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Everything posted by Sgaynor1

  1. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    Im really attracted to how loud this sub can get...but ive heard it an have some pretty imprssive SQ...qualities...i know about the BL Q and SSD but those just dont seem like they will get loud enough for me...so...BTL 12s in a big ass sealed box...think it might work?
  2. so when yaw say high Fs...you mean?
  3. Sgaynor1

    Do you think???

    i wanna buy one of these things just to see how bad it really is.
  4. Sgaynor1

    ssa icon 15's

    this sounds yummy
  5. Sgaynor1

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Anything by lil jon(ESPECIALLY Da blow) TI- 24s TI- stand up Shop Boyz- party like a rockstar Nelly- Grills Young dro- Jackie Chan Young Dro- shoulder lean USDA - White Girl (remix) Fabo- Geeked up Lil wayne- walk it out Gucci Mane- freaky girl lil wayne and some other unimportant niggas- Diamonds on my damn chain Pitbull- Damnit man Shawty lo- Watch her do it 36 Mafia...nuff said project pat...also self explanatory
  6. i need fairly reasonable amp(s) to power these two drivers, also how many yellow tops would be good for this application if im using a 200 amp alt? if its not two much trouble can someone break the channel thing down for me as far as when you would use what type of amp..
  7. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    Sounds tricky...or is there like a template to the size of the port depending on the cuft of the box...eg...a 2.3 cuft. box containing 1 12 would get a 2x4x6" port for 33hz...those number came out of my ass but do you get what im asking?
  8. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    so im assuming the tuning has to do with the size depth of the port?
  9. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    K so heres my R-tard question of the hour haha...when yaw say you tune your whatever to whatever Hz are you talkin about the amp or the box...before you ram it up there, atleast give me a little lubrication...and a little respect in the morning LOL
  10. Sgaynor1

    Help me out with picking a set-up

    How does a 18 sound in a car?! ive never heard that before...arent the notes too long?
  11. What does what better then the other and which should i use for a 1500kW set up and a 3000kW set up? thanks
  12. when i get my second BTL should i add a yellow top or another batcap 800??
  13. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    I cant wait to get started on this...oh im gunna build a ported box this weekend for my ABs haha just for chits and giggles lol...
  14. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    its a pair of alpine SWR-1542Ds
  15. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    so if i ported 2 BTL 12s it would just be stupid loud huh...lol...and you really think the 1 12 would thump over two 15s?
  16. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    Lay it on me cap'n
  17. Can you incorporate both into your system...like have the D31 for longevity and the batcap for those instances where i want to randomly play really loud...does that make since?
  18. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    I want a loud system that doesnt sound like chit i want to be able to hear my highs and mids, thats my main thing...i have a lot of buddys who just throw 2 15s in their trunk and just think they got it all, but when they turn on their music you hear booom booom faint squeek of a lyric....BOOOM....i would really love to avoid this...
  19. D31A yellow top 8012-021 yellow top, 800 batcap
  20. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    Maybe yaw missed it...but i did say that i am goin to port 1 btl 12...so...you can stop advising me against it...the horse is dead and rotting...put the stick down...
  21. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    i have some videos of my subs imma put up, lol not too shabby for what they are haha...and yea, imma listen to the Fi guy ultimately, but my curiousity wont let me not alteast build a sealed box and see what it sounds like lol...and why BTLs...cause there the first sub i decided to try...kinda a kick off to my life of loud
  22. Sgaynor1

    Fi BTLs for SQ?!?!

    Not at all what this poster wants. He just wants loud. I would guess that the OP coudn't tell the difference between 40hz and 60hz and will be fine with a one note wonder. Just get the damn BTL's, port them, and continue to pretend they have good SQ and be happy. actually its exactly what i want and yes i do konw the difference between a high note and a low note...but thanks for the checkup i guess... Umm, no. You don't understand the term SQ otherwise you wouldn't be using it in this context. If you think I am wrong perhaps you could explain your magical front stage that is going to blend well with a high powered BTL in a ported box. By SQ you mean, doesn't sound like ass not SQ. Maybe i have the wrong impression of the term, either way, you dont have to be a douche about it...maybe im not looking for "SQ" maybe im just wanting good tight bass...which is a quality charactaristic so...back off bruh...if you have anything constructive without the douchey undertone...im all ears