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Everything posted by RustyWCA

  1. yes the motor is bigger than the cut out =]
  2. RustyWCA

    DC Lvl 5 10 Testing for Limits

    Lanzars not doin it for you huh?
  3. RustyWCA

    DC LVL 5 10's

    thors hammer is a leading expert in Lv510's
  4. RustyWCA

    level 4 xl 12 or 15's

    the 15s in the right box will be louder than the 12s but the 12s in the right box vs the 15s in the wrong box the 12s will beat out the 15s
  5. RustyWCA

    Level 5 18"

    5-8 cubes with 15 si of port per cubic foot of box =]
  6. building possibly your next set of subs =]

  7. building possibly your next set of subs =]

  8. building possibly your next set of subs =]

  9. RustyWCA

    Dc Level 5?

    sub will do great with 2400 watts
  10. RustyWCA

    would a sundown 2000d be enough?

    heres the issue you will run into, it does not really matter how big your battery is if that amp drains it faster then the alt can charge it, it is just a matter of time befor you have a voltage issue.
  11. RustyWCA

    would a sundown 2000d be enough?

    ya that amp will work out great
  12. RustyWCA

    I missed my level 4

    =] So you sold it and now are going to get it back? NICE!!!!
  13. RustyWCA

    DC Audio Lvl 4 12"??

    Box looks great, i would build that
  14. RustyWCA

    DC Shaped Port Build + TL #s

    when all else fails MORE POWER
  15. RustyWCA

    dc level 4's

    ^^^ what he said =]
  16. RustyWCA

    new subs for the fall

    with a 2k amp i would get a set of LV4s instead of the LV3s
  17. RustyWCA

    Level 2 power question

    If you want room to upgrade then i would get the LV3s
  18. RustyWCA

    LVL 4 xl capable of 4000 watts?

    ^^ what he said
  19. RustyWCA

    Vid: Level 3 12s Beatin

    not bad for some little ol LV3s
  20. RustyWCA

    box for 10" level 4xl

    ^^^^ Knows all about 10 inch XLs in trucks =]
  21. RustyWCA

    box for 10" level 4xl

    The XL would work in that box and theres plenty of airspace, I would port it for sure
  22. looking good man cant wait to see them go in!!`
  23. RustyWCA


    im on it
  24. RustyWCA

    Dance of the Gator

  25. RustyWCA

    Patience is not a virtue i'm blessed with

    :bigclap: Glad they showed up and everything is all good!! well except the camera =]