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Everything posted by Sgaynor1

  1. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    alright, im going to get one BTL and port it...i think that will be a good move up from the two 12s i have now...
  2. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    would you put a 12 in a sealed box to enhance sq and then put the same sub in a ported box to enhance spl? because thats what the enclosures do...just makin sure were on the same logic trail. im not tryin to be jack-assedly stubborn here, and i am def. takin all the advice seriously...
  3. Sgaynor1

    Mono 2ch 4ch

    Comments on two hifonics BXi 2006D?
  4. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    Not at all what this poster wants. He just wants loud. I would guess that the OP coudn't tell the difference between 40hz and 60hz and will be fine with a one note wonder. Just get the damn BTL's, port them, and continue to pretend they have good SQ and be happy. actually its exactly what i want and yes i do konw the difference between a high note and a low note...but thanks for the checkup i guess... and the manufacturer calls for a ported box on the assumption the buyer wants an spl sub...and i know for a fact no one has ever put every sub theyve had in a manuf. sugg. box...if they did, there would be no such thing as a custom enclosure, or am i mistakin when thinkin a custom box is fabricated to meet the unique 'custom' desires of the buyer ...who knows...but theres alot of doubt in this and i love provin folks wrong so maybe i will maybe i wont lol...who knows... and as far as a fart box goes...i was under the impression that the fart/burp was the sound that is generated from the sub in a db drag...not that it refered to the trunk rattle...i could care less if my trunk rattles i mean hell its gunna have 4000kw throwin sound right at it, as long as it sounds good in my car, im fine. and i listen to southern rap which hits alot of pitches despite popular belief, rock, a lotta country, neo soul and r&b...pretty ecclectic in my music choices...
  5. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    did you find the set up for it?!?!
  6. Sgaynor1

    subs got jacked....

    sounds like you need one of those armored bank trucks...or a pomeranian lol...those lil bastards get pretty vicious when you walk by the window lol the other day when i was setting my alarm...i musta accidently popped my trunk which is on a loaded spring so it swings all the way up...and i didnt know i had done that until the next morning...scariest 2.5 seconds ive had in a while...2 12s PG titanium 1200.1 amp PG by 9s PG cap and a custom box....
  7. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    what do you mean by that?
  8. Sgaynor1

    Mono 2ch 4ch

    thanks for the suggestion bigjon...but i dont think the t15kW puts out enough power HAHA...and i guess the lanzar idea is out the window...how can they claim its ratings to be so much higher then they are?
  9. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    i live in the Sacramento area...NOR*CAL...and like i said...if i cant make the BTLs fit my expectations...ill get another car and build a SPL enclosure and compete lol...changed my mind about sellin them...but then ill pick up some BLs...im not ready to go as soft as the Qs. maybe when i get older...but i doubt it lol...but i will definitely not be in a rollin fart box with random music squeeks tossed in...
  10. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    well, when i set up a system its the whole shabang, mids, highs the works...so yea, i want my bass to be loud to suppliment my rambunctious mids and obnoxious highs...but i dont want it soundin like those guys that have fart boxes ridin around town thinkin theyre hot chit trying to play music...i want the full range of bass...loud lol...kinda get where im comin from now?
  11. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    yea, the specs call for a ported box, but everyone wants everything in a ported box box...not i said the cat...but yea...im most def. gunna try...and if it doesnt work out. folks can start putting in preliminary bids on a set of BTLs lol or a trade for some BLs or Qs 12s only...i hate the way 15s sound in a car, SQ is near imposible...
  12. Sgaynor1

    ignore this

    Sorry...ignore this
  13. Sgaynor1

    Mono 2ch 4ch

    How are lanzar amps? the MXA282 4000 x 2...definitely a budgtet amp...but will i be replacing it every other weekend?
  14. Sgaynor1

    subs got jacked....

    so violent lol, i aint shootin unless theyre in my house...unless your car is worth $80k+ and your system hits $6k+ a $2k alarm set off is a bit WAY to much...you can pay an extra 25 a month on your car insurance and have it fully covered lol...
  15. Sgaynor1

    Mono 2ch 4ch

    sounds like im making a big step in this project...which may take some time...i guess i didnt realize how big a deal a 3kw system is...i know imma end up with 'budget' amps until i can afford the SAZ...anyone got a used one lying around? =D lol
  16. Sgaynor1

    So i got my woofers now what?

    SQ BABY!!!
  17. Sgaynor1

    Mono 2ch 4ch

    ok im just gunna ask...what is a good amp, that isnt gunna drain my college savings account lol...
  18. Sgaynor1

    Mono 2ch 4ch

    Yea i pried that saz 3000-D annnndddd...i think imma leave my arms legs an left nut where they are...and not sell them...and look at something more like the hifonics amps...
  19. Sgaynor1

    Impossible for a 10 to hit the lows

    im always up for a story
  20. Hey so im about to start my latest project now that i have the money to play with, i just wont be eating until my system is in which is ok, but i am lookin at 2 Btl 12s bout 1500w a peice, so im going to need an alt. right? problem is im having a hard time finding one to fit my car...if anyone can help...and i already have a yellowtop bat. should i get another?
  21. Sgaynor1

    HO Alternator for a 93 buick regal 3.8L

    ok 2 things run in my head........ no audiobuhn secondly.... i dont think you have airspace in that trunk for 2 btl... or 2 bls. o yeah... and hifonics has done be dirty many times. your gonna need more yellow tops for a sundown 3000 or a hifonics yea...believe it or not everyone is always amazed when i tell them that much sound somes from two 12s and then when they see they are some audiobahns...they dont believe it...as theyre watchin the purple letters pulsate haha, and as far as air space i have 15.6 cu.ft. to play with...i thank that should be enough. no?
  22. What are everyones thoughts and personal experience opinions to these comparisons..
  23. Sgaynor1

    HO Alternator for a 93 buick regal 3.8L

    i was also looking at the Hifoniks XXV, this is my first build im doin on my own, i usually let someone else do it because of time constraints i had, but my new job allows me to to actually get in and do it and become that much closer to my baby...tear...ha but anyway this place looks like a great place to learn the ins and outs...so for the BTLs you think i need more power...im getting a 200 amp alt. and another yellowtop and i already have a PG 1200t
  24. Sgaynor1

    HO Alternator for a 93 buick regal 3.8L

    Would a SAZ-3000D be good for this application