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Everything posted by QuestionMan

  1. QuestionMan

    Gains by ear

    I have an 18 Bl and Saz-1500d. There was a topic about this (not for sure if it was on this site actually), that i planned on referring to when it came down to installing, but i can't seem to find it anywhere. SO here's what i think im supposed to do, and if anyone could add/correct/verify this, please do. Set subsonic, LPf to where i plan to have them regularly. Set bass boost to zero, and gain to minimum. Get a sine test (60 hz? (would a loud 'music' cd work?)) and adjust the gains untill audible clipping occurs, and then back down a little. Doing all this with volume 3/4. Does that sound right? I'm 16, and this is my first setup (not system, because i cant afford mids highs yet ) and like i've said before, there's really no one for me to learn from where i live... my local shop wouldn't help (not that i'd really trust them anyways) because i didn't buy their Jl/mtx products, lol. Thanks to everyone that took the time to read this and reply, Mitch
  2. QuestionMan


    Damn. that's nice... on the finish.. where'd you get the dupont, and did you just use the paint or did you prime or anything else? Thanks for sharing the build
  3. QuestionMan

    Gains by ear

    Thanks for the replies, but one more thing. i think i remember seeing that i should set my EQs flat on the h/u. I don't really see why i would if that's not going to be how i actually listen to it, or is that wrong?
  4. QuestionMan

    Gas Prices, again...

    I love my 99 dodge 1500 5.2 V8.. even if it does get 12 mpg (on a good day, with me being easy on it). I'm 16 and i spend ( parents refuse to help out on gas lol) more than 60 a week on gas.. i love the v8. I guess thats what i get for living in southern indiana, but i might change when im out of college and have actual bills to pay other than gas .
  5. QuestionMan

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

  6. QuestionMan

    KnuKonceptz Cables

    I was going to order 10 gauge speaker wire for my bl 18, but do you guys think i should order 12 ga. from knukonceptz?
  7. QuestionMan

    Welcome to the IHoP

    X2 lmao
  8. QuestionMan

    FI.BL VS. FI.BTL!!!

    Four Threads? Dude... It doesn't matter how many subs and watts you have if your install is chitty. Thats one thing i've learned here.
  9. QuestionMan

    KnuKonceptz Cables

    I was going to make a topic today about knuconceptz, but since this is already here, does anyone know how they are with shipping? Does it come pretty quick or does it take awhile for them?
  10. QuestionMan

    pics of my kicks!!!

    Does having the sound coming from down by your feet make it sound much different then, say the 5.25 in the door and the tweeter in the A pillar?
  11. QuestionMan

    How would you brace this box?

    This may be somewhat of a thread-jack, but how do you take into account the change in port area (if i'm looking at the pictures right, it looks like it gets wider to more slim) when figuring tuning?
  12. Your bada$$ may be (actually, probably 100%) different from what the users who know enough to reply to this are going to say. I'm just going to go ahead and warn you what theyre thinking, and that's that they have no idea what your bada$$ is, and are going to ask you just that. And then they're going to ruin all your dreams by telling you that there is no 'best sub' because every person has different tastes, and every setup has so many variable, its impossible to determine one.
  13. QuestionMan

    4 15" death penalties and 4 sundown 3000Ds

    got baffle? nice scores and build
  14. QuestionMan

    Sub enclosure Ideas I have a pic

    From the pics it looks like you already have them in seperate chambers, so why are you asking? Edit: x3 on the program, what is it?
  15. QuestionMan


    I'll be running an saz-1500d on my stock 117 amp alternator. I just gave you that link as a reference, a voltage drop to 12.4 on 80 amps and a 1000 everstart isn't bad. I could be wrong, but i dont see a need for an alternator in your case (any input from anyone else?)
  16. QuestionMan


    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=7116 That's testing from jacobs car. quote from it: "1 ohm nominal = 1510 watts @ 78% efficiency (voltage fell from 14.3v, to 12.4 volts" That was with a stock (small, 85 amp) alternator, 1000 ca everstart battery, and one SAZ-1500d
  17. QuestionMan

    i wish our president had the balls to say this

    This is the first political person i've heard (or read) that sounded like an actual human being. The political people out today, its just like reading shakespeare.. i can read it, but i dont really care or understand.
  18. QuestionMan

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    lol thanks, i guess that could've been one thing i could find out for myself... haha thanks to the people that replied to this, Mitch
  19. QuestionMan

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    So if the SS is set at 30 hz, the sub will still play below that, only with less power? Now that i know that, anyone know the ssf slope on a saz-1500?
  20. QuestionMan

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    Sorry, yeah i mean't damaged. Then what's the point in tuning if the sub will play well below that point. (I'm not contradicting, trust me i'm in no place to contradict people on this forum )
  21. QuestionMan

    How does a sub play 10 hz when..

    Thanks, i understand the concept of boxes, but dont really understand (just know) that they constrict the sub to certain frequencies. How does a sub play 10hz without getting screwed every single time? I guess i need to learn more about how a boxes role plays before i understand this haha.
  22. QuestionMan

    Calculating Port Length??

    I'm bringing this back only because i'm not sure of something haha. Please click on the link and look at the picture in the main post, and look at the red line. Is that the correct way to do it, and THEN add the correction factor? or do i just calculate the physcial length of the port (which would be 13.25 if i did that) and then add end correction? don't want to have my box finished and find out its tuned to 40 hz haha.
  23. QuestionMan

    Calculating Port Length??

    Dont think it worked, so go to http://s294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/MV...=Portlength.jpg. The red line is the right way of calculating port length, right? When i calculate it, i get 18.5" total port length, but when the RE Enclosure calculator does it, it gets 19.625. It can't get the double baffle, so shouldn't the RE calculator come up with 17.75" of port length? I just want to make sure that i'm right or that i'm wrong, 'cause i dont see how it could be that far off.
  24. QuestionMan

    Remote and bassboost on 1500

    From what i've read, bass boost only sends an ugly, distorted signal to the sub. So should bass boost be set to zero, and only use the wired gain remote? Also, when using the gain remote, does it override the settings you have on the actual amp (the Gain knob on the amp)? Also, bass should be set to zero on the head unit, correct? Edit: Talking about the Saz-1500d here
  25. QuestionMan

    Remote and bassboost on 1500

    Thanks a lot, i wasn't sure how clear i made that question Edit: Didn't want to post again, but to anyone reading, what about the question about having bass set to 0 on head unit?