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Everything posted by RF-ChipmunK

  1. RF-ChipmunK

    SSA XCON 15 & Audioque AQ-2200 AMP For Sale

    So not splitting up at all and not shipping either? Interested in amp.
  2. RF-ChipmunK

    how can i get louder

    ^^^cant bring myself to understand how to build port like that. But that's just me.
  3. RF-ChipmunK

    99 Ford Ranger - Fi, RF, XS, SHCA, KNU, 32hz!

    http://i654.photobucket.com/albums/uu269/Chipmunk4905/1E5300BD-C0A6-4ABF-833A-3C0050FA40A9-1606-000002CEBF02166E.mp4 Little shirt trick
  4. RF-ChipmunK

    wtb mono ~1k+ @ 1ohm

    There is a pic.
  5. RF-ChipmunK

    wtb mono ~1k+ @ 1ohm

    Have a memphis mc 1100.1 new style 225 shipped.
  6. Interested in purchasing maybe a Diehard batt, or ur xs but u said its in your new car, will you take it out?
  7. Is the 3400 $200 plus shipping as well as the Die Hards?
  8. RF-ChipmunK

    favorite brand names

    Rockford fanatic for ten years but, I also like Jvc/Kenwood, Pioneer head units, never had a Alpine so idk. Fi Soundqubed/AQ Memphis Sundown Xs power
  9. RF-ChipmunK

    BL experts help?

    If my math is right your at about 14.75 or so square inches of port per cubic foot. So it's not too much, I think not enough. I'm thinking about 11 cubes with around 175-180 sq inches of port.
  10. RF-ChipmunK

    BL experts help?

    Post dimensions so I can see what u working with.
  11. RF-ChipmunK

    99 Ford Ranger - Fi, RF, XS, SHCA, KNU, 32hz!

    Thanks guys. Will have a video up soon.
  12. RF-ChipmunK

    99 Ford Ranger - Fi, RF, XS, SHCA, KNU, 32hz!

    I have to ask about your flooring. Is that broken terracotta in epoxy? I don't know man. Not sure what that is. Just looks like brick and grout to me. Not trying to be smart just don't know about stuff like that.
  13. RF-ChipmunK

    99 Ford Ranger - Fi, RF, XS, SHCA, KNU, 32hz!

    Thanks man. First time showing one of my systems on the net.
  14. RF-ChipmunK

    99 Ford Ranger - Fi, RF, XS, SHCA, KNU, 32hz!

    Low!!!!!!! Anything above like 40hz is pretty quiet but it moves some air to be less than 2k.
  15. RF-ChipmunK

    99 Ford Ranger - Fi, RF, XS, SHCA, KNU, 32hz!

    Now here's what makes it worth the while. ^^Fi FTMFW!!!!! ^^Carbon Fiber Dust Cap ^^Size Comparison ^^All wired and ready to go. I was so damn excited I forgot to take a pic of the bottom of the magnet where the Fi sticker is. I have an older BL but it doesn't have the sticker. Damn.....FML. ^^ And BAM. There ya go. Stuffed in there and can still sit comfortably. Only other plans are to carpet box and put in my amp rack. May add a battery under the seat. ^^ And a pic of the truck. Let me know what you guys think. -Chipmunk
  16. RF-ChipmunK

    99 Ford Ranger - Fi, RF, XS, SHCA, KNU, 32hz!

    On to the electrical part. ^^Fuse holders, heat shrink, ring terminals etc. some of this is for my Dodge. ^^Speaker wires, SHCA and Knu. Subwoofer and door speakers respectively. The Sky High wire will also be installed when I get off my lazy ass and put in the carpeted amp rack. ^^Knu 1/0 ^^XS Power S3400 and modified battery tray. ^^Big 3. ^^Alternator run. Fuse holder is on a bracket. It's not just laying there. ^^CEAuto Electric Supply and KNU ninja shot. ^^Batt terminals. Yes I know they are backwards. ^^Sky High Car Audio, Knu and Big 3. ^^I have a 1/0 + and - run to under the seat to these distro blocks. Again Knu 4 awg.
  17. RF-ChipmunK

    99 Ford Ranger - Fi, RF, XS, SHCA, KNU, 32hz!

    Now, MOAR pics. ^^Stinger Voltmeter. Probably wont but another one of these. Had to much bad luck with the numbers going out. I wanna try SMD's voltmeter in my Charger. ^^Mustang Dome Light. ^^Pioneer HU Alright, on to the box build. Running 1 Fi BL 12, brand new style. In 2.5 cubes after all displacement at 31-32 hz. ^^Test fitting my cuts. ^^All done. What ya think?
  18. RF-ChipmunK

    Can't decide, SSD12 or 15.

    8 awg is fine for the sub but I think you should step up to 4 or even 2 awg for power and grounds.
  19. RF-ChipmunK

    Bass question?

    ^Haha good one.
  20. RF-ChipmunK

    box build

    I have charger r/t which should be same trunk. Saw guy on YouTube with 3 sa's don't know if 10s or 12s. My box is 16"h and 28" deep. I have one 15 though. Do you have a newer 300 and your trunk won't allow 16"h?
  21. RF-ChipmunK

    Fi Q 12 shipment

    Email [email protected] Copy and paste. Wait for a response.
  22. RF-ChipmunK

    Your order # and when shipped

    ^^^^yours should go soon I was 1871 and got tracking info from FedEx today. W00t!!!
  23. RF-ChipmunK

    sp4 dust cap

    That looks sweet. I can't wait.
  24. RF-ChipmunK

    sp4 dust cap

    Wait I got a BL. CF might be standard for SP4.