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Lee Carter

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Everything posted by Lee Carter

  1. Lee Carter

    01 'Zuk vs 18" xcon

    MAN!!! I pulled the Xcon and sent it off today to it's next owner in CA. I didn't intend to sell it- but I was made an offer I couldn't refuse.LOL So the Death row is slightly larger....bought me a palm router...enlarged the baffle hole slightly...dropped in the Incriminator. Taking my boys back to their moms tonight, and the sub sounds pretty dang good. Fast forward to being almost back home, and I am pounding it a bit(know better, but dang it was sounding awesome). Get a red light and tirn it sound, and wait...whats that springy sound?? Nooooo way. Pull to a well lit area, sub way down low- just a scratching. a press on the cone...yep, blown, bigger than day. First sub I ever blown. That's what I get for not listening to the 'let them break in' warning.LOL Not sure what I'ma do now....Recone? never done that before, I sure did like the way it sounded though.
  2. Lee Carter

    death row

    The new line hasn't been out long....But, the store is correct when I view it...Just went to look.
  3. Lee Carter

    World Finals 2013 Huntsville, AL

    Makes me sick, now that I missed it...
  4. Lee Carter

    Happy Birthday W140!!!

    what they all said....
  5. Lee Carter

    Routing ? for XCON flush mount

    I can say that the rubber gasket for my 18 was exactly 3/4 " I cut my inner for the woofer to mount too, and the outer baffle to the OD, and the gasket is flush with the outer baffle. I am sure the 12 rubber gasket is the same thickness.
  6. Lee Carter

    New Evil Ad. Christina Mirra.

    Saw it on F/B...Hell yeah!
  7. Lee Carter

    IA box recommendation

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/28822-ia-recommended-enclosure-sizing/ IA's thread for box recomendations.
  8. ^^^ LOL. I bet that is rediculous!!!(in a good way that is)
  9. Lee Carter

    Pictures of your new equipment

    Dang.LOL Looks like a baby elephant hiding under its mother.
  10. Ahh a F-body Brothren...you running Subthump boxes?
  11. Lee Carter

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    oop...wasn't referring to me...I was never here...
  12. Lee Carter

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That coffe house prank- I'd have been gone whe the tables moved.LOL
  13. Lee Carter

    Would like help with a box design for a 15" Sp4.

    Sorry- I got sidetracked...this is what I got... 4.1 cf after displacements(sub and port), 32 hz 35x16x20 Cut List- 2- 35x19.25 top/bottom 1- 35x14.5 back 1- 28.25x14.5 port 1- 1.75x14.5 port 1- 18.5x14.5 Left side 1- 14x14.5 Right side 1- 33.5x14.5 inside baffle 1- 35x16 outside baffle
  14. Lee Carter

    2 Fi btl triple stack 18s .7

    don't know how missed these either..Sexy subs!
  15. Lee Carter

    WTB xcon 18 daul 1

    it says 39 for shipping when I look at it... I was just throwing it out there, since it was close to your budget.
  16. Lee Carter

    WTB xcon 18 daul 1

    http://www.ebay.com/itm/18-inch-car-audio-ICON-subwoofer-/111189933975?pt=Car_Subwoofers_Enclosures&hash=item19e36fbf97 not mine- but saw this Icon on ebay- 340 shipped with no bids...ends tonight.
  17. Lee Carter

    (4) 12" Ported Enclosure

    I burned it. Are you serious- I bet that sucked to do. That's ok tho- you're currect build is bad ass too.
  18. Lee Carter

    WTB xcon 18 daul 1

    Nah- it is used...sounds great sending you a PM...
  19. Lee Carter

    WTB xcon 18 daul 1

    what is your is your ballpark? I have a Xcon dual 1 I might be persuaded to part with, was going to run 2 in my burb, but now thinking differently. Bet shipping would suck though.
  20. Lee Carter

    (4) 12" Ported Enclosure

    I hope they made use of the hard work you put into it.
  21. Lee Carter

    (4) 12" Ported Enclosure

    Did this ever get completed? Just curious, would love to see the finished product.
  22. Lee Carter

    LAY A WAY for Christmas/New Year

    Just leaves extra room for another 15. HA- I was editing my post- when you posted the same thing. I was figuring out ohm loads.
  23. Lee Carter

    LAY A WAY for Christmas/New Year

    MAN! If only the 18's were out! Edit- gues I could do 3 15's...hmmm.
  24. ^^It's true.LOL Surprised he doesn't tote it on his person in a holster.
  25. Lee Carter

    Would like help with a box design for a 15" Sp4.

    What tuning are you looking for? I am guessing you are looking for a ported design... If I am slow today- Wednesdays usually are- i may can whip up a simple slot box design