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Everything posted by NDMstang65

  1. NDMstang65

    L7 and 18" BTL mix.

    No. Do not do it...it would be absolutely pointless. Every woofer has a different frequency response curve...and will result in very weird sounds and cancellation. -Nick
  2. NDMstang65

    question about a blowthrough

    It will work fine, you won't notice any differences...audibly at least. Thanks! -Nick
  3. NDMstang65

    need info on RE audio

    We have nothing to do with RE. It was formerly owned by Scott..and that's where it stops...what they are doing now is their own venture, it has zero to do with us.
  4. NDMstang65

    Idiot here poked a hole through the rubber surround.

    It's not a 'rubber fix' it would be an entire drop in recone assembly. You would either have to ship the sub into us or we could send a recone kit out to you. The standard SSD kit is $65, if you went with a flatwound coil it would be an additional $20, If you went with a copper coil the recone kit would be $70 If you have the BP Power option the recone kit would be an additional $10 Plus shipping (if the kit is sent to you figure ~12-15 dollars depending on your loccation) Otherwise the silicone should last fine, it just isn't going to be pretty. If money is an issue then I would probably leave it alone until it completely breaks... Thanks! -Nick
  5. NDMstang65

    Sent a sub in to be reconed over a year ago...

    Yeah man, it's done..kind of.. We just can't find a dustcap to cover the hole back up in the cone.. Scott said that he had tried to contact you probably 4 months ago and see what you wanted to do but never heard anything back... Let us know.. It works..there's just no way to cover the ugly gaping hole in the front of the cone...
  6. NDMstang65

    Email delays..

    Hi Can i please have a copy of the BL 12' specs..webbie is down.. Need to start buying wood hope you guys arnt part of the storm struck area's Shouldn't really need them, just follow our enclosure guidelines in the sticky section above. http://www.bladeice.com/blseries.php There's the parameters!
  7. NDMstang65

    How much

    I already emailed you back I believe. Let me know if i didn't! Thanks! -Nick
  8. NDMstang65

    btl question

    What coil did you have? Is it the new BTL?
  9. NDMstang65

    Build Pics please

    Sorry man not going to happen.
  10. NDMstang65

    dual 1 or 2

    Dual 2 and wire in parallel. Thanks! -Nick
  11. NDMstang65

    Hi-Res Fi Image?

    You should have it now.. Thanks! -Nick
  12. NDMstang65

    BL 10 enclosure.

    I don't have any drawn up and I don't have time to draw one up for you right now... About the only thing I could suggest is shoot for ~1 cube ported after displacement and say 15sq inches of port, or a simple 3" aero port say ~12" long would work ok. Just re-check the length on it as I am totally going by instinct on that one with respect to tuning frequency.
  13. NDMstang65

    Looking into a 15 fi btl

    We pulled them off of the site due to being out of magnets... We'd rather not have anybody order them and we have their money and them not have the Subwoofer(s) in a timely manner. Thanks! -Nick
  14. NDMstang65

    AA website

    It's in the process...just takes time
  15. NDMstang65

    Reconkit for New BTL 18d2 full loaded

    Email me with your name address and location (assuming that you are not within the US) and i'll get you taken care of asap. Thanks! -Nick Nick " at " ficaraudio.com
  16. NDMstang65

    Email delays..

    Haven't heard anything out of you?
  17. NDMstang65

    fi btl 15" subs

    Email Am Singh as he is our distributor for the UK and Europe Sales 'at' bladeice.com Thanks! -Nick
  18. NDMstang65

    Not going to be around much

    Bumping this up..hit a few of the high points. Again, if it is important PLEASE email me. Thanks! -Nick
  19. NDMstang65

    Not going to be around much

    As of late I have no time for the forum right now between my research job and school and tons of other things going on I simply no longer have time for this. Many other things are needing my attention and the forum has to take a back burner for me for a while. I'll be around periodically, but don't expect a quick reply to anything from me...I am not picking posts to go through or holding bias to anybody by replying to a thread here and there, i'll have a minute here and there and reply to and that's going to be the extent of it. Sorry if you feel that it is not fair... The best bet is to email me and I can help through there more efficiently, other then that pretty much every answer to any question is already posted here or in the technical section. Feel free to email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Nick " at " ficaraudio.com Thanks -Nick
  20. NDMstang65

    Looking into a 15 fi btl

    Your looking at a very expensive electrical system, 1/0 wire, HO alternators, big ported box, added weight to the vehicle, expensive amplifier...etc etc. I'd suggest that you not go with a BTL and look into the other lines as you probably don't want to spend all of that money on everything that goes along with running the big subs. Thanks! -Nick
  21. NDMstang65

    BTL Ordering Backlog

    Sorry we uphold our QC specifications like none other. There are many companies out there that will let things fly, it has to be within our specifications or it simply will not go out the door. Because of this it does cause delays from time to time, however it is worth it from a consumer standpoint. You don't have to worry that you are getting a product that is not up to snuff . Thanks! -Nick
  22. NDMstang65

    canadian orders....

    That's what shipping would normally be throught he postal service..we already include shipping with our subs..so we credit them..
  23. NDMstang65

    Crossfire XT recone

    Redline..you either had a dirty gap or you didn't center the coil right is the only thing that will cause scratchyness... Need your email address or get it to Scott..we'll scan the label that we mailed to you again and you can print it out and slap it on the box. Please email me asap. Thanks -Nick
  24. NDMstang65

    MT Recone

    Ok.. Sorry, i don't sit here all the time..pop in once and a while when i have a minute and that's that...searched through my inbox and never got an email from you..
  25. NDMstang65

    New to Subwoofers

    Dual 1's wire to 1ohm as well...series/parallel.