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About TerryS1980

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  1. TerryS1980

    Sub Porn

    I dont know is this one was up here, but this is 9515DD http://www.realmofexcursion.com/videos/Dig...igns/9515.3.wmv
  2. TerryS1980

    port questions

    The 75 sq in is per sub and thats what DD says on the website. So your saying 100 sq in port per sub and make a plug for each port about 37.5? I also thought about going with 3 round 6" or 8 " ports and plug one for daily.
  3. TerryS1980

    port questions

    I have 2 9515 DD's and I am building a new box. I need 75 square inches of port area. The square port I was going to use is 5 x 15 and is suppose to be 13.75 long. Do I measure the port from the front of the wood or the back? Also how far should my port be from the back of the box? I was thinking I might have to turn the port to get the length I need. The box inside measurement is 16" so the only would give me 2.25 inches from the back of the wood and 3.75 from the front.
  4. I was interested in daisy chaining a pair of XS100's for each 9515. I am not too sure of how to go about doing this.
  5. TerryS1980

    1 dd 9515 vs 2 a-bahn immortal 12's for daily

    I fit a Stroker and a 5 cubic foot box in a 1992 Eclipse.
  6. TerryS1980

    Cerwin Vega Stroker PRO

    It looks like there is a spider on top on this one too. Its just under the the see-through dustcap.