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Everything posted by Laronzo

  1. Laronzo

    LI 12 - Best Bang for the Buck!

    May I ask what the T/S Specs are for the 12 and 15? Thanks, Larson
  2. Laronzo

    15" Havoc Replacement for TC-3K?

    You opened up the can my friend. Woofer size does not correlate to woofer speed or what notes it can or can't hit. It's all box dependent. I thought woofer speed was more an attribute of Le (or inductance of the voice coil), but I agree with your statement.
  3. Laronzo

    Break-in Spec. Change

    For as long as I've been in car audio (not long), sub break-in has been a topic I haven't had a clear answer in. My question is, what T/S parameters will change once the woofer has had adequate break-in time, that is if any change (this would make me think its a myth). I've heard that the Fs of the driver lowers because the spider(s) loosen up, and if that is true would it also affect Qms of the driver? The reason I ask this question is regarding the Maw 15, would the break-in of this woofer affect which enclosure to stick it in? I have been modeling this woofer in WinISD and the woofer looks optimal with a 32hz tuning instead of a 30hz tuning you guys suggest(this is with 3 cubes). Sorry for this very long, and probably useless question. Thank you, Larson