - DC LVL 5 10
  16. wheres the vids? LOL at trying to fit it in the box
  17. RustyWCA

    I cut two fingertips off today

  18. RustyWCA

    Quad Stacked Magnet

    I think DD has a old motor with 4 slugs
  19. RustyWCA

    TLine for 15" lvl 2.

    Nice!! I remeber those ones with the silver baskets
  20. So same set up as befor, 1 Amp 1 Stinger 1700 2 DC LV4XL10's --- i dident clamp it so i dont have a exact number, just guessing off the last set up and clamped power i say around 4700 watts but again i dident clamp it so thats just a guess
  21. RustyWCA

    Main differences b/t a LV4XL and LV5?

    chime chime .... there are more factors that go into a subs power handeling then just the coil, if I put a LV5 coil in a LV2 does it now handle 2000 watts. everything is takin into consideration when rating subs. motor, coils suspention, cone surround.
  22. RustyWCA

    projekt bry126 the rebirth

    hahahahaha NICE!!!!
  23. RustyWCA

    Happy Birthday!!!

    thanks everyone!!