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Everything posted by Killerzracing71

  1. Killerzracing71

    where can i find a Bumper for a dodge van

    If you haven't realized by now, just about everything is quite a bit cheaper on the internet. You don't have to deal with all the middlemen which is why it's so much cheaper. When you buy locally, they have to pay all the people that work for them, on top of the cost of the bumper and the shipping for the bumper, so they need to mark it up (sometimes as high as 50%). If you're getting around the same price quotes from two different companies, then I would say $275 is right around the actual cost of the bumper when you cut out the middleman. cool thanks ive never bought car parts over the net we are old school when it comes to cars thanks guess ill order from them
  2. Killerzracing71


    well idid my first post a while back i didnt relize it was my first but whats up I love the forum its a cool enviroment like how its setup
  3. Killerzracing71

    4 Mj 18s in My Caprice wagon

    http://www.subwoofertools.com/forum/ported...mp;Fs=&CE=0 Update for the MJ 18s 18 cubes 28hz 157 SQ" port but from what some guys say thats not enough port 200 would be suffiecent HEres my Torino with the TSX
  4. Killerzracing71

    4 Mj 18s in My Caprice wagon

    Yeah thats what i thought i was gonna do but I think im going to do it the easy way sub up port back i have 21"s to work with but will just 19" clearance be enough for thoses subs Matter fact Dietz....... i will Pm you http://www.subwoofertools.com/forum/ported...;Xmax=13&Vd =.1&NumW=3&Vb=18&Fb=28&Qts=&Vas=&Fs=&CE=0 here my newest design 19" tall 16 cubes
  5. Killerzracing71

    4 Mj 18s in My Caprice wagon

    Well I like to make Ppls jaw drop and i want go low real low I had a Treo TSX in my 71 Torino I loved that till my TSX blew an my Torino took a dive too Search for it on youtube cant post a link im at work right now I have RF T1000 BD unfortunetly I want to Eventually get an AQ 2200 later on But im set on 4 of them MJ 18s im def going to get them Got a great deal on them and thanks for the welcom i didnt relize this was my first post LOL